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Topics - JamesLewis

White Pride - The Stronger Wolf;sa=view;id=2661

A person who has fallen and gets back up is much stronger than a person that never fell
Nigger Beaters / Also for Race Traitors;sa=view;id=2660

Yes the barbed wire is real  8)

Nigger Beater
Nog Basher
Traitor Smasher
Jigaboo Stick
Neeson Knockers
Here's a picture of what happens when White's have DIVERSITY forced on us. Let this photo of this beautiful White women enrage and inspire us to fight even harder for our beloved White Race.

Swedish Girl Beaten by Muslim;sa=view;id=2663

19 year old Sophie Johansson just asked him to stop groping her.

Every so often you'll hear a lot of talk about reparations from all the self entitled niggers. About how we owe them for slavery, oppression and the list goes on. But what's NEVER mentioned is the fact that the niggers of Africa sold their own into slavery and are still doing so to this very day.  There is also no mention that there were WHITE SLAVES; these FACTS are NEVER brought up.

What it comes down to is this: These arrogant NIGGERS are looking for something free from Whitey !! As if welfare, free housing, free college (that's a joke - the niggers can't even speak proper English) weren't enough. They have so many government funded programs JUST FOR THEM: which are all paid for by the race they hate, The White Race.

If anything these stupid arrogant niggers should be thanking the White Man for bringing their miserable black asses here. Niggers NEVER had it so good, but they're to damn dumb to know it.

This country - MY COUNTRY !!! Is still the greatest country on Earth that's exactly why every single third world scum is trying like hell to get into my country. They know that in America their worthless asses will be coddled and catered to. And do they show appreciation ? Hell no!! Niggers don't produce - they reproduce.  Niggers don't create - they procreate... NIGGERS CONSUME like the parasites they are.

The White Race - Our Race really needs to get our priorities straight: which is the survival of OUR RACE !! Our first priority is to do what's in the best interest of our own race PERIOD ! If anyone should be paying reparations it's the niggers and other colored scum that's been living off of the White Race. We owe these black bastards NOTHING !!!

It's not our fault that the niggers are violent, stupid, and repulsive. It's in their genes, nature made them that way, it's hereditary NOT environment.

I can't believe that the United States government gives these cretins a history month THAT'S A DISGRACE! But what do you expect when the Jews are behind the scenes pulling all the strings in government, and our politicians are nothing more than puppets being manipulated by the JEWS. These niggers in no way deserve a black history month. A history of what? Murder, rape, rioting and robbing?

Black History Month is only a few more days away, but I feel absolute disdain with this bullshit Black History Month. If any race deserves a history month it's the WHITE RACE !! The CREATORS of ALL modern technology.

Our loyalty to the CREATIVITY ALLIANCE and each other is what will make this great organization thrive. We cannot allow any agent of JOG to distract us from our mission. That mission being What is good for the White Race, and Building a Whiter and Brighter World as laid out by our founder Ben Klassen.

Remember UNITED WE'RE INVINCIBLE , But DISTRACTED by the JOG we're setting ourselves up to the Jews divide and conquer tactics.

On occasion thru no fault of our own, we have let people into our lives that have caused us more harm than good. Unfortunately this is the case with this apparently mentally ill Hardy Caroll Lloyd. This Jew led by the federal government uses a divide and conquer tactic that has the potential to destroy any pro-White organization. We must recognize this FACT and use extreme caution!!! They will do ANYTHING to put one or more of us in prison.

They've done it before remember George Loeb? That could be any one of us.

Bottom line is that this asshole needs to be BLOCKED !!! BLOCKED by every way possible. AND IGNORED! We need to focus on propaganda and recruitment. These things are Paramount to the success of the Creativity Alliance. RAHOWA !!!
Racial greetings from Pennsylvania: I'm writing concerning this Hardy Caroll Loyd traitor. For one thing this asshole says we better have a gun If we run into his sorry ass. I don't use guns, guns are for pussy's, a real man uses a blade it's up close and personal. Any pussy can be a tough guy with a gun!!

This idiot is obviously a mental defective in desperate need of attention.

Anytime this asshole wants to meet up with me and go hand to hand, LET'S DO IT!!! Enough talk: by the time I'm done with this fat slob that Miss Piggy girl of his won't be able to recognize his face.

To Hardy Loyd: You better watch who you threaten boy, I don't take kindly to threats I prepare for WAR!! I hope you see this you son of a bitch, this is one Creator that's prepared for war. BTW: it must be nice to have the  F.B.I. give you a license to do and say whatever you want, anyone else on federal parole would be back in for a parole violation, which you're clearly guilty of which proves you're working with the Feds. In closing - anytime anywhere fat ass! 🔪💀
General Jabber / Propaganda
Wed 09 Jan 2019
Propaganda is an extremely powerful method to mould the opinions of the masses; but propaganda in the hands of the JEW is a powerful WEAPON !! A weapon that is being used to brainwash the gullible White masses to great effectiveness.
martin lucifer coon day is soon upon us ; this is without a doubt a national disgrace !! Every single self respecting white person should take issue and raise hell . Our government proclaiming a national holiday for a PROVEN communist , car thief , and whore mongering piece of trash , as well as a pallagrous . This nigger couldn't even write most of his own speeches . The ones who helped fund this nigger agitater , wrote most of his speeches , including the I have a dream speech slogan . And most were Jews ! So this nigger is something to be held in high esteem ? Like hell we should !! This nigger had a dream , well I have a dream too , and that dream is the day that every last greasy nigger and hook nosed kike is shipped the hell out of our country for good . Only then can the white man regain what this countries founding fathers fought so hard for . Our race has made has made many mistakes concerning the race issue . But remember this , through bitter experience and hardships one gains knowledge . And it's through this knowledge we acquire wisdom . This is how we the great white race can make better decisions for our future , I look upon this upcoming nigger holiday with absolute disdain !! RaHoWa
black lives don't matter to me;sa=view;id=2624

black lives don't matter to me
General Jabber / Crossbow
Wed 26 Dec 2018

love this new crossbow , can't wait to use it .
General Jabber / Black Privilege
Wed 26 Dec 2018
There is alot of talk these days about " white skin privilege " . This claim is made by niggers and anti - white liberals , and is absolutly rediculous ! If any race has skin privilege it's the niggers and other colored scum . they get free housing , free food , free college , all black T.V. channels and much more . They are also over represented in sports , t.v. and movies . Yet they STILL whine and complain about how whites are holing them down . no matter how much we give these arrogant , self entitled  ghetto apes , it's NEVER enough !! this politically correct  anti-white times we're living in must stop . THE RACE CARD HAS EXPIRED !!!  RaHoWa
I just got back from distributing 200 flyers and plan to do this again soon. Just think of the impact we would have if each and every one of us distributed 100 or 200 flyers a month. Although it seems at times that trying to get our race to pull their heads out of their asses is like pulling teeth, (it can be done) we must remain relentless, persistent and determined like NEVER before !! RaHoWa !!!
A couple of days ago on Twitter; there was a greasy nigger openly calling for the murder of ALL White's. I then decided decisive action needed to be  taken immediately. I proceeded to report this sub-human ape for hate speech, just as they do to us.

They conducted an investigation and determined that he was indeed in violation, at which point this nigger was thrown off of Twitter (PERMANENTLY) it was his 3rd strike.

It's small things such as this that add up, that's why it's imperative that every Creator remain vigilant and take action when our race is threatened.

My New Chess Board;sa=view;id=2614

Love this chess board, just bought it yesterday.
To all my fellow Creators:

I'm trying to start a petition to have Black Lives Matter & Antifa officially recognized as Terrorist/Hate Groups. We are given this label by the federal government, so why the hell shouldn't these anti-White groups ?

I'm going to look into how to get this started. Once I get this going I'll need as many signatures as possible, we all need to pitch in and do what's right for our race. RaHoWa !!!
General Jabber / King Diamond
Tue 18 Dec 2018
Liberals are obsessed with the idea of Diversity , However we have yet to see ANY diversity in the N.F.L. or the N.B.A.  These sports are almost Exclusively BLACK ! Why no mention by the liberals of Diversifying these sports by adding more White's ? I think this is an excellent question to ask these liberal LUNATICS !!
Comedy/Humor / Confucius Say ...
Fri 14 Dec 2018
Confucius say ... Australian kiss similar to French kiss, but given DOWN UNDER. 

Confucius say ... Many nails needed to make crib, but only one screw needed to fill it.

Confucius say ... women are like lawn mowers ... if you're not pushing one around ... you're riding it.   

Confucius say ... cross eyed teacher cannot control pupils.

Confucius say ... marriage is like taking bath ... after you've been in it for awhile it's not so hot.
THE DECAY OF MODERN SOCIETY : jews are the main instigators and architects of all the things that are detrimental to the white race . TO NAME A FEW : feminism , homosexuality , the civil rights movement of the 60's and so on . these things have led to the discrimination against white's .(  AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ) something that i personally had done to me . hiring less qualified niggers and other non-white scum over more qualified whites is a crime itself !! the jews are the founders and driving force behind communism , liberalism and every other form of degeneracy known to man . they're also behind the terrorist group BLACK LIVES MATTER AND ANTIFA ! pumping ENDLESS flows of cash into these terrorist groups . this is ALL targeted toward the destruction of our people : And in many cases our own race has been colaberators of their own demise . All of these things of which i speak are not natural . modern society is in a sick and degenerative state . when you see men dressing and acting like women and vise versa . We as creators must work harder than EVER to straighten out the minds of our fellow white's So why do most of our fellow white's make excuses ? COWARDNESS AND LAZINESS !!! it's sad but too true . we have EVERYTHING TO LOSE , AND EVERYTHING TO GAIN ...  by having the courage to fight for our race , this is truly the greatest of ALL honors ! it's better to live proud and free like a lion , than to cower and be subjugated like sheep . as i stated earlier , our society is in decay . now sinse we know the cause of the sickness and who's behind it , we must in everyway spread this truth to all the white peoples of the WORLD !! .... RaHoWa !!!
Creativity - Ben Klassen Photo;sa=view;id=2590

Ben Klassen - Creativity's Founder
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Due to a 2003 CE decision in the US 7th Circuit Court Of Appeals, the name “Church of the Creator” is the trademarked property of a Christian entity known as TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation-Family of URI®. Use of the name “Church of the Creator” in any context is historical, and is presented for educational purposes only. The Church of Creativity makes no attempt to assume or supersede the trademark. Trademark remains with the trademark holder. [More ...]
The Church of Creativity is a Professional, Non-Violent, Progressive Pro-White Religion. We promote White Civil Rights, White Self-Determination, and White Liberation via 100% legal activism. We do not promote, tolerate nor incite illegal activity. [More ...]

Creator Origins
Church of the Creator: Founded by Ben Klassen - Year Zero (1973CE)
Your Own Creator Forum: Continuously Online Since 25AC (1998CE)
Creativity Alliance & Church of Creativity: Founded 30AC (2003CE)
Links: The History of Creativity | The Creator Calendar Explained
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23 Words
What is good for the White Race is of the Highest Virtue;
What is bad for the White Race is the Ultimate Sin.

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