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Daniël Lötter | South Africa Today | 2 October 2014

Black South African: Stop the demonising of the white man in South Africa and own up to your responsibility towards the country!

Knowing oneself and admitting to your own shortcomings is in all probability the most challenging aspect of being human. To those of us with the inherent incapability of doing so, it is so much easier to distance ourselves from our shortcomings and blame it upon something or someone which operates out of our own sphere of influence.

In the most pathetic case of projection, we even take off the identity of the entity which we blame. It becomes a scenario of: "They" told me ... "People" says...and of course the very popular: "White people are..."

This is nothing new amongst nations. The absolutely dreadful situation of the German population after 1918 created a perfect environment for this. The nation lost it government, the promises of peace and prosperity at Versailles came to nothing, people lost their property, their jobs, their lives...they were unemployed, very very poor and with no hope. And somebody was to blame.

Now we should dispute the fact that the Jews of Europe had a thing or two to answer for, but Adolf Hitler managed to identify a minority of people who refused, for generations, to conform to German society and demonise them as the scapegoat. He used his "Mein Kampf" and his Nürmberg Laws and he made the Jews of Europe into a monster and he convinced the German people, and many others, that this monster had to be destroyed. Thabo Mbeki did exactly the same by branding the white person in this country as "settler".

This is no different from what Black South Africa is doing to white South Africa. Through the hatefilled propaganda of : "You stole our land! You made us into slaves! You keep us poor!" they demonise the white South African into some sort of monster.

Through legislation such as Black Economic Empowerment and Affirmative Action they effectively create a barrier blocking the white minority from active participation in the economic and social development of a country which the white man have inhabited, cultivated, developed and defended for 526 years, ever since Bartolomeus Dias planted his first padrao on the coastline of the southern tip of this continent.

Through portraying the white South African as a racist, inbred idiot walking around in khaki shorts and mistreating all and everybody around him, the white man in South Africa is made into a typical scapegoat for everything that is wrong.

The White South African, by developing and expanding his cultural heritage, his religious beliefs and his entire orientation did not conform to the standards of Africa.

He refused to accept the absolutism of chieftainship as a form of government, he refused polygamy on basis of religion, he refused to pray to the ancestors because he was a Christian, he refused to leave his social orientation of the individual being a building block of society behind in favour of the African belief that society defines the individual. In short, he refused to betray himself.

And in being what he was, the White South African developed a country of industry and agriculture and infrastructure. He turned South Africa into a country where the first heart transplant could happen, where enough food was produced to export it to other countries, where gold and diamonds were mined and wealth created. And this all happened in less than 200 years (between 1780 and 1980).

In the 3000 years since the end of the Stone Age, the indigenous people of Africa could not manage to create an infrastructure, could not mine or produce export, could, in fact not succeed in building anything higher than one storey and could not write down anything as reference for future generations, because they could not manage to master the art of writing. In fact, when the first Europeans arrived on 6 April 1652 it was 1974 years after Ptolemy I built the magnificent library of Alexandria – and in Southern Africa the indigenous people still could do no more than a few rock paintings and a clay pot with patterns on it.

Today, this development, this contribution of the descendants of Europe has become a threat to the Black South African. He cannot compare. He has no contribution that can remotely compare to what the white man created and therefore he has to fall back on what primal instinct tells him to do: Destroy that which is a threat to you!

It is against this background that the white South African is demonised as a slaver and murderer who stole land. Let us put this in perspective:
In the first place: The Europeans who came with Van Riebeeck had no intention to stay at the Cape. We can clearly determine this from the repeated application for transfer to Batavia or Amsterdam made by almost every Company servant. The few men who decided to make this their homeland, did so because they came to love the land.

They wanted to develop and grow here. And in the written evidence, left us by the men who did not intend to stay and therefore had no reason to lie, it is written down over and over again that the Europeans settled on uninhabited land. They exchanged land for cattle and money and traded with the nomadic indigenous people.

The Company decided to import slaves. I emphasize import, because no indigenous person in this country was ever put into slavery! In actual fact, the slaves who were brought in from Madagascar and Batavia and Ceylon and East Africa were the ancestors of an entirely new group of people: the Coloured nation of South Africa who adopted the customs and culture of the European.

Ever wondered why they did not adopt the custom of Africa?

Because they were not exposed to it, that is why! Nobody at the Cape ever set eyes on a black person for 130 years before the first Trekboere met the Xhosa in the Valleys of the Amatola around 1770! These slaves also added to the bloodline of the European settlers, as did the French Hugenots of 1688 and the British Settlers of 1820. The White South African was a new nation, born in Africa. This nation called its language, Afrikaans, after Africa. This nation called itself after Africa – Afrikaners.

On the first of December 1834 slavery was abolished in the Cape Colony. This is two years before the start of the Great Trek. The white man in South Africa knew nothing of the existence of the Zulu, the Tswana, the Sotho, the Venda...and he was at war with the Xhosa. It is chronologically impossible that indigenous people could be held in slavery, if the so-called slave masters did not even know of their existence before the abolition of slavery.

Let us look at the "great" Shaka Zulu and the Zulu nation. Remember that the Europeans landed in South Africa in 1652. Shaka kaSenzaghakohona was born around 1787. He managed to unite, through force and murder and rampage a number of small tribes into the Zulu nation around 1819. Before that year, there WAS no Zulu people. A question of mathematics: The Zulu nation came into existence only 167 years after the arrival of Van Riebeeck. What logic can possibly argue that the Europeans took anything away from the Zulu-people?

So when did the black man establish himself in South Africa and how? The answer lies in the Mfecane: Mfecane (Zulu: [m̩fɛˈkǀaːne],[note 1] crushing), also known by the Sesotho name Difaqane (scattering, forced dispersal or forced migration[1]) or Lifaqane, was a period of widespread chaos and warfare among indigenous ethnic communities in southern Africa during the period between 1815 and about 1840.

As King Shaka created the militaristic Zulu Kingdom in the territory between the Tugela River and Pongola River, his forces caused a wave of warfare and disruption to sweep to other peoples. This was the prelude of the Mfecane, which spread from there. The movement of peoples caused many tribes to try to dominate those in new territories, leading to widespread warfare; consolidation of other groups, such as the Matabele, the Mfengu and the Makololo; and the creation of states such as the modern Lesotho.

Mfecane is used primarily to refer to the period when Mzilikazi, a king of the Matabele, dominated the Transvaal. During his reign, roughly from 1826 to 1836, he ordered widespread killings and devastation to remove all opposition. He reorganised the territory to establish the new Ndebele order. The death toll has never been satisfactorily determined, but the whole region became nearly depopulated. Normal estimates for the death toll range from 1 million to 2 million.

The black man established himself in this barren land now known as South Africa a full 174 years AFTER the white man. How dare you then call me a settler when you are nothing more? If I don't belong here, certainly neither do you.

Land stolen from the black man? No. The land occupied by the Boer-people was land that nobody lived on, for the pure and simple reason that the original people of South Africa were massacred and wiped out in a racist genocide by the ancestors of the current black population of South Africa. The very same thing that is now repeated with the white man. The white man has a full and legal and historical claim to his part of this country, including land. And the black man who disputes that is welcome to bring evidence of the contrary. Remember, popular liberal myth, propagandistic expressions and loud shouting and burning and looting to hide your own incapability is not evidence. It is barbarism.

The popular myth of "the end of colonialism" is a lie also. Colonialism in South Africa ended on 31 May 1961 when the country became a Republic. White minority rule was not colonialism, because the white South African belongs here – you cannot colonise your own country.

The entire uproar about white oppression and white guilt and white debt is based, exactly like the concept of the rainbow nation and its Africa-democracy, on one big lie. In Afrikaans, a language of Africa, we say: However swiftly the lie might travel, truth will catch up one day.

Black South Africa might as well realise that the time of the lie is running out. Your stereotyping of the white man and apartheid as the cause of everything, cannot hold much longer.

You cannot hide rotting meat under gift wrap for eternity.

Some time in the very near future you will have to own up and explain how you could hold a small minority of oppressed people responsible for the disaster that you have made of a country which has the potential of being a place of safety, a welcome and hospitable home, to all its children whether they be black, white, coloured on Indian.

The black man holds the key to the final destruction of what is left, or the final realisation that we have no other choice but to peacefully co-exist. The black South African can no longer avoid admitting that the destruction of the white South African necessarily means the destruction of everything and everyone left on the southern tip of Africa.
Energy Minister Tina Joemat-Pettersson, a speaker at a provincial ANC meeting, yesterday likened the Western Cape to Orania, a Northern Cape town where only White Afrikaners are allowed to live.

Joemat-Pettersson is also a member of the ANC's national executive committee.

She said the Western Cape had become painted as a place where "there is an influx of the rural poor from the Eastern Cape".

"Those who do not believe in black majority rule, who still want to perpetuate white minority (rule), have moved from Gauteng to the Western Cape (and), have moved from Northern Cape," she reportedly said.

"Those who still want to be racists have descended on your shores. You have new Jan van Riebeecks here.

"It is never mentioned that there is a coalition of white anti-left and anti-progressive forces here. The province is systematically not moving towards federalism, they are moving to an Orania, an independent state of the Western Cape."

10 - You vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of yours.

9 - You feel insulted and "dehumanized" when scientists say that people evolved from other life forms, but you have no problem with the Biblical claim that we were created from dirt.

8 - You laugh at polytheists, but you have no problem believing in a Triune God.

7 - Your face turns purple when you hear of the "atrocities" attributed to Allah, but you don't even flinch when hearing about how God/Jehovah slaughtered all the babies of Egypt in "Exodus" and ordered the elimination of entire ethnic groups in "Joshua" including women, children, and trees!

6 - You laugh at Hindu beliefs that deify humans, and Greek claims about gods sleeping with women, but you have no problem believing that the Holy Spirit impregnated Mary, who then gave birth to a man-god who got killed, came back to life and then ascended into the sky.

5 - You are willing to spend your life looking for little loopholes in the scientifically established age of Earth (few billion years), but you find nothing wrong with believing dates recorded by Bronze Age tribesmen sitting in their tents and guessing that Earth is a few generations old.

4 - You believe that the entire population of this planet with the exception of those who share your beliefs -- though excluding those in all rival sects - will spend Eternity in an infinite Hell of Suffering.  And yet consider your religion the most "tolerant" and "loving."

3 - While modern science, history, geology, biology, and physics have failed to convince you otherwise, some idiot rolling around on the floor speaking in "tongues" may be all the evidence you need to "prove" Christianity.

2 - You define 0.01% as a "high success rate" when it comes to answered prayers.  You consider that to be evidence that prayer works.  And you think that the remaining 99.99% FAILURE was simply the will of God.

1 - You actually know a lot less than many atheists and agnostics do about the Bible, Christianity, and church history - but still call yourself a Christian.

Whites are sure fed up with the nogging bs, and it`s starting to show ...

I see that Rodrigo de Campos, a Brazilian, is behind a campaign and petition to get the EU to allow White South Africans (and Namibians and Rhodesians) to return to Europe.

So I have decided to start a petition as well. I am petitioning the governments of Nigeria, Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda with the following message:

"The Bantu tribes of South Africa originally migrated from the area where Nigeria is today to the Great Lakes region and from there South to where South Africa is today. The South African president Jacob Zuma has repeatedly said that all their troubles started when they met white people in 1770 at the Great Kei River. These whites who have been in South Africa since 1652 systematically oppressed the Bantu tribes to the extent that they are still suffering tremendously today and will probably never recover. Today the white people of South Africa make up only 9% of the population, but according to the ANC Bantu government are still oppressing the blacks after 21 years of the ANC being in charge. In order to escape this vicious oppression by whites, the Central African countries of Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda and Nigeria are therefore petitioned to come to the rescue of these oppressed Bantus and allow them the right to return to their ancestral mother countries."

Now when we are finished with that then we will petition the Indian government to allow the Indians to return and the Malaysian government to allow the Cape Malays to return and the Chinese to let the Chinese return. Then we will petition England to allow all the Australians and New Zealanders to return and then the rest of the north and central African governments to allow the Africans from Europe and the USA to return and all the Arab countries to allow the Arab speaking people from Europe to return...and so on and so forth.

Please sign my petition here:

UKIP suspends candidate who dared speak the truth about South Africa! UKIP exposes its leftist anti freedom of speech colors by suspending a candidate who dared speak the truth about South Africa. It seems UK's last hope of freedom has been exposed.

UKIP Candidate Suspended After Saying South Africa Is Being "Ethnically Cleansed" Of Europeans. The candidate also alluded to the actions of a number of Jewish campaigners, saying there is "a common thread that binds so-called atheist Marxists".

Jack Sen, UKIP's parliamentary candidate for West Lancashire, has claimed that other governments have ignored "the ethnic cleansing" of people of European descent in South Africa. Sen made the remarks in an interview with the European Knights Project (EKP), an anti mass immigration platform. The EKP website said Sen, who describes himself on Twitter as "unapologetically politically incorrect", is a "bloody genius".

When asked in the interview whether the "white South Africans" was under attack, Sen said this group had become "an endangered species". "It is being systemically hunted into extinction by a people we were told wanted to live in democratic harmony back in 1994," the UKIP candidate said. "Remember the Rainbow Nation propaganda campaign? Hard to reach that lofty ideal when people are being gunned down for sport from Joburg [Johannesburg] to Capetown. It's still hunting season from what I can see." Sen added that " the international community has ignored the ethnic cleansing of the South African of European origin". Sen also accused left-wingers of having double standards when deciding who was a victim. He also said the West was "controlled by leftists that can trace their roots back to eastern bloc nations".

When pushed to define what he meant by "eastern bloc people", he said:" There's a common thread that binds so-called atheist Marxists like Joe Slovo, Nadine Gordimer, and Ed Milliband. Your audience will have to decide what that is. There are too many commonalities to go over in a 10-minute phone call. Let's leave that for another day." Slovo was a member of the African National Congress and a fervent opponent of the apartheid regime in South Africa. He was given a senior position in Nelson Mandela's government. Like the Milibands, Slovo – a South African anti-apartheid activist – came from a Jewish background, as did Gordimer, a South African author. Sen was then asked why . Her replied " "People like Joe Slovo emigrate to my homeland just to destroy us from within".

The UKIP candidate further responded by immediately accusing Miliband's father, Ralph, of trying to "destroy" Britain. He said: "One has to always recall who facilitated genocidal conditions in southern Africa. It's the same Marxist evil that infiltrated Czarist Russia and annihilated hundreds of millions of Christian and Muslim Russians."

The publication also asked the UKIP candidate who was "responsible for 'genocide'" Sen said: "In a historical sense, it's people like Karl Marx, Joe Slovo, Nadine Gordimer; in Sweden and Western Europe it is women like Barbara Spectre [the founder of Paideia, the European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden]. "We can't give a free pass to the useful idiots these fiends originally championed either." Referring to the decision to remove a statute of the British colonialist Cecil Rhodes from Cape Town, Sen complained about the treatment given to the terrorist Nelson Mandela in the UK.

"Still, can you imagine our suggesting removing the Mandela statue in London due to the fact he was in fact a convicted mass murder  and terrorist?" A UKIP spokesperson distanced Sen from the party and told BuzzFeed News he had been suspended by it. He said: "Jack Sen, a UKIP candidate, has expressed views that in no way reflect the views of the party and any other of our hard-working dedicated candidates. In the light of these and other comments, Mr Sen has been suspended from UKIP with immediate effect."

We believed in the "new South Africa" that there would be place in the sun for all. Signs of the "end of the rainbow" are however becoming more self-evident. Perhaps it was never the long term intention of the majority to share the land with a white minority who are all regarded as colonialist and who do not belong in South Africa (Africa) as far as they are concerned. The measure of tolerance that has been shown towards the white minority since 1994 was I believe only political expediency – it suited the new government at the time. A façade to the world to show how are all welcome in this country – even minority groups. It was a way of gaining world acceptance and of course to open the doors to foreign investment. The veneer is now starting to peel away. It was almost imperceptible at first but it is gaining momentum and becoming quite blatant. It began with affirmative action, then Black Economic Empowerment (BEE), now land grabs are starting to take place and the ANC makes a rather farcical show of containing it. Mark my words this is just the beginning – soon it will spread to white owned farms. Foreigners are no longer allowed to own agricultural land (even if they are helping to produce food to feed the citizens of this country). There is talk of nationalizing large white and foreign owned business. Statues commemorating South Africa's history are being defaced, damaged or destroyed. Radical black elements and even the president himself continue to make remarks alluding to the white supremacist "problem" and how they are going to solve it.  And of course the unacceptably high murder rate of whites – not only on rural farms but also in urban areas continues unabated.

The real intentions of the black majority in South Africa are manifesting themselves – there is no place for whites in South Africa. There may be some blacks who are willing to share the country with whites – after all being in such a small minority what threat could we pose to a population that outnumbers us 10 to 1 ? But the majority would be happy to see the end of us. And so we are faced with a future that seems to be almost irrevocably inevitable. Leave or make a stand. We do not want confrontation. It could lead to great suffering and hardship. We would much rather live in peace and harmony with fellow citizens of all races and be an example to the world. But what are we expected to do when we are backed into a corner with nowhere to go and with the prospect of genocide looming over us?

Are events unfolding which are leading to an inevitable conclusion? That we are going to be forced to fight – not stemming from aggressive intentions – but for our very survival? Fighting in self-defence to protect our families, loved ones and friends has a moral imperative. Peaceful protest against victimization and unfair treatment by a totalitarian majority government may be attempted and it may or may not attract international attention to the plight of a minority white group. Chances are any protest – be it peaceful or otherwise – is likely to be met with indifference at best and more likely violent suppression. Most would choose the path of "anti-violence" but violent resistance may ultimately be the only alternative in the interest of self-defence and self-preservation. Heaven forbid but we must be prepared for this eventuality.

There are some people in the liberty movements found around the world who disregard physical defence as either barbaric or "futile" and have adopted rather less-effective pacifist ideologies of more socialist activism.

The pacifists believe that the war against tyranny by extension must be fought on an intellectual or philosophical battlefield. Otherwise, as individuals, they have little to offer the resistance. They believe that if they merely present a better and more logical philosophy, they will win over the masses to their side or even change the souls of the rather soulless psychopaths creating tyranny in the first place. Like magic, they will have won the fight for self-preservation without ever truly fighting.

It may be possible in some parts of the world but in Africa it is unlikely to succeed and is really nothing more than an elaborate excuse designed to avoid risk.

Pacifists have almost no experience with and, therefore, no respect for the concept of self-defence and resistance. And they have no capacity to fathom what such an endeavor would entail. This unknown scenario inspires fear in them — a fear of struggle, a fear of failure and a fear of death.

While taking action from a position of love for one's fellow man is indeed noble, it is sometimes not enough in the face of pure evil — the kind of evil inherent in the ranks of elitism, a majority intent on your annihilation and the globalist ideology.

It is important to keep at least one foot on the ground when building a movement of dissent and realize that while maintaining the moral high ground is paramount, there are limitations to what peaceful resistance can accomplish, depending on the opponent. If you are not prepared to use both peaceful means and physical defence if necessary, your cause of self-preservation will ultimately fail against an enemy without conscience.

Never before in history have humans been so dismissive of the self-defense concept when it comes to government. This can be attributed to clever propaganda, social conditioning and to an ingrained and powerful fear instilled by the powers that be. Two of the most commonly heard arguments against physical resistance and why they are either ill-conceived or outright disingenuous are the following:

Resistance is morally wrong   

The attitude of moral superiority of the nonviolence crowd is rather disconcerting at times and, in many ways, dishonest. They invent a condition of arbitrary piety around themselves in an act of self-elevation that does not constitute true morality.

Anyone who makes self-defence a taboo is not only living in a fantasy Disney World outside the reality of natural laws, he is also likely doing so because he enjoys the sense of social superiority such a position affords. In this way many of the more irrational nonviolence activists are, in fact, no better that the raving acolytes of the cult of political correctness.

Physical self-defense against tyranny is not only necessary, but entirely honorable. When the violence of an individual is thwarted by defense, when a potential thief robs the wrong house, when a rape is prevented by an armed and prepared woman or when a potential murderer is shot dead by a citizen who refused to be a victim, our society cheers. But when someone suggests that the same measures be taken against a violent and corrupt government, people suddenly claim moral hazard.

There is no difference between the act of defending oneself against a common criminal and defending oneself against a criminal government. Self-defence is a moral imperative more vital to the survival of peace and freedom than any other.

Resistance is futile and the opposition too strong

Pacifists are very prone to stating that resistance is a useless endeavor that will end only in tragedy for the participants. Such a defeatist mindset invariably stems from cowardice rather than logic.

We see a problem, but rather than just "accepting our lot" we look for a solution regardless of the scale of the threat; and if we cannot immediately find an obvious solution right away, we keep working until we do. The odds of success are not relevant where resistance against oligarchy is concerned.

Ultimately it does not matter what the odds are in a resistance for existence or freedom. When all is said and done, we will be confronted with two choices in the face of tyranny: fight and possibly die; or surrender, become a slave and probably still die. Those who argue against self-defence are in most cases trying to avoid the inevitability of this choice by creating non-options and non-solutions out of thin air. This is the opposite of realism.

And so we pray that somehow there will be a change of heart in the majority of South Africans and that they will accept the white minority as fellow Africans and that the way forward will be a peaceful one but as events unfold around us I become ever more skeptical and so we must prepare for what indeed appears to be inevitable.


Understanding The Fear Of Self-Defense And Revolution by Brandon Smith
African News / Fighting Back !
Thu 09 Apr 2015



TODAY- Wednesday April 08 2015- saw for the first time white Afrikaner nationalism in South Africa woke up and came to a decisive point in their 20 year oppressive existence under ANC communist rule  – joining thousands of their counterparts in Europe and America against their respective oppressive governments against whites –  rising up  after two decades of slumber as hundreds of white Afrikaners rose to the occasion to start rebelling against the communist black dictatorship of Jacob Zuma's communist ANC and the desecration of their Boer/Afrikaner heritage by despots such as Julius Malema.

In a memorable gesture - hundreds of disgruntled  white Afrikaners took to the city and gathered at Pretoria Church Square to protest against the communist onslaught against their nation and their historical heritage. ( The liberal media – as usual- tried to downplay the event as "racist driven with a few supporters.") Even in Cape Town white resisters marched up to Van Riebeeck's statue to align their support in a common cause.

As soon as Steve Hofmeyr arrived, he broke into the full rendition of the Afrikaans national anthem. He then addressed the crowd and said, "There is no monument in the world that doesn't offend somebody.We are here because we can't get used to the African tradition of destruction and burning schools."

Read more here

And here ... Malema is a criminal - Sunette Bridges
Dr Hendrik Verwoerd was the Prime Minister of South Africa and is known for his push towards Apartheid. The Liberal media hate him and only tell you what a "bad guy" he was. Despite his high profile, you'll find that a lot of his history is vague. There is a lot left out about this man.

Here is the Wikipedia entry for him:

What is of interest to us here are the two assassination attempts on him. The one in 1960, and the one in 1966.

During this period of time between the two assassinations you will see that the Jews were playing a prominent role in assisting Nelson Mandela and the communist cause. In this article the Jews are delighted and proud of this involvement of theirs: The JEWS are proud of Nelson Mandela the Communist Revolutionary and These Jews Made Common Cause With Him

Although Verwoerd became a Boere-Afrikaner leader, he was born in Holland. In his earlier life Verwoerd had a promising medical career. He studied in the UK, USA and also in Germany in 1925. He became a Professor. He was probably the most highly educated leader the Boers or South Africa ever had.

But the Liberals hate him for his role as "the Architect of Apartheid". But Apartheid was not his own idea. Many others gave input into it. Books were written about it all before Verwoerd became the PM. Verwoerd was a Professor of Sociology - which makes him even more interesting.

It states there that Verwoerd studied in Germany in 1925 and returned to South Africa where he later became a professor. Then in 1936 he drew some bad publicity by commenting on the Jews coming into South Africa (from Europe I presume). It does not state what he said, but it says he drew a lot of attention.

He later became the editor of Die Transvaler, which supported the National Party and in this way he helped them to win and come to power in 1948, thereby officially beginning the period of Apartheid.

So that's the basic background. In 1960, a "wealthy white farmer" named David Pratt tried to kill him. Here is film footage of the 1960 attempt:

Verwoerd's assassination has got many bizarre twists to it, perhaps even more bizarre than the JFK assassination. The JFK and Kennedy family assassinations have some parallels and occurred during a similar time period. The Jewish links to the JFK assassination get little attention. Here were some attempts by us to dig a bit because it appears there was a multi-decade long feud going on between the Kennedys and the Jews which began with JFK's father Joe: The War between the Jews and the Kennedy Family: Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr. - Irish Americans and Irish supported Hitler and The Crime that Joe Kennedy committed that irritated the Jews - Why the Jews went after the Kennedy family and Praise for Jewish War on the Kennedys

The twists in Verwoerd's assassination have certain elements in common and in other aspects are very bizarre.

Pratt fired 2 shots into Verwoerd in 1960 but Verwoerd was extremely lucky and recovered within a month. Pratt was not going to get the death penalty because he was judged to be insane due to his epileptic fits. He spent some time in jail and then later commit suicides by hanging himself. The author we will refer to below did not find that suspicious, but I find it curious. Its a lot like Jack Ruby (Rubenstein), and keep in mind, this man who "hangs himself" is under treatment for depression.

Then in 1966, a coloured guy (Greek father, black mother), called Tsafendas who is also a communist and on a blacklist of people NOT to be allowed into South Africa because he is dangerous ... not only manages to get into South Africa but gets a job in parliament as a messenger. Tsafendas goes out, buys a dagger, walks into parliament right up to Verwoerd and stabs him multiple times and he dies within a short while.

Tsafendas, it turns out is also "insane", and he has a tape worm in his tummy which he claims talks to him and tells him things. He is booked into a psychiatric hospital where he remains for the rest of his life until he dies. In the BBC documentary they interview Tsafendas and he tells you that Verwoerd died when they pulled the dagger out.

The above is pretty much the story that we know and are familiar with.

However, a book, which appears to have been published privately by a South African neurologist, Dr Allan Bird contains some extremely interesting information. This is the book we will be looking at: Bird on the Wing - and here is its listing on Amazon:

Here on Amazon you can see that he wrote 2 books in his life:

But his biography is this one:

Information: Title : Bird on the wing (Autobiography 1916-1992)
Author: Allan Bird
ISBN 0-620-17050-6
First Published in 1992 by A.V. Bird

What I am about to show you comes from this book. It was photocopied and circulated quietly for a very long time in certain circles. The pages of interest to us are pages 203-219. Below are scans of the pages. This has been doing the rounds for quite some time and the markings and underlines show the sentences which really drew the attention of the readers. There are some serious things in here, namely an allegation of Jews, one of whom was the partner of Dr Allan Bird. Bird is convinced that his former partner Solly Jacobson was deeply involved in, and probably instrumental in BOTH assassination attempts on Dr Verwoerd.

NB: These scanned pages here do not exist anywhere else on the Internet. You are most welcome to make copies of them and save them somewhere. They are important. This information has been available since 1992, and has even been referenced in one paper written about David Pratts's attempt to kill Verwoerd. This will be discussed at the end. So all this information is known, but has never before been put out in full, in public like this for all to see. You will see that Dr Bird was so convinced of Jacobson's links to the assassination attempts, that between 1964 and 1979 he tried again and again to speak to the top Police officers in South Africa asking them to please investigate this because he is convinced that Dr Solly Jacobson was behind BOTH attempts on Dr Verwoerd's life.

Before you read this, especially for non-South Africans, just let me clarify a few more things:

o Joe Slovo: Bird says he met Slovo. Slovo was the man who ran the South African Communist Party for much of its existence. In the History of Communism in South Africa by Pike it stated that he was a Colonel in the KGB.

o Bird also discusses his views on Nelson Mandela whom he met personally and he also got to know Dr Verwoerd personally and gives you a very rare close look at Verwoerd.

o The key character in the assassinations that Bird draws attention to is this guy: Solly Jacobson, a Jewish Psychiatrist. It is clear from the text he was an ardent communist with high level contacts and very politically active.

o Bird also mentions Issy Maisels - real name: Israel Maisels. He was the lead of Nelson Mandela's defence team. Bird says Maisels was a leading advocate and an acting judge at the time. Notice his close connections to Solly. In the narrative below Solly and Issy want to stay in the background and stay away from the Police and want Bird to go and find out what happened to the arrested David Pratt.

o "Rooinekke" - Red necks - a Boer term for the British.

o A Red note was delivered to Dr Verwoerd in parliament in 1960 telling him he would die. It read: "Today we kill Verwoerd". Notice the "we" - "we kill Verwoerd". Officially, in both assassination attempts, there was only one person involved - the actual assassin and nobody else. As you will see by the time you get to the end of this, that has to be complete nonsense. There had to have been multiple people involved in both attempts to kill Verwoerd.

o There are a number of fascinating things in here that others prefer not to mention but which were real. One of them is the assassination of Judge Kuper at the now very famous Rivonia trial.

Read through the pages, and at the bottom, you will find my notes and references. There is a lot of meat in here.


o Bird's book and accusations are known, not only in Police and academic circles. It is even quoted in Verwoerd's Wikipedia entry. Bird's book is reference 16 in Wikipedia.
oo 16. Allan Bird, Bird on a wing, 205 (1992).

o In Wikipedia, the 17th reference is about the Red Note telling Verwoerd he would die. Verwoerd received a note in parliament one day dropped by one of the messengers (not sure the details and whether it lay among other things). In Wikipedia it says: Verwoerd received a death threat with a red note reading, "Today we kill Verwoerd" It is listed at the 17th reference as coming from: "Verwoerd knew of threats but did not withdraw." The Star, 11 April 1960.

o Bird states that in effect Solly Jacobson was a revolutionary and one of the founders of Umkhonto weSizwe (MK - The Armed wing of the ANC - also referred to as "The Spear of the Nation"). Now here's the kicker: You won't find that mentioned anywhere on the Internet or in any document I know of. But he seems to have been very familiar with Jacobson and what Jacobson got up to. I think this deserves looking into a lot more closely.

o Bird tells us that Jacobson seems to have been lucky to miss being one of the communists arrested and ending up as one of the defendants in the Rivonia trial, along with Nelson Mandela. So Jacobson chose to flee the country. Again, this indicates that Jacobson was an important member of the South African Communist Party and the Military Wing of the ANC.

o The death of Judge Kuper is also something that is kept on a low profile. On page 211, Bird tells us about another mysterious murder: The presiding judge of the Rivonia trial, Justice Kuper, was SHOT DEAD AT HOME AT HIS DESK ON THE NIGHT SENTENCE WAS GIVEN. I did some quick searches and found no mention of this in the histories of the Rivonia trial of Nelson Mandela and the other communists. So who was behind this shooting?? On page 401 of "A History of Communism in South Africa" the CPSA (Communist Party of South Africa) convened a meeting to discuss the Rivonia trial and the many state witnesses against Nelson Mandela and others. They were concerned that the state was getting too many witnesses. So they discussed killing all the judges and magistrates in a terror campaign to paralyse the legal system. The sentence of importance is this one: "We must have one Justice Kuper a week ... this should be done until no magistrate or judge dare convict us". Also of interest is on page 403 of this book. It mentions something that is less well known. While the High Command of the CPSA was in that house in Rivonia, THE SECOND HIGH COMMAND of MK was at Wits University (University of the WitwatersRand) now called: "University of Johannesburg".

o Although histories tend to ignore it, there seems to have been a lot of stress between Afrikaners and Jews in the decades prior to these assassinations. Verwoerd made his views known in 1936, and this no doubt alerted the Jews that he would be a threat to their interests: In 1936 Malan's "purified" nationalists founded Die Transvaler, a daily published in Johannesburg, and asked Verwoerd to edit it. He campaigned for Afrikaner unity based on clearly defined principles and a Christian-National republic. He had no time for "British-Jewish" imperialism. Source:

o Even though Bird is not suspicious of Pratt's suicide. There are shades of "Jack Ruby" (Rubenstein) in this. I find it highly suspicious that Pratt, like Oswald, is suddenly gone - dead men tell no tales! Why kill Pratt? He might have cracked and later told the story of who helped him. So in order for us to never know who assisted him, he has to die. Ditto for Jack Rubenstein in the JFK case.

o Bird describes the interesting and pleasant associations of his British family entering the original Boer Republics and becoming citizens: "Burgers".

o Bird's viewpoints on page 215 about Israel and South Africa is a major accusation. Read it carefully. He is suggesting that while the Afrikaners are working with Israel, they might be deliberately stabbed in the back while Israel's worse crimes go unnoticed!

o Solly Jacobson's confession to Bird is fascinating and deserves closer study. He claimed Pratt tried to commit suicide because of the imposition of Apartheid and then came to him for anti-depressant drugs and psychotherapy. But after this treatment ... Pratt suddenly goes and tries to kill Verwoerd!! Was Jacobson actually able to talk him into assassination?? Jacobson confesses to having assisted in working out the plan to shoot Verwoerd. The full extent of collusion and ideas from Solly make for fascinating speculation. Was the idea of an "insane" alibi material in helping to convince Pratt to try?

o Was David Pratt Jewish? That is a question that does come up. The person who gave me this material says that its very possible that Pratt was indeed Jewish.

o What Bird says about his discussion with Coetzee is fascinating. So the Police did discover that Solly Jacobson had in fact "treated" Tsafendas just prior to his departure to South Africa where he carried out the assassination! Coetzee's evasiveness suggests that the Boere-Afrikaners at a high level did not want to pursue this. It appears to me, further pursuit of this matter would imperil Afrikaner/Israeli/Jewish relations. By the later 1980s the Afrikaners were co-operating militarily with Israel. Among their involvement was a failed Israeli fighter plane program which was moved to South Africa to be completed here. To my knowledge this also later bombed out and they preferred to turn the SAAF Mirage fighters into what later became known as the "Cheetah". So it seems that politics was getting in the way of the search for the truth about who killed Verwoerd.

o Bird's statement about the discussion with Coetzee that MOSSAD had a back door into every intelligence agency on the planet is staggering. So clearly the pariah Afrikaners of Apartheid were only too keen to be friends with Israel.

o Regarding why Afrikaners in the late 1970's would not be interested in raising the issue of Jewish implication in the assassination of Verwoerd you may want to see these photos: 2 Pics: Apartheid South Africa:Top Boer/Afrikaner Leaders and the Jews connived together - So how did this work out for the Boers?

o There is also a separate topic of Jewish assassinations and whether there is a link with Jewish holidays - as if Jews leave a "Calling Card". But that's a whole separate discussion and it may apply too in the case of Verwoerd.

Here is an obituary URL dealing with Solly Jacobson:-

Notice his background, but take special note of this part, because it ties in to what Bird said:-

November 1946 saw him leave for postgraduate studies in the UK, shortly joined by his wife and son, David. After passing his MRCP Edinburgh and London he studied under Professor Aubrey Lewis at the Maudsley Hospital, London and gained his DPM London. On returning to South Africa he pursued further studies in neurology and psychiatry, became a partner in a Johannesburg practice but came to feel that he could not live in his home country under Apartheid, something both he and his wife were vehemently opposed to.

Once again he went to England to be joined there by his wife and two children, taking up the position of consultant psychiatrist at St Francis Hospital in Haywards Heath, remaining there until he retired in 1973.

o Issy Maisels - Jewish Judge
Nelson Mandela's defence team at the Rivonia trial, where the South African Govt arrested Mandela and all the communists for terrorism, was led by Issy Maisels. Source:

The Times of Israel says this about Issy: There were members of the predominately Jewish legal team defending Mandela at the infamous Treason and Rivonia trials led by great figures like Issy Maisels and Arthur Chaskalson. Source:

In another article it mentions that "Issy" was not his proper name. His real name was "Israel Maisels". Excerpt: In addition, when Mandela went on trial for "treason" in the 1950s and 1960s, his lead defense lawyers were Jews, Israel "Issy" Maisels and Arthur Chaskalson, according to Goldstone, who added that Mandela appointed Chaskalson to be the first president of South Africa's new Constitutional Court, in 1994. Source:

You will also find Issy Maisels mentioned at this link where Jews defend the South African Jewish Board of Deputies and says that they were against the Apartheid struggle. It lists all the Jews fighting Apartheid including Issy Maisels. It makes for interesting reading. It also claims there's no documentation by likening the Apartheid situation to NAZI Germany and "Schindler's list":

You will find a far more interesting link here called: South African Jews against Apartheid:

You will find Issy Maisels and the SAJBD mentioned. Here is the quote: "The Board of Deputies. While the Board of Deputies has been taken to task for its failure to take a public stand in the name of the Jewish community, this was not an indicator of the private views or actions of its members.

Evaluating the Board s attitude to apartheid from minutes of meetings, as done by several historians is completely unrealistic. The board was as unlikely to leave incriminating evidence in writing, as was Oscar Schindler, of Schindler s Lists fame. The board included some very prominent anti-apartheid personalities such as Tony Bloom, advocate Harry Schwartz and advocate Issy Maisels. Rabbi Duchinsky of Cape Town was instrumental in influencing the Cape Board of Deputies in the mid- seventies to come out publicly against government policy."

Finally, I found one Academic paper was published in English and Afrikaans regarding the assassination of Verwoerd. It mentions the Solly Jacobson story and dismisses it quickly with:

Allan Bird published his memoirs many decades later. He based his suspicion that his colleague, Solly Jacobson, had conspired with Pratt to shoot Verwoerd on three incidents. None of them, however, can be linked causally to the assassination attempt. A conspiracy can be excluded due to the fact that Pratt refused to allow his lawyers to submit any reports on his medical condition to the court. He wanted to face the charges and go down in history as a hero. It was only after his daughter Susan intervened on his behalf and lodged an application to appoint a curator bonis as well as a curator ad litem to handle his matters that the court ordered the curator ad litem to present the criminal court with psychiatric reports on his condition.

NB: The above paper only deals with the Pratt incident and does not include Bird's accusations against Tsafendas. Also, Bird mentions that Coetzee who was the head of the Security Police at the time confirmed to him that Jacobson had treated Tsafendas prior to him returning to South Africa. So this paper below seems to very quickly dismiss Bird's input while dashing off down all sorts of other angles. The full paper is here:

And here's the entire abstract of it:-
David Beresford Pratt: the person behind the assassination attempt
This article investigates the motives of David Pratt s assassination attempt on the then prime minister, Dr Hendrik Verwoerd, during the opening of the Union Show on 9 April, 1960. The assassination of Verwoerd by Demitrio Tsafendas has been covered well, but the circumstances which prompted Pratt to shoot Verwoerd have not yet been extensively explored.

Over the years three scenarios have been mooted in an attempt to explain Pratt s action. The first is that Pratt attacked Verwoerd out of revenge. Shortly after the attempted assassination a rumour spread that Pratt s Dutch wife might have had a relationship with the prime minister, who was also of Dutch descent. The attorney-general, Adv. Rein, took pains to prevent this fairy tale from surfacing in court. Unlikely as this lead might be to explain Pratt s motive for shooting Verwoerd, his wife may indeed have had an affair with another man, which could have contributed to Pratt s desperate state of mind. According to the second scenario, Pratt was suffering from epilepsy and serious depression. As the crisis in his personal life escalated, he found an escape mechanism to handle the crisis at a different level, in a political context. The third scenario postulates a conspiracy between Pratt and Dr Solly Jacobson, his psychiatrist, who was also a dedicated member of the underground Communist Party and a close friend of Joe Slovo. Jacobson s partner, Dr Allan Bird, contended that the two of them worked out a plan for Pratt to assassinate Verwoerd. Jacobson would then bail him out with medical evidence so that he could not be held criminally liable. Bird did not refer to the mysterious red note that was handed to the prime minister only weeks before the assassination attempt. The note contained a threat:  Today we kill Verwoerd.
To determine which of these scenarios is the most probable, legal methodology that is typically applied in case studies is invoked.

Apart from considering the scenarios about a possible motive why Pratt attacked Verwoerd, the article also attempts to create a more comprehensive portrait of Pratt s life. Evidence presented in diverse court cases in which Pratt was involved, serves as a point of departure to illuminate his personal circumstances. The memoirs of persons who knew Pratt personally have also been consulted. Newspaper articles shed further light on the attempted assassination, the escalation of the political conflict and the prevailing Zeitgeist.

The picture that evolves is that Pratt, hailed as a hero by the anti-apartheid movement, is a rather unlikely hero. Pratt grew up amidst incredible wealth, but already suffered from epilepsy at a very young age. There is evidence that he was a loner from early on. He was probably ostracised and stigmatised at school due to epileptic convulsions. He went to the best private schools and qualified as a chartered accountant at Cambridge University. He was the designated heir to run the vast business empire of his father.

Although he could be kind and charming he also had another side. He could be difficult, peevish and unpredictable, at times even violent. It seems that his marriage with the British journalist Mary Hatrick was not easy for her. A pattern evolved which indicates that stress factors in his life initially gave rise only to epileptic attacks. His condition deteriorated considerably after the divorce from Mary, who left him shortly after the death of their little boy in March 1945. After the divorce he fell into serious depression and was treated in South Africa as well as the United States. The stress of the maintenance case which Mary brought against him, because he failed to meet his obligations towards their daughter Susan, aggravated his condition.

His second marriage, to Patty van Heijningen, was not successful either. She was the daughter of a famous Dutch radiologist. In 1954, shortly after the birth of their first child, Pratt claimed to have received a message which he should convey to South Africa. He was very concerned about Afrikaner nationalism and the apartheid system that was being put into place. He joined Alan Paton s newly founded Liberal Party. Apparently he wanted to form a coalition government with Klasie Havenga. Pratt was boarded and diagnosed with suffering from  grandiose delusions of the political saviour type . He also suffered from stress-related tinnitus, hearing organ music in his head which he interpreted as heavenly messages.

Pratt was almost constantly in psychiatric treatment. His wife feared for her safety because he threatened her. At the beginning of 1958 she decided to return to The Hague, taking their two children with her. Pratt followed her with a gun in his pocket, but was apprehended at the Amsterdam airport. It is possible that this incident was sparked off by the fact that Pratt found out that his wife had had an affair.

In August 1958 his psychiatrist, Dr Chesler, recommended that his sister, Peggy Ricketts, should apply for a curator bonis to be appointed to manage his affairs. Upon her refusal to do so, Dr Chesler requested that Pratt be treated by another specialist. Pratt s depression deteriorated and his condition became manic. Around this time he badly assaulted his cousin with whom he was in business. He was referred for treatment to the neurologist Dr Solly Jacobson.

Pratt desperately tried to win his wife back. He bought a posh property,  Old Sillery , in the Cape, hoping that the climate would be more appealing and suited to her and that she would consider returning to South Africa. When that did not work out, he planned a kidnapping of their daughter in Switzerland during a skiing holiday in the hope that he could force Patty to return to South Africa. As he became more desperate about his marital problems, Pratt tried to commit suicide on three different occasions. In between he spent extensive periods in the United Kingdom, where he received psycho-analytical treatment.

It appears that Pratt s paranoid condition was reinforced by the escalation of the political conflict after the Sharpeville massacre. The court accepted the medical reports submitted to it by five different psychiatrists, all of which confirmed that Pratt lacked legal capacity and could not be held criminally liable for having shot the prime minister.
Allan Bird published his memoirs many decades later. He based his suspicion that his colleague, Solly Jacobson, had conspired with Pratt to shoot Verwoerd on three incidents. None of them, however, can be linked causally to the assassination attempt. A conspiracy can be excluded due to the fact that Pratt refused to allow his lawyers to submit any reports on his medical condition to the court. He wanted to face the charges and go down in history as a hero. It was only after his daughter Susan intervened on his behalf and lodged an application to appoint a curator bonis as well as a curator ad litem to handle his matters that the court ordered the curator ad litem to present the criminal court with psychiatric reports on his condition.

There are a number of similarities between Pratt and Verwoerd. Both were the children of immigrants who moved to South Africa when they were two years of age. Verwoerd arrived in the conquered post-Anglo-Boer War South Africa, whereas Pratt arrived in the newly formed Union of South Africa a few years later. It is often observed that immigrant children overcompensate to be accepted in their guest country. Whereas nationalism comes naturally to people living in a country, it is a conscious choice for immigrants, and it was no different with Pratt and Verwoerd. Each of them associated with the community closest to them. Pratt was part of a background that cherished the British Empire and the Commonwealth, whereas Verwoerd aspired to become a real Afrikaner.

Another common denominator was psychology. Verwoerd did a doctoral thesis on psychology and became a professor of applied psychology, whereas Pratt was in need of psychological treatment all his life, trying to face his personal problems. Both thought they knew what would be best for South Africa, and this became the symbolic cataclysm of the attempted assassination. Pratt wanted South Africa to take her place among the nations of the British Commonwealth and, as he put it to Dr Hurst and in his speech in the dock, wanted to lay Verwoerd up so that Verwoerd could rethink the apartheid policy. Verwoerd wanted a republic and was later instrumental in South Africa s leaving the Commonwealth. He envisaged a kind of  internal decolonisation  for black people because he was convinced that segregation would lead to conflict and that apartheid was necessary to prevent that. The whole idea was doomed from the beginning, however, because black urbanisation and an integrated economy could not be stopped.

The assassination attempt by Pratt was neither a conspiracy nor a lone wolf type of planning of the assassination. According to him he had acted impulsively andon the spur of the moment. However, other statements made by Pratt contradict this claim.

His suicide in a mental institution on his 52nd birthday, shortly before parole was due to be considered, marks the end of a tragic life.

The recent uproar in South Africa over the claims by ANC president Jacob Zuma that the 1913 Land Act dispossessed blacks is a blatant lie, and forms part of four core lies about South African history, a New Observer correspondent Yochanan has written. Submitted in the comment section of this newspaper, Yochanan's remarks are so pertinent that they deserve greater publicity:

LIE NUMBER ONE: There is a common belief in South Africa that the Natives Land Act of 1913 shoved blacks on reserves ('7 percent of the land') and 'prohibited them from buying land in white areas'. That 'whites forcibly removed blacks to these reserves and that these reserves were on the worst land in the country with no mineral riches and that whites kept all the best land and minerals for themselves'. Now if I was a black man, I would probably also want to believe that myth, because it would ensure me eternal victimhood status and compensation for generations to come. Unfortunately, it is a blatant lie and can be attributed to the lack of reading ability or legal comprehension of the journalists and historians of our time.

THE TRUTH: First of all the biggest Platinum reserves in the world run through the former Black homeland of Bophuthatswana (North West province). The former Nationalist government had no problem allocating this area to the Tswana tribes for self-rule—although they already had a massive country called Botswana given to them by the British. It was originally part of South Africa, called Bechuanaland. Blacks further got another two massive countries from the British called Lesotho and Swaziland. There goes their 7 percent.

LIE NUMBER TWO: 'Black homelands were on the worst land in South Africa'.

THE TRUTH: When one compares the rainfall map of South Africa and anybody with elementary knowledge of South Africa will tell you that the largest part of South Africa is called the Karoo. It is a semi desert comparable to Arizona or Nevada in the USA. Blacks never even entered this area let alone settled it. Whites made it blossom and created successful sheep farms producing meat of world quality. Black "settlements" are found on the north and east coast of South Africa. The East Coast has a sub-tropical climate and the north a prairie-like climate with summer rainfall and thunderstorms. An exception to this is the Western Cape with a Mediterranean climate and winter rainfall. The northern and eastern part of South Africa with its beautiful green grasslands and fertile soil is where the blacks eventually coalesced and this is the land they chose for themselves. Their eventual homelands were found on the land they inhabited out of their own free will. The Afrikaners even have a song praising the greenness of Natal, called "Groen is die land van Natal" (Green is the land of Natal). It was perfect grazing area for the cattle herding blacks.

LIE NUMBER THREE: 'Blacks are indigenous to South Africa and first settled it'.

THE TRUTH: Today Blacks in South Africa often tell Afrikaners and other minorities such as the Coloureds, Indians, Chinese or Jews to adapt to their misrule and corruption or "Go Home"...implying that we, who have been born here, who hold legal citizenship through successive birthrights; should emigrate to Europe, Malaysia, India or Israel. That the only ones who have a legal claim to South Africa, all of it, are the blacks. Blacks believe that they are 'indigenous to South Africa'—but they are not: it was proven by DNA research. We are ALL settlers in South Africa. All South Africans are settlers, regardless of their skin colour, and their DNA carries the proof.So says Dr Wilmot James, head of the African Genome Project, a distinguished academic, sociologist and, more recently, honorary professor of human genetics at the University of Cape Town. Where is the archaeological proof that blacks 'settled' South Africa?

Apart from a few scattered archaeological remains found of black culture in the far northern Transvaal prior to 1652, it is generally agreed that blacks and whites were contemporary settlers of South Africa. I use the term "Settler" loosely, because blacks never 'settled' South Africa; their presence was nomadic. Blacks were itinerants who travelled from place to place with no fixed home. Whole capital "cities" of grass huts could be moved if grazing was exhausted. They had no demarcated areas, no fences, no borders, no maps, no title deeds to proof ownership of any land apart from a verbal claim and mutual understanding that their temporary presence in a certain area in a certain period of time constituted "ownership" of the land. They left behind no foundations of buildings, no statues, no roads, no rock paintings, not a single proof of "settlement" of the land prior to the whites settling South Africa. The only rock paintings were made by the Bushmen and the Hottentots (Khoi-Khoi and San) in the caves they temporarily occupied. Blacks were pastoral-nomads and the Bushmen/Hottentots were hunter-gatherer-nomads. Whites, on the other hand, built cities, railroads, dams and a first world country comparable to the best in Europe and the new world...their legacy speaks of a people who intended to live there for a thousand years, if not eternity.

To claim that 'the whole of Africa belongs to Blacks' is absurd. It is like an Italian claiming the whole of Europe belongs to Italians, including Norway. In fact, the pyramids of Egypt are proof of white settlement going back thousands of years—and also the Phoenicians settling Carthage and the Greeks settling Alexandria. The Arabs settled North Africa soon after the Prophet Mohammed died and the whites settled Southern Africa from 1652 onwards. Today there are three Africas as Dr. Eschel Rhoodie calls it in his book "The Third Africa" (1968)... Arabic up north, Black in the centre and Whites at the south... The white settlers of the Cape first came face to face with the Bantu around 1770 on the banks of the Great Fish River, 120 years after Van Riebeeck came to the Cape and 1000 km east of Cape Town.

LIE NUMBER FOUR: Whites created black reserves and homelands.

THE TRUTH: Blacks created the homelands themselves, thanks to Shaka Zulu. The common belief is that the 'black tribes at the time were all living peacefully and in the spirit of 'Ubuntu' with each other in a virtual liberal paradise'.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Shaka-Zulu was a genocidal maniac who wiped out some two million black people in the Defeqane ( "great scattering"). The Zulu tyrant Shaka, at the time was committing genocide against other tribes. The Swazis and the Ndebeles fled back north in the direction of central Africa where they migrated from. The Sothos fled into the mountains of what is today, Lesotho. The rest of the smaller tribes huddled together trying to find strength in coalescing. That is the history of black South Africans that blacks prefer to ignore... that blacks drove other blacks off their land, not whites. It is into this maelstrom of black chaos that the Boers trekked in 1838. As far as they went they found large open sections of country uninhabited by anyone. Black tribes fleeing Shaka's carnage grouped themselves into areas finding protection in concentrated numbers. This is how Sir Theophilus Shepstone later found the remnants of black refugees huddled together on self-created reserves. He just demarcated it in order to protect them from each other. The creators of the Bantustans were not the Boers or the whites, it was a black man called Shaka.
African News / ANC Crumbling
Sat 03 Jan 2015

Zuma : If ANC Goes Down, So Will SA

Johannesburg – President Jacob Zuma on Wednesday admitted that the ANC had been shaken and was in trouble. "The youth league has been shaken but also the mother body has been shaken," he told delegates at the ANC Youth League consultative conference in Soweto, Johannesburg. "We admit that the organisation is in trouble." Zuma was referring to discussions held by the African National Congress's combined national working committee and national executive committee meeting on Tuesday. "I can guarantee you that if everything goes wrong with the ANC, everything will go wrong in this country. There is no doubt about it." Zuma urged youth league members to defend the African National Congress. Before Zuma arrived, delegates sang songs praising the president, "lead us Zuma", they sang in isiZulu. When he entered the hall the ANC Youth League delegates cheered and started to sing "Umshini wam" (bring me my machine gun).


In the 19th century the British fought wars to subject the Boer states to British Rule. In 1948, the Boers took power democratically, with the election of the National Party. In the 1960s the government of Hendrik Verwoerd took power and implemented the formal separate but equal policies in South Africa. These policies made South Africa the economically strongest nation in Africa, and gave the blacks in South Africa (and the whites) the highest standards of living of any African nation. Verwoerd's policies had two main opponents. One was a Jew named Harry Oppenheimer, the other a Jew named Anton Ruppert. Both controlled banking monopolies in the country, and wanted "rights" extended to black South Africans for the purpose of extending their money lending business. Oppenheimer had ties to the Rothschild banking family and to theUS CIA, which throughout the 1970s through 1990s supported the overthrow of white South African rule, at the direction of the Jew Henry Kissinger. Oppenheimer lobbied the Rothschilds to overthrow Verwoerd, who had publicly denounced the Jewish banking monopolies in Parliament. The Rothschilds secured the support of the Rockefeller, Carnegie and other "Anglo" families in the United States, and had those institutions lobby against the white government. Rockfeller influenced the Council on Foreign Relations and its members in the US government in particular to oppose white rule.

African National Congress – ANC

The ANC was founded by Lionel Bernstein, Bob Hepple, Dennis Goldberg, Arthur Goldreich, Hazel Goldreich and James Kantor, with a few African front men – Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu, Govan Mbeki (father of Thabo Mbeki), Raymond Mhlaba, and Ahmed Kathrada. In this, the ANC followed the model the Jews established when they founded the NAACP in the United States, with the exception that the ANC was a much more violent and openly communist organization. These Jews and their African National Congress received funding and support from both the Soviet Union and the US CIA. In particular, Ruth First, the Jewish wife of Jewish Soviet KGB Colonel Joe Slovo, a leader of the South African Communist Party, was primarily responsible for funneling funds to this "African" National Congress. In 1966 the CIA financed the assassination of President Verwoerd, through their "lone nut" operative Demetrio Tsafendas, a Greek immigrant to South Africa. In particular, Oppenheimer's South African Foundation funneled CIA money to Hendrik Van Den Bergh of the South African Security Police and John Vorster, the Minister of Justice, who were the men who recruited Tsafendas to assassinate Verwoerd.

By the 1970s the Jewish campaign to subvert South Africa was having no effect. The economy was unaffected by sanctions and communist unrest was minimal – though much was made of it in the Jewish owned elements of the US press. In 1978 the CIA recruited Pik Botha, the South African foreign minister, as a spy and used him to subvert the South African government, working with Samuel Huntington and Chester Crocker, Botha was assigned to undermine and alter the attitudes of the South African government regarding black rule. Botha recruited Minister of Sports Piet Koornhof -and Head of Military Intelligence General Tienie Groenewald to the CIA-Jew operation. Groenewald in particular passed on the names of Afrikaaner nationalist and white rights activists to MI6 and the CIA, and arranged for acts of violence and harassment, COINTELPRO style, against Boer activists in the country. In the late 1970s and the early 1980s the banking families, Oppenheimer in particular, began to speculate in the Rand for the purpose of devaluing the currency. Inflation rose to 7 percent and growth fell to 3 percent, with inflation reaching 16 percent in the early 1980s.

In 1989 a Freemason with ties to B'nai B'rith, the Jewish Masonic fraternity which controls the ADL, was elected President of South Africa. President Frederik De Klerk was a Jewish-backed candidate with ties to the international Zionist establishment. De Klerk worked for, and eventually achieved, the Jewish goal of black rule in South Africa. The IMF ( Rothschild) – added pressure by threatening that if Mandela will not be released- the IMF will flood the country with Russian diamonds and force a inflation onto the country. Today, South Africa's central bank is run by a Jew named Gill Marcus, . Trevor Manuel, a Jew, was the Minister of Finance. Alec Erwin, a Jew, is the Minister of Trade and Industry. Helena Dolny, the Jewish ex-wife of KGB Colonel Joe Slovo, runs the Land Bank. Ronnie Kasrils, a Jew, is the Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry. Louise Tager, a Jew, is chairman of the railway system, Spoornet. Michael Katz, a Jew, is the chief consultant on taxation. Meyer Kahn, a Jew, is the managing director of the police service. Three Jews – Richard Goldstone, Arthur Chaskalson, and Albert Sachs – sat on the South African Supreme Court. What has happened in South Africa under the name of "democracy" and "diversity" has been the Jewish takeover of their country. As with all Jewish governments, South Africa is now a failed nation. It is poor, it is crime ridden, and it is not safe to walk the streets.

The Jews wage war on anyone who opposes their total domination of the world's economy. They also work to make sure they control the governments of every single developed country in the world. Jews use whatever tools they can – phony allegations of "racism" or pleas for "democracy", for instance – to win stupid, thoughtless non-Jews to their cause, but all celebrated communist, socialist, "democratic" and/or anti-racist groups in the world are Jewish run and Jewish financed.
Chapters include :

  • Seeds of Tyranny
  • Political Maneuvering : Making Christianity Palatable to the Romans
  • Deciding Upon Doctrine : Sex, Free Will, Reincarnation and the Use of Force
  • The Church Takes Over : The Dark Ages
  • The Church Fights Change : The Middle Ages
  • Controlling the Human Spirit : The Inquisition and Slavery
  • The Reformation : Converting the Populace
  • The Witch Hunts : The End of Magic and Miracles
  • Alienation From Nature

Businesses have shut up shop, generators have sold out and cars play cat-and-mouse at darkened road junctions in South Africa, where power cuts have suddenly become a daily reality. Under white minority rule, South Africa subsidised electricity heavily to attract foreign investment, although much of the black-majority had no access to power. In the twenty years since apartheid ended, most of the population has been connected to the grid, although around 15 percent of the poorest still have no electricity. But investment in new power plants has not kept up with demand. "This government has ignored the problem for a decade and now it's too late," said pensioner Hugh Gardener, scouring a hardware store for gas camping stoves, candles and torches. Periodic rolling blackouts, which spooked investors in 2008, returned in March this year. Last week, things got worse as creaking infrastructure buckled. Households in most parts of the country have been without electricity for around 4-5 hours a day since Friday, when state utility Eskom lost up to a third of its 42,000 megawatt capacity as plants shut down for emergency maintenance. "We're starting to see dark days ahead," Gardener said. Eskom's Chief Executive Tshediso Matona said on Monday that regular power outages could continue well into 2015 and it might take 3-5 years to restore reserves needed to avoid blackouts. "The status quo as it is, is untenable. Something has to give," Matona said, citing various problems, including a lack of maintenance, power plant breakdowns and a dearth of funding.


The rand fell to its weakest level against the U.S. dollar in six years on Monday and fears power outages could hit the mining sector helped push platinum, of which South Africa is the biggest producer, 1.4 percent higher. At grass-roots level, generator salesman Matt Sly said he received 500 emailed enquiries in five hours on Tuesday from customers ranging from large industrial users to homeowners, swelling his inbox to almost 7 times its normal daily size. "We're sold out," he said from his now empty warehouse. Eskom, which supplies almost all the country's electricity, says it will have a funding shortfall of 225 billion rand ($19.6 billion) over the next four years and will have to increase electricity tariffs. The ruling African National Congress (ANC) said in October it would inject 20 billion rand ($1.8 billion) of cash into the struggling utility and it could also convert its existing 60 billion rand subordinated loan to state-owned equity. But the sum is due to come from the sale of "non-strategic assets", privatisation that is sure to come under attack from President Jacob Zuma's far-left opponents and powerful trade unions. Economic growth averaged 5 percent in the five years before a 2009 recession, but has languished below 2 percent since. Ratings agencies Standard & Poor's and Moody's cited the bleak power outlook as a contributing factor in recent credit downgrades. Businesses say it is set to get worse. "Major industry hasn't returned to full capacity since 2008 because of power constraints," said Shaun Nel, spokesman for the Energy Intensive User Group of Southern Africa (EIUG), a body representing businesses consuming 41 percent of the country's power.

"What is worrying is the impact in the future because projects are being cancelled, investment is being deferred or scrapped," said Nel, whose members account for 27 percent of South Africa's GDP, in industries like mining and manufacturing. The steel and engineering sectors alone have lost 6 billion rand ($520 million) in output due to power outages in recent months, according to an industry body. For the general public, the outages are wreaking chaos. Many restaurants, shops and offices simply close their doors when the blackouts hit, although some, including large shopping malls, have invested in generators to stay open. Drivers on Johannesburg's busy streets blast their horns and jerk their cars forward in risky dashes for the other side of heaving junctions where traffic lights have gone dark. Crime is already a major concern for most South Africans and with no power going to electric fences or security gates and streets pitch black at night, criminals have new opportunities. Around 50 households are robbed or attacked every day in South Africa and it has one of the world's highest rates of road fatalities per capita. For 30-year-old lecturer Candess Kostopoulos, the light bulb she has just bought, which stores up energy when it is switched on to keep it alight when the power has gone, is little comfort. "I'm worried about the future," she said.

A whistle-blower has revealed the truth about the South African Reserve Bank. Goodson is a former Director of the Reserve Bank and, according to his book : It is absolutely clear that the Board of the Reserve Bank has absolutely no idea how the money creation process works. In other words, they do not actually understand that, when a commercial bank creates a loan or an overdraft, the customer spends the money into existence. In other words, a bank loan creates brand new money. The scandal of Gill Marcus (Jew), the former Governor of the SARB, is both alarming and disturbing. After selling sandwiches in London, she studied economics and went to work for our Reserve Bank. She was so awful, that she was instructed to clear her desk in 2004 and leave the building. She was fired. However after secretly following Tito Mboweni around, she created a black-list of all his ill-deeds. Later, she reappeared as Governor of SARB under mysterious circumstances.

Gill Marcus immediately removed the requirement that all Reserve Bank meetings were to be transcribed and recorded. She shredded documents and changed the voting rights of shareholders. Then she introduced changes that would phase out the "old guard" and amended the rules to allow only herself to appoint new candidates. Finally, she was behind a monumental scandal whereby she secretly allowed a Swedish company to print South Africa's banknotes, while the local printing facility stood idle. This was a disaster. R800,000m worth of bank notes were put into circulation that did not even come close to meeting the required printing standards. Shortly afterwards, R360million worth of banknotes had to be destroyed because they were "accidentally" printed with the same serial numbers. Since then, for secrecy reasons, the same company is still responsible for producing many of South Africa's banknotes.

Kruger Rands have been found to be 5% short of the stated gold content. stated that this was likely to be a skimming operation by the South African Reserve Bank. If you purchased Kruger Rands after 2010, we suggest that you have them tested. 300 Tonnes of gold valued at over R300billion was stolen from the SARB, with the help of insiders as part of a bigger looting exercise valued at a massive R2.25 trillion. A third of our foreign currency reserves are looked after by a single bank: JP Morgan, a bank who's reputation and skulduggery goes sickeningly deep. 90% Of our gold reserves are kept at the Bank of England. When Germany ask the Federal Reserve bank of the US for their gold back, they only returned a very small portion of what was agreed – and it turned out that the gold returned was fake. The story seems almost too incredible to be true, could it be the same with our gold reserves? This is just another day at the office for the banksters. The question is... where is South Africa's gold now? Not in the hands of the people that mine it, that's for sure. Stephen Goodson left SARB under claims that he was a "holocaust denier" with bad press associated with him. He dedicates an entire chapter on this topic in his book. We are far more interested in the research and insight behind the banking system.

According to Goodson, and NewERA completely agrees with him, the solution to this problem, at least in part, is the creation of a People's Bank. This bank does not allow money to be created out of nothing by a bank then loaned to the government at interest. Instead, the government issues its own currency based on our ability and requirements to develop.  This kind of bank is not new. It has been created several times in the past with incredible success. However, each time such a bank was created, either the bank was "mysteriously " closed down, or its country was bombed. When a conventional Central Banking system is put in place, economic hell soon follows. Until the people of South Africa understand the history and lies behind the banking system, and have the humility to admit that we have been misinformed by a skewed economic education system, then we will never see economic freedom.

Woolworths : Pig's Head Incident Appalling

Cape Town - Retailer Woolworths said it was appalled by the actions of Congress of SA Students members who placed a pig's head in the kosher section of the store's Sea Point, Cape Town, branch.

A photo of a man putting the head down amongst other meat went viral on Friday, causing people on social media to react in anger.

"Placing a pig's head in our store is unacceptable and offensive to our employees and customers, including Jewish and Muslim employees and customers," Paula Disberry, Woolworths group director of retail operations said in a statement.

"We are investigating this incident and we will consider our options to prevent such distasteful protests in our stores.

"We will destroy any halaal products that may be affected and take any other appropriate measures. There were no kosher food products on the affected shelf.

Disberry said the incident was isolated to its Fort Road store in Sea Point.

In a statement released by Cosas, the body said it supported the call by Boycott Divest and Sanctioning Israel (BDSI) to not buy from Woolworths.

BDSI distances selves from Cosas actions

"We are not being bombastic when we say will bring the supporters of Israel pigs - we are being revolutionary," Cosas in the Western Cape said.

However, BDSI distanced itself from Cosas's actions.

"We believe that the methods used, namely placing pigs heads in South African Woolworths stores, are very controversial and may not have been properly thought through.

"It may be argued that the placing of pig heads is a form of militant human rights action however there is a great amount of sensitivity surrounding Halaal and Kosher food.

"The pig heads have now effectively made various Woolworths Stores a complete no-go zone for those that buy Kosher or Halaal as those areas are now contaminated," said in a statement.

The SA Jewish Board of Deputies was also disgusted by Cosas's actions.

"Disregarding all standards of basic decency, (Cosas) [on Friday] chose to send an ugly message to the Jewish community of South Africa," the board's Wendy Kahn said.

The retailer has previously said that less than 0.1% of its products are sourced in Israel.

Ooohhhh the poor semites ! :'(

Demonstration Against Boer Genocide

On Saturday, 19th April, 23 activists took to the streets of London to demand an end to the destruction of the Boer people in South Africa. The day started with activists gathering near Charing Cross promptly at 1pm, from there they moved on to South Africa House where a flash demonstration took place for nearly an hour. A group of ordinary people quickly assembled around our demonstration as onlookers listened to speeches expounding on the problems White people face in South Africa and urging action to be taken immediately to stop further bloodletting of White people.

We were also bearing flags representing the old South African republic, White Solidarity and Social Nationalism; and armed with a large banner emblazoned with a quotation from the late AWB leader, Eugene Terre'Blanche, our message was loud and clear : STOP BOER GENOCIDE ! After hitting South Africa House, we moved on to Parliament Square where our anti-Genocide banner and a banner featuring the Mantra were unfurled; much to the annoyance of the assorted Mandela sycophants wanting to worship their false idol. The activity was then concluded with by a short talk from the organiser expressing his thanks to the people who attended.

The importance of events like this cannot be overemphasized. Public displays of White defiance against the multiracial society are important in galvanizing people to action – it is only when we get off our arses that people starting notice. It's that simple. The keyboard warriors need to be derided and real activists need to be applauded as fine examples to our race at a time when we are under sustained attack from the System.
Time To Open Pandora's Apartheid Box – Part 1

By Mike Smith
22nd of April 2010

When we were children. We could never understand what the church minister meant when he said that all sins are sins and all sins are equally bad. It did not make sense to us, because telling a lie is not as bad as murdering someone, or is it ? Personally I believe that lying is far more dangerous than murder. Lying can kill entire civilisations. You see, lying is an art. There are many facets to it, but basically successful lying works like this - you start with a massive lie. Some idiots will believe it, some will be mildly sceptic and a few intelligent ones will dismiss it as hogwash. Then you tone the lie down a bit, and those mildly sceptic ones becomes believers and the few intelligent ones who thought they knew the truth start doubting themselves and think, "OK, some of it might be true, but it is mostly bullsh!t". And so it carries on, you tone the lie down a little bit more until everyone accepts it as the truth. See, people do not believe lies, because they have to, but , because they want to. But there are lies and then there are statistics, and then there is the truth. And that is what I profess to. And so the lie of Apartheid and everything about it was started as a massive lie until Apartheid was accepted as a crime against humanity on the 30th of November 1973.

The Crime of Apartheid -
Was it a Crime ? A Crime against humanity, or was it the fairest system ever created for multicultural societies ? These are the questions I want to explore in a series of articles. "Why", you ask ? This so called "Crime of Apartheid" is a daemon released from Pandora's Box. It has far reaching consequences that were previously not considered. It has consequences and it is making people nervous, everyone from international corporations, international church organisations to sovereign nations are currently biting their nails.

What is the motivation to open Pandora's Box ? Does common sense not tell you to rather keep it shut ? Do you really want to see how deep the rabbit hole goes ? When it comes to "The Crime of Apartheid", the only motivation is GREED. So who are these greedy people brave enough to open Pandora's Apartheid Box ? They are called The Khulumani support group -
Khulumani means "To speak out" in the Zulu Language.

So let us speak out. Let us not hold back anymore. Let us not pay 20,000 blacks R30,000 "restitution for suffering under Apartheid" like the ANC did after the TRC (Truth and Reconciliation Commission"). To understand it better I have to take you back a while to when us whites willingly handed power over to the Blacks in 1994. We thought we had an honest deal. The deal was actually simple. We wanted the international community to lift all economic and sport sanctions against us so we could play Rugby and take part in the Olympics. In exchange we asked the ANC to stop planting bombs in shopping centres and landmines on farm roads, we told the international community that we were willing to bury the hatchet with the ANC, provided they do the same.

We wanted to bury Apartheid and build a fantastic country all working together to make the country even stronger than what it was. We thought it was achievable, because we always got on well with our Black domestics in our homes or our black colleagues at work. We knew nothing about the communist agitations happening in the townships. Most of us, were political dunces at the time. Our political beliefs were very liberal after we left (brainwashing) school and entered the realm of Liberal activist student politics. The reality was that when we buried the hatchet, the ANC continued the struggle. They have not at the time, neither now achieved their ultimate goal, which is a total communist South Africa, and therefore will continue the struggle until there is not a single white person left in South Africa. How did I realise that the ANC was continuing the struggle ? I saw it with the TRC, I saw it with the introduction of Affirmative Action and Black Economic Empowerment. I saw that the ANC was not willing to let it all go. They were not interested in burying the hatchet. The ANC was not interested in "A better life for all".

The ANC was only interested in making as much money for themselves and screw the rest of all South Africans, Black or White. The ANC equals Greed. Nothing will ever be enough. You cannot bargain or deal with them, because they will take everything you put on the table and demand more. It is futile to deal with these Marxist terrorists. Dealing with them will mean you will lose everything you have and they will not give up a single thing they have. You will keep on giving until you have nothing more to give, at which point you become expendable. That is when they will kill you. We as ordinary whites in South Africa are fast approaching that stage.

Along came the TRC who paid blacks in South Africa R30.000 each for their bullsh!t stories about how Apartheid oppressed them. The oppression and benefits will be dealt with in another article, but as far as I am concerned, when someone offers me R30,000 then I can also suck a brilliant story of oppression out of my thumb. Make the sum people. R30,000 paid out to about 20 thousand black ? R600,million ... is that enough ? So to take stock. We thought it was enough to hand over our country that we built with our money and our expertise. We thought it was enough to give them a first world country with a nuclear and space program. We identified every single black who supposedly suffered under Apartheid, we believed all their lies all 20,000 who came forward, we paid them restitution of R30,000 each.

But let me tell you, it was not enough, it will never be enough with these Marxist terrorist scum. No, they want blood. They want us to pay in blood ... to the very last drop ... more on that later. They have started a court case in the USA against international companies who benefited from Apartheid. They name Land Rover (Leyland) and Mercedes who supplied vehicles to patrol the townships, they mention Oil companies such as Royal Dutch Shell who ironically donated their headquarters in SA to the ANC that is now called Luthuli House. They name Barclays Bank who withdrew from SA and at the same time changed their name to First National Bank and continued to fund the ANC. These same ANC scum now turns against their international masters and demands restitution.

But what about countries that supported the previous National Party ? We immediately think of Taiwan and Israel ? Surely if you can claim restitution from international corporations who supported Apartheid then you can also claim restitution from countries who supported the Apartheid government at the time. See, what I mean about opening Pandora's Apartheid Box ? The ANC should have left sleeping dogs lying, but no, greed has no brakes. So let us see where this journey takes us. Let us see how deep the rabbit hole goes. At the end of this series you will see that we never had any friends, nobody had any friends. Nobody is friends currently and nobody will ever be friends with anybody. Everybody lies about everyone else. The biggest lie is the one that everyone believes about Apartheid. These scavenges are all in it for the money and the power. It is a dog eat dog world out there my friends, and we as White South Africans chose to be the EPOL biscuits
Bedfordview journalist Dylan Slater noted this month that the SA Police Service has trouble identifying 'bogus' criminals from real police officers; that spokespeople were publishing contradictory statements. Slater thus is unclear on whether two men arrested as 'bogus cops' earlier this month, were actually 'real SAPS members' or not... because the police also do not seem able to tell...
After 10 years in London, the Short family packed their bags and moved back to South Africa, part of what experts say is a growing trend of white expatriates returning home.

"London was very good to us but it was never home," said Julie Short, who met her husband Wallis in the British capital, where their two young daughters were born.

The couple were among the estimated 800 000 white South Africans who moved overseas, mainly to Britain, Australia and New Zealand, between 1991 and 2001, according to census data.

The exodus amounted to about 15% of South Africa's white population. Some fled fearing the often gratuitously violent crime that erupted across the nation during the mid-1990s. Nearly 27 000 people were killed in 1995, the year after Nelson Mandela became president.

Others feared that in the new post-apartheid South Africa, they could be passed over for jobs or business opportunities as the government embarked on a programme of black economic empowerment.

But now the exodus appears to be slowing -- and even reversing.

Census figures show the white population is at 4.5-million, the highest level since 1991.

The exact numbers of South Africans abroad are hard to determine, partly because many whites living overseas hold dual citizenship and are not counted as immigrants in their new countries.

But experts say many are now returning, especially as the economies of the rich world have stumbled.

Comedy/Humor / MUDlema
Thu 17 Nov 2011
Although we dont laugh to often in SA ... we have our circus moments ... we have MUD Lema

"Shoot The Boer" Is Hate Speech - Judge

Johannesburg - ANC Youth League leader Julius Malema's singing of the words "shoot the boer" amounted to hate speech, Judge Collin Lamont ruled in the South Gauteng High Court on Monday. "The singing of the song by Malema constituted hate speech," said Lamont. The words undermined the dignity of people and were discriminatory and harmful. "No justification exist allowing the words to be sung ... the words were in any event not sung on a justifiable occasion." Lamont said it was not relevant whether the words were not exposed to some people of society. "If it is exposed to a portion of society then it is relevant."

ANC To Appeal "Shoot The Boer" Ban

Johannesburg - The ANC will appeal against the interdict which stops the singing of the liberation song "shoot the boer", secretary general Gwede Mantashe said on Monday. "The NEC re-affirmed its commitment to protect its heritage by appealing the court decision that bans our struggle song 'ayesaba amagwala'," Mantashe told reporters in Johannesburg. Last Monday, Judge Colin Lamont declared some of the words hate speech. Singing them could lead to a contempt of court charge. Civil group AfriForum took the matter to court and won the judgment. This was after ANC Youth League president Julius Malema sang the song several times in public. The league has already said it would appeal the judgment.

Cosatu Leader Defies Song Ban - Again

East London - Congress of SA Trade Union's president Sdumo Dlamini has once again defied the controversial ban on the liberation struggle song "shoot the boer", according to a report on Tuesday. The Daily Dispatch reported that Dlamini lead hundreds of shop stewards in East London in a lively rendition of the song, saying that the ban meant nothing to those who had sacrificed their lives for the country's liberation. Over the weekend he also led a rendition of the song at a similar meeting in Durban. Judge Colin Lamont last week found ANC Youth League leader Julius Malema guilty of hate speech for singing the song. Addressing Cosatu's second provincial shop stewards council meeting, Dlamini urged the workers to ignore the "clueless judge" and continue singing the banned song at their gatherings. In his judgment, Lamont said there was no justification for the song to be sung, adding that it unlawfully singled out white Afrikaners and farmers as the subject of hate.

No wonder SA was put on Genocide level 6 ; the singing of this anti-White song is clearly an action to identify the enemy - seems the Kaffirs haven`t learned what a hiding they got at Blood River - this time they are first going to take on each other while we watch, as we`re seeing with the collapse of the ANC (internal struggle between the youth and the SA communist party), and then holocaust the rest back into the Stone Age, White-style, if they have any war ideas ... needless to say, only in self defense, as the Afrikaner/Boer people are very reasonable people
South Africa : Market's Roller Coaster Sets Off Krugerrand Buying Spree

FNB CEO Michael Jordaan, whose bank offers safekeeping of the coins through Rand Refinery, said Wednesday's sales were "unbelievable" - 10 times more than is usually seen in a day.

FNB achieved its average monthly sales volume in a day. "One client bought 300 ounces," he tweeted.

On Thursday, trade was three times the daily average. Clients bought just over R15-million worth of Krugerrands in those two days.

FNB Share Investing CEO Gusta Binikos said FNB sold more than 5000 ounces of gold in five months. She said the rand value of gold coins rose by up to 20% in the past five months.

Since FNB Share Investing made Krugerrands available on its online banking platform in February, clients had bought more than R75-million in Krugerrands.

Nationalising the gold mines without compensation will devastate shareholders, but not the investors holding Krugerrands.

If you had invested R10000 in Krugerrands in 1970, today they would be worth about R4.7-million - an annual return of 15%.

The truth is that metal will always be worth something ... silver is a better bet now, imo  ;)
I always had a weird feeling when this nigger took office ... is this the chaos the world awaits ? We need a distraction in South Africa
Check out these losers  ;D

African News / Fighting Back !!!
Tue 25 May 2010
Johannesburg - A would-be robber was shot dead and one of his alleged accomplices wounded in Benoni on Friday morning, Johannesburg police said. They allegedly followed an elderly couple that had exchanged money at a local mall to their Brentwood Park home, and tried to rob them, but were shot by the couple's son, police spokesperson Warrant Officer Jannie Van Aswegen said.

The couple had just exchanged R200 notes for R100 notes at a local Standard Bank. When they got home, they parked their car, but when they went to close the gate, they saw a white Audi A4 entering their property. Three men armed with pistols then got out of the car and walked towards them." Unbeknown to the three, the couple's son was watching from inside the house. When he saw what was about to happen, he started shooting at the three men.

They ran back into their car, but their driver was shot dead. They then pushed him to the passenger side and one of them took over ... he was also shot but managed to drive off. With their alleged accomplice dead, the two men made their way to the Lakeside Mall and stopped in the underground parking area. As they got out, one of them fell to the ground, while the other tried to run.

A security guard at the centre saw a bloodied man running away from the vehicle with bullet holes and called the police. The Saps flying squad called to the scene managed to arrest the man trying to run away. He was expected to appear in the Benoni Magistrate's Court on Monday. His alleged accomplice, found lying near the car, was under police guard in hospital. Inside the car full of bullet holes, they found one dead person and a pistol.

Source :
Westminster, United Kingdom -- On Saturday morning, 8 May 2010, around 20 Afrikaners, referring to themselves as "Boere", conducted a "silent protest" in Parliament Square against what is known in South Africa as "Plaasmoorde" – Farm Murders. With their mouths taped up and without chanting any of the slogans on their placards ranging from "More than 3,000 farmers murdered since 1994" and "Families butchered everyday" to "No farmers, no food" and "Boer genocide = African famine" they symbolised the silence of the world press when it comes to the reporting of these genocidal killings.

Apart from two high profile murders which had enticed a couple of media reports for a week or two, these often very gruesome murders have gone largely unnoticed. When asked what the aim of the protest was, the organiser of the event, Wynand Krüger, said : " Whilst we acknowledge that South Africa's rampant crime leaves every citizen and tourist very vulnerable, we wanted to emphasise the ethnic nature of what we consider to be targetted attacks in order to scare and intimidate white farmers off their land. "Do you realize that Genocide Watch recently raised South Africa's threat level to Stage 5 out of the 8 possible stages of Genocide, referring to Boers and refugees as the potential victims ? That is why we also chose to display Boer flags here today; we consider "plaasmoorde" to constitute a process of ethnic cleansing that echoes the concentration camps of the Anglo Boer War.

"No-one believed it then and no-one is believing it now. Our people need, and would be very thankful for, another Emily Hobhouse, hence the protest here in Parliament Square." One protester also commented that the ANC-dominated government's failure to adequately address farm murders, as well as its racially prejudiced policies towards ethnic minorities since Nelson Mandela stepped down, left her feeling marginalised and unable to identify with the new South Africa, its flag and the idea of a Rainbow Nation any longer. "The ANC preaches one thing, but practises another", she said. Another protestor wanted to know why Mr Mandela was so quiet on the farm murder issue, especially since the ANC defended Julius Malema's singing of the genocidal hate-speech song "Kill the Boer". "Mr Mandela won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993, where is he now ? Last year he shared a stage with now president Zuma, thereby endorsing Zuma and the ANC during the previous election."

Bean Earle, chairman of the Jack Hindon Scouts in the UK, said : "the frightening statistics of more than 3,360 farmers being murdered in more than 10,000 attacks since 1994, the ANC's failure to discipline Julius Malema for his hate speech and calling for Zimbabwe-style land grabs, the fact that South Africa can now be mentioned in the same breath as Zimbabwe and Iraq (both listed as at stage 5 by Genocide Watch) when potential genocide is discussed, as well as the knock-on effect of these factors on dramatic drop in the food production in Sub-Saharan Africa, all send a multitude of shivers up one's spine. It is therefore unsurprising that there are serious doubts about the prospects for a peaceful future in South Africa. "Despite the protest in Parliament Square being a silent one, those present hoped that the message got across loud and clear, he said.

Source :
South Africa is the world's richest country in terms of its mineral reserves - worth $2.5 thousand billion - according to research by the American banking group Citigroup, reports Bloomberg. The Citigroup report, which was compiled by its mining analyst, Craig Sainsbury, says that Russia comes second after South Africa, and Australia third.

The research states that South Africa, Guinea, the Ukraine, India and Kazakhstan all have mineral reserves unrelated to energy worth more than $200bn. Mines in these countries also all have average life spans of more than 100 years at current rates of exploitation. Countries like Guinea and Kazakhstan with high resource values but limited mining activity could see greater demand from the world's biggest mining companies and foreign wealth funds, the report continues.
Sainsbury says Chinese mines have an average 17-year life of mine, according to surveys by the US Geological Survey system. Sainsbury says it's no wonder that China continues to invest massively in metals and mining, Bloomberg reports. He says that China is expected to continue investing in copper and iron ore, together with energy resources like coal and uranium. Of South Africa's $2 500bn worth of reserves, $2 300bn resides in the platinum group metals.

Russia's iron ore reserves are valued at $794bn - more than the Australian iron ore reserves, which are estimated to be worth $737bn. Iron ore reserves in the Ukraine, according to Sainsbury, are worth $510bn, and Guinea has bauxite (aluminium ore) worth $222bn. In dollar values Guinea, South Africa, India, the Ukraine and Kazakhstan are the countries that under-produce the most in terms of their reserves, says Sainsbury. India will need to increase its domestic production rates, especially in light of its economic upturn. But bureaucracy and national protectionism will probably scare off any foreign investors, the report declares.

Source :

[I remember a time when the Rand was stronger than the US$, as this article shows below. But because the jews own the minerals (Oppenheimers) and the reserve bank (Gill Marcus), this country is regarded a third world country]

A rand was worth more than a US dollar from the time of its inception in 1961 until 1982, when mounting political pressure combined with sanctions placed against the country because of Apartheid started to erode its value. The currency broke above parity with the dollar for the first time in March 1982, and continued to trade between R 1-R 1.30 to the dollar until June 1984, when depreciation of the currency gained momentum. By February 1985, it was trading at over R 2 per dollar, and in July that year all foreign exchange trading was suspended for 3 days to try to stop the devaluation.

By the time that State President PW Botha made his notorious Rubicon speech on 15 August 1985, it had weakened to R 2.40 per dollar. The currency recovered somewhat between 1986-88, trading near the R 2 level most of the time and even breaking beneath it sporadically. The recovery was short-lived however, and by the end of 1989 the rand was trading at levels of more than R 2.50 per dollar.

As it became clear in the early 1990s that the country was destined for black majority rule and one reform after the other was announced, uncertainty about the future of the country hastened the depreciation until the level of R 3 to the dollar was breached in November 1992. A host of local and international events influenced the currency after that, most notably the 1994 democratic election which saw it weaken to over R 3.60 to the dollar, the election of Tito Mboweni as the new governor of the South African Reserve Bank, and the inauguration of President Thabo Mbeki in 1999 which saw it quickly slide to over R 6 to the dollar. The controversial land reform program that was kicked off in Zimbabwe, followed by the September 11, 2001 attacks, propelled it to its weakest historical level of R 13.84 to the dollar in December 2001. [today its trading around R7-50]

Source :
SA journalist Paul Trewelha seems to be gloating – but perhaps it's just my imagination – when he writes : "Events are moving with incredible speed in southern Africa, almost too quickly to comprehend, as a new world order takes shapes in a configuration that has changed the sub-continent forever," he writes.

" President Ahmedinejad of Iran arrives in Zimbabwe as the guest of the Mugabe regime, for a secret deal to mine uranium for Iran's nuclear programme. Julius Malema (ANC youth league leader) arrives in Venezuela as the guest of the Yanqui-bashing regime of Hugo Chavez (Iran and Venezuela both sustained by oil revenues, Venezuela with its comprehensive statisation of the economy, Iran hell-bent on developing nuclear weapons for the global Islamist Armageddon).Extending ever deeper southwards, China is the new benevolent uncle bestriding the sub-continent in the shoes of Cecil Rhodes, on condition that African governments should not be too solicitous about their independence ....

Who is Paul Trewelha ? Paul Henry Trewelha, a journalist from South Africa, giving testimony to "The Ad Hoc Working Group of Legal Experts" - United Nations Commission on Human Rights investigating 'charges of torture and ill-treatment of prisoners victims of the policy of apartheid in South Africa", during its first five meetings in London from 12-24 June 1967. It heard three former prisoners testify to the discriminatory treatment of African prisoners and particularly African political prisoners. Testimony was also heard as to the mistreatment of witnesses personally suffered while in detention. The Working Group's weeklong session at the United Nations Association offices in London was scheduled to hear witnesses through to June 19 1967. It then proceeds to Dar Es Salaam to hear further testimonies from 21-27 June.

Weak government in South Africa : He continues : "Meanwhile, in South Africa : weak government, with the overwhelmingly dominant party of state racked with ferocious internal divisions, the President (of the state, and of the ruling party) racked with indecision as he attempts to hold together the factions of his ascendancy to office, in an increasingly fractious coalition..

"Iran - China - Venezuela ... here is the alignment of a new world order unimagined by George W Bush, as he led the United States with the blind assurance of a sleepwalker into unimaginable debt, and wars in the Muslim countries (is it correct to say 'states'?) of Iraq and Afghanistan, with the former Great Britain (now brand 'UK') at his heels. Here there is no road-map from the past to guide South Africa to the future. This was a context unimaginable to the Christian gentlemen who founded the African National Congress almost one hundred years ago, and led it under the guidance of iNkosi Albert Luthuli and even, to some extent, in exile, Oliver Reginald Tambo.

Unimaginable too to the rugged champions of the Communist Party of South Africa, which metamorphosed itself into the SACP after it was banned in 1950 : both parties ideologically baptised in the secularist font of Soviet Russia, and whose Iranian sister party, the Tudeh, was massacred by the mullahs' regime now headed by Ahmedinejad on a scale that would make Mugabe's Gukurahundi killings in Matabeleland look like a children's nursery. So much for the emancipation of women, for free and fair elections, for the secular alliance of Christian, Muslim, Jew and Hindu which convened the Congress of the People at Kliptown in 1955, and created the Freedom Charter.

And all the while, South Africa deteriorates into a condition in which, as one anguished commentator put it last week, "all the manouevres in the ANC have one thing in common : access to economic freedom for those who can use their ANC positions to do so." A party of warring kleptocracies and would-be kleptocracies, in which the ideals of decades of sacrifice are boiled down to the lowest common denominator, where a scramble for public office is the means to private graft.

Where the phrase 'tenderpreneur', invented only a short time ago, almost overnight becomes a term of everyday speech, in a movement in which a few decades ago individuals went to the gallows for a certain ideal of public service. Where the term 'Bermuda' now refers - not to an island in the Caribbbean, or a holiday destination for the rich, or a sinister legendary triangle - but to the 'shorts' by which politically-connected tenderpreneurs leave their ill-gotten public contracts half fulfilled, so that their bridges fall down, and their roads wash away in the rain. Where the public, once again, is short-changed....

Source :
April 20 2010 – Summary by an experienced African field-tracking investigation team surveying the Terre'Blanche murder farm in Ventersdorp - findings by Swartberg ISS – a company highly specialised in tracking African veldt conditions and so-called 'traditional African field-writing signposting'. One of their findings was that it was very meaningful that a black farm-woman was also murdered shortly before the Terre'Blanche murder -- in a cottage very near the one where the arrested farm-workers were waiting for the SAPS("police") to arrive after the victim's murder. They believe the woman was murdered because she had wanted to warn Terre'Blanche. Two unknown young black males also were found to be living in the cottage where the two arrested farm workers were waiting for the SAPS to arrest them shortly after the Terre'Blanche murder.

The Swartberg ISS findings show that shortly after the tarred-road was taken to the dirt road leading to the Terre'blanche farm, (LEG ONE) the first signs were placed pointed directly to the Terre'Blanche farm and further signs along the route right to the room where Terre'blanche was murdered also left clear instructions for the murder-team to follow.

Their reading of these often very subtle and complicated signs indicate that these were very clearly and highly detailed instructions even including the future dates when the ailing Terre'Blanche was expected to return to the farm each time – and which room he was always resting in while the cattle were put into the kraal by his workers. The latch to the window of this room was broken, there was a muddy foot print on the window sill and a bright red wrapper with the words "Mountain Man Kill' placed on the INSIDE sill of the window.

The team writes that Terre'Blanche, described as 'tired often', could always be found at firmly preset routine times and dates - resting inside one specific room in the delapidated, unguarded homestead; he was recovering from heart-surgery and often rested while the two workers were chasing the livestock into the kraal.

The latch of the window to this room was broken on the outside Swartberg ISS's tracking team found;

a muddy footprint possibly from a trainer-shoe on the window sill, also was not lifted by the SAPS forensic team and

apparently the SAPS also missed the most obvious pointer of all namely the placement on the sill of a bright-red ('death order') wrapper in the murder room with the words "Mountain Man Kill"

These detailed African field-writing signs on the approach to the farm and on the farm itself including at the cemetery indicated that 'a person very close to Terre'blanche was involved in the murder by giving advance security information. Other signs also ordered that Terre'Blanche had to be severely beaten and sodomised before the murder. The persons who carried out this independent investigation of the murder-farm on 17 April 2010 are internationally-acknowledged experts after many years of studying the secret tribal 'African field-writing' knowledge. Their success rate in preventing farm attacks due to this knowledge has been well-documented over the years in South Africa.

Their conclusion : Terre'Blanche was killed by other unknown people who had followed the instructions contained in the marker-trail written in the landscape with traditional African field-writing to the letter. The team concludes that the farm workers who were later arrested at a cottage near the one where the black female farmworker was also killed earlier -- were not the killers but possibly cooperated under duress, for fear of being murdered; and that they would have had to swear an oath not to reveal anything they had seen on fear of death of themselves (or their relatives).

The murder of the black female farm worker was seen as a very important event by Swartberg ISS : she was murdered earlier in a nearby cottage under mysterious and still unexplained circumstances, very close to the cottage where the two 'suspects' were waiting for the SAPS to be arrested after the Terre'Blanche murder.

The Swartberg ISS team also found two blacks males they found living in this cottage who were reluctant to speak to the black trackers on the Swartberg ISS team and who were not known as being farm workers from the Terre'Blanche farm.

Swartberg ISS' report indicates that their tracking-signs indicate a link between the murder of this unnamed black female worker's murder shortly before -- "she may have wanted to warn Terre'Blanche of the murder plot. .."

"There was no payment argument" - The two workers were paid a day late the Swartberg ISS investigators found after questioning the wife – however 'this was with their permission because a black woman nearby had also been murdered and the victim (Terre'Blanche) had helped the family with money and he wouldn't be able to pay them that Friday because his wife first had to go to the bank. The payment of the workers would have taken place that Saturday in town because the victim's wife was always paying the workers there."

The Swartberg ISS report notes : "From the First Leg traversed by the tracking team, we saw signs ordering that the victims first had to be tied up, then had to be badly injured, then had to be sodomised (raped) and then had to be killed. The murderers were instructed to bring a weapon and that a weapon would also be given to them at the scene where Terre'Blanche could be found."

Source :

African News / SA Sucks Website
Thu 15 Apr 2010
SA Sucks is up again for those interested
Heart Of Steel

Build a fire a thousand miles away
to light my long way home
I ride a comet
My trail is long to stay
Silence is a heavy stone
I fight the world and take all they can give
There are times my heart hangs low
Born to walk against the wind
Born to hear my name
No matter where I stand I'm alone

Stand and fight
Live by your heart
Always one more try
I'm not afraid to die
Stand and fight
Say what you feel
Born with a heart of steel

Burn the bridge behind you
Leave no retreat
There's only one way home
Those who laugh and crowd the path
and cut each other's throats
Will fall like melting snow
They'll watch us rise with fire in our eyes
They'll bow their heads
Their hearts will hang low
Then we'll laugh and they will kneel
and know this heart of steel was
Too hard to break
Too hard to hold

[Manowar - 1988 - Kings Of Metal]

My time on this forum is getting short. You can get all the latest news about SA on SASF and Censorbugbear. The last site will be the last one to close down. When there are no more users on SASF ... the niggers have put out the lights in SA. Those who have supported Whites in SA financially I have this message : "You have put your money where your mouth is. Thank you !" To those who have not supported Whites in SA financially, not those that are jobless, I want to say : "You don`t share the ideals we Whites in SA share ... you have no excuse"
Banned "Shoot Boer" ANC-genocide Song Followed By Wave Of Brutal Attacks

March 26 2010 - Singing the genocidal anc-hatespeech song "shoot the Boer" ('dubulu ibhunu') is now illegal, the South Gauteng High Court has ruled after an urgent interdict brought by an Afrikaner businessman. The South Gauteng High Court has ruled that use of the words is unconstitutional and unlawful. The anc reportedly is "shocked" at banning of their "hugely popular struggle-era"; hate-speech song.

The ground-breaking ruling follows an urgent interdict by Delmas businessman Willem Harmse preventing his Mud colleague Mahomed Vawda from using banners with the words and singing the song during a planned march against the high rate of crime in Mpumalanga and Gauteng on April 9. MudVawda unsuccessfully argued that their words figuratively meant "kill Apartheid" and wanted them chanted at the march. [ ... although Apartheid has been killed this mud thinks its still alive]

Harmse however argued the words "perpetuated hate speech and incited hatred". The Court agreed with Harmse. Since the high-level ruling party-official Mudlema started spouting his hatespeech from dozens of public platforms, a great many Afrikaans-speaking Whites have been murdered and brutally assaulted in racist hate-crimes. The anc-hatespeech is plunging the country into an orgy of violence targetting whites.

One of julius Mudlema`s supporters is even placing "updates" of farm murders on the anc Youth League leader's Facebook page. the FF+ warned that the anc youth leader's controversial song "Shoot the Boers, they are rapists" could incite farm murders. Mudlema's Facebook page has over 12,000 fans. One of them, Mud clearence letlonkane, has been posting information about farmers being murdered, as reported on news websites, every few hours over the past few days.

One of his updates reads : "3 000 farmers dead since '94 ... we lost more people than that [ ... you think ? any proof ?] ... we r far from being even ... So kill da boer, kill da farmer." [ ... and let the niggers starve] Mud letlonkane also writes that "eight people have been murdered on farms in Limpopo since the beginning of February". When questioned about this, he commented as follows : "I haven't killed anyone, but I am not sympathetic to those who have been murdered ... sue me for not shedding a tear." [ ... save your tears for the day of reckoning]

Ernst Roets, national chair of AfriForum Youth, has indicated that they will use the Facebook posts as evidence during the hate speech case against Malema which they've submitted to the equality court. Anton Alberts, the FF+'s parliamentary spokesperson for economics, said in a statement on Monday that "one doesn't have to give the matter much thought to realise that Mudlema's utterances are creating an atmosphere which is beneficial to those who want to murder". The FF+ will do its part to stop this scourge in the political and legal arenas. The farming community will have to start protesting publically against the murders and the lack of a commando system. [ ... commando system was scrapped ... town watch is doing a good job though]

Source :

Things are happening fast in SA. Whites are waking up big time. We await your move nigger ... this time the bleeding-heart libtards wont save you
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