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White Identity Group NSC 131 Explodes On The Scene, Outlines Demands, Solutions

Started by G.L.R., Sat 26 Feb 2022

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White Identity Group NSC 131 Explodes On The Activist Scene, Outlines Demands And Solutions

February 24, 2022

The White identity group Nationalist Social Club 131 (NSC 131) is distinguishing itself as part of a new vanguard of pro-White organizations determined to protect White people and stop the White genocide pushed by both the progressive left and the globalist corporatist Republican establishment. NSC 131 has been around for years in New England. Now, with America's borders essentially open and anti-White hatred on the rise, NSC 131 is gaining traction and planning to expand. NSC 131 leaders spoke exclusively to NATIONAL FILE to address recent controversy surrounding the group, to explain the group's mission and tactics, and to deny the talking point pushed by conservative influencers who instantly label Pro-White activists as "Feds."

"It speaks to the dynamic we live in today in which white people are being pushed in every way and we are relegated to being quiet and taking it," NSC 131 leader Chris Hood told NATIONAL FILE, referring to the banner that NSC 131 recently hung on an overpass to appeal to drivers heading into the city of Boston. The banner read: "White Patience Has Limits." NSC 131 leaders made clear that they see Zionist Jewish ethnonationalism as a driving force pushing White Genocide — including mass immigration — in Washington, D.C. and in the media and halls of academia. "But now with groups like us and Patriot Front, and the America First Political Action Conference with Nick Fuentes, this issue is rising to the forefront and these groups are taking physical space," Chris Hood said, noting the massive amount of violence that racial minorities commit against American whites while "it's so rare that a white kills a black."

The Western Chauvinist recently stated on Gab: "NSC 131 shuts down a reading of The Communist Manifesto in Providence, Rhode Island... As things get more turbulent, we lose more political representation. White people will have less money, they'll have fewer possessions, they'll be more vulnerable. We are a fraternity of young action-oriented white men... If we can create a vanguard for our people, it won't really matter how mean our views are when we're the only ones stepping up to defend them." hris Hood said that "We are not a national socialist group. We do include people from across the right wing spectrum including some national socialists. We notice that the left is able to organize Stalinists, Maoists, just liberals all together against us, against white identity... "We are normal guys who have jobs, guys go to college, we have families, homes. If we didn't wear masks, there would be non-governmental corporate conglomerates and Antifa hunting us down. We would have a million people call our work call CPS and get the kids taken away,"....

Chris Hood noted: "That (Zionist Jewish influence) is the overarching factor here. These conservative personalities have nothing tangible to offer to people. These conservative personalities are just here to make money, sell things, and be popular. Regardless if their audience calls us Feds or not we are going to provide protection for people." Chris Hood noted that "We do physical training, sparring, MMA stuff, hiking, workouts. We make sure our people can defend themselves." Pure Power is confident that more people will support the group's cause. Pure Power said, "The tide will turn when comfort is gone." The group is not opposed to the idea of secession from the globalist United States of America, but the circumstances for a national divorce remain unclear. "I support balkanization," Pure Power stated... We would like to remain in our New England states ideally, but a territorial thing is on the table. In 5 years our networks will be a lot bigger. You'll be seeing a lot more of us, organizing our people, and disrupting those who wish to see the White Race die."

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

Aleister Adams


Just a quick note here:  These guys are Americans and don't have to wear swastikas.  It's a great symbol, but even Hitler didn't send his troops out to fight for the swastika, he sent them out to fight for the FATHERLAND!  And that's why these groups are getting more members.  We don't have to fight for a symbol, but for the dwindling White Race.  So which comes first, and which one is more important to you?

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

Aleister Adams

Quote from: GLR on Sat 26 Feb 2022
Just a quick note here:  These guys are Americans and don't have to wear swastikas.  It's a great symbol, but even Hitler didn't send his troops out to fight for the swastika, he sent them out to fight for the FATHERLAND!  And that's why these groups are getting more members.  We don't have to fight for a symbol, but for the dwindling White Race.  So which comes first, and which one is more important to you?

Agreed! White unity is a must.

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