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Messages - Jimbo

According to "Rounder" on VNN (Swamp Fox here), the kidnappers (Child Snatchers....Child Protection Services) just took two of the (youngest) kids off Mrs Dutton.

here's a link to a review of Cl/Orng on the White Nations forum....well, actually, the review was, apparently, written some time ago by "Yggdrasil" (is he still around?)....

i got a laff from his description of the US tennis match/clay courts/Indiannopolis (some-time in the late 1970s?) where some effin' fag/tranny (Renee Raskind?......jew[?]) was actually entered into the women's tennis singles comp'........ (used to play a bit of tennis me-self back in the day, eh?)

apparenlty, Yggdrasil was gunna jump down off the stands and punch on with this "thing"....Renee Raskind.......[RasKIKE?].....but his missus pulled him up.....uh.....maybe he should'v "bitch slapped" the missus first, eh? could get away with it "back in the day", eh? 


*edit*..........the trans-sexual/shemale freak's name was "Renee Richards, nee Dr  Richard Raskind" :o .......according to the Ygg....(s)/he/it was playing Chris Evert; i vaguely remember Chris Evert from abt that time period....viz: l8 1970s.....used to watch her on the telly as a kid...well.....teen-ager.....from memory, she was a hell of a looker :) ......ermmm.....yeh!!....can't recall this Raskike ratbag though....although the name sounds family were all deed keen tennis players/ Ygg's of the best reviews of Cl/Orng that i'v ever read.......well worth a 'read', despite its length.......

Edit: Video removed from source.
just another reason wtf 0zz's crazy gun laws (where 'self-defence' is not a legit' reason to have a s/lc) must be changed and changed FAST!! wonders WTF crime the cops would arrest these pricks for, eh?

maybe not even 'murder'...... :o

all these black bstrds have to do is yell 'racism' and they're given a get-out-of-gaol-free card!

i couldn't really give a stuff wtf happened to this the title sez, this is, indeed, a cautionary tale!

wtf to do with these effin' feminist bitches/slags (and, make no mistake, there's heaps of these cnts!...especially over, say, 25-yrs of age!) is gunna be one of the major conundrums facing any new white home-land.....obviously....they can't be tolerated in their present mental state, if @ all!!

maybe ship 'em all to darkest Afreaka and let the knuckle-dragging nogz sort 'em out.....uh.....ha ha ha....that's if the nogz would put up with them for more than a day....maybe they'll just chop the bitches up, cook 'em (in one of those big, black pots they used to cook 'missionaries' in!) and, then EAT 'em!

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