From South Africa | AfriForum | March Against White Farm Murders
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From South Africa | AfriForum | March Against White Farm Murders
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Afrikaners burned the South African flag outside Delmas law courts today – protesting against their own genocide – demanded their own Afrikaner council to rule only themselves, and proclaimed : “We are finished with black South Africa”. On the same day when a group of peaceful Afrikaner protestors burned the South African flag outside the Delmas magistrate’s court, declaring they have no faith in the Zuma-government to protect their small minority-nation – in Brussels a Dutch MP also said it ‘was ‘absurd to give even one Euro to the corrupt and discriminatory ANC-regime in South Africa, seeing its present attitude …
André (Brood) vd Merwe, 49, shot 3 times, was dragged 1,2km behind his bakkie before his murderers crashed it, with the Afrikaner still chained to it. And since he left a thick blood-trail to follow, the farmer may still have been alive while being dragged. The amiable, single man, who also worked at Swarico Auctions and was well known in the community, was also shot in the back of the head, in the chest and in the cheek. The black-racist murder occurred on his farm about 10 km outside town on the Lichtenburg road. And because three of the attackers …