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Messages - StephenMasten



Rev. Masten liked this post, so Rev. Masten gets the Bump.
Excellent introduction, Leon. I never understood the 'anarchist path' myself, but it is interesting to see how you progressed and became the sensible and true Racial Loyalist that you are today. I have noticed there are a number of people, especially younger people, that gravitate towards anarchism and it takes a lot of hassle before they finally get back to a more collectivist worldview. Perhaps you could eventually contribute writings and even podcasts on why you believe anarchism is impractical or wrong, and why National/Racial Socialism is correct? It would make for interesting reading/listening.

May I ask if you have read Nature's Eternal Religion and The White Man's Bible from cover to cover? Don't forget that we have a high quality PDF and audios here at the Church of Creativity website. I look forward to working with you as a fellow Creator and member of the Church of Creativity. R!

Links to Nature's Eternal Religion PDF and audios:

Survival of the White Race 2014:
Just finished reading Bishop Williamson's 'Eleison Comments' piece, 'Issue CDV (405)' from April 18th 2015. In it he poses the question, can a Pope be deposed for his heresy? As Williamson is a 'traditionalist catholic' he views 'Vatican II' as heretical and therefore any Pope that supports it is a heretic also. So in the Comments we wade through a lot of convoluted twaddle by some theologian from the 17th century who explains how a Pope can be deposed and declared a heretic. We get to the penultimate paragraph and the conclusion is that only Christ has authority over the Pope and that he alone has the 'authoritative' power to depose him. In the final paragraph the Bishop declares with an 'alas' that all the Cardinals and Bishops that are running the show today are so infected with the same wickedness as the Popes that there isn't a snowball in hells chance that they would ever declare a pro-Vatican II Pope a heretic. So what is the 'wonderful' solution that the Bishop has to offer his flock? 'We can only pray and wait for the divine solution, which will come in God's good time.' Yep, that's just what we need! Thanks, Bishop! :-/

See also  Vatican II: Love Jews & Muslims, But Hate Heretical Creators,6904.0.html
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Church of the Creator: Founded by Ben Klassen - Year Zero (1973CE)
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