Tag: Afrikaner/Boer genocide

The Black Tide And The Dark Flood Are Upon Us

From Building a Whiter Brighter World, by Ben Klassen

Racial Loyalty Issue 28 – September 1985

The Jewish goal is to drive all the Whites out of Africa, and finally from the planet earth. When I wrote Nature’s Eternal Religion back in 1971 and ’72, I predicted that the foolish racial policies of both Rhodesia and the Republic of South Africa would culminate in the self-destruction of both of these two flourishing countries in Africa, two countries that were founded by sturdy White pioneers of over a century ago.

Today, Rhodesia is no more. It has been replaced by …

The Great South African Land Scandal

The Great South African Land Scandal

Incisive book on how the ruling Marxist, racist ANC regime is engineering famine in South Africa. Dr Du Toit describes how the ANC commits systematic genocide against White farmers to steal their land. Absolute power flows not only from the barrel of a gun, but also from the hand which holds the food. Stalin starved 11 Million Ukrainians in 1933, Pol Pot 2 Million in 1975. Mugabe in 2000- is South Africa next? Read and decide for yourself


This book cried out to be written. Stories about the collapse of farms handed over to emerging farmers under the government’s …