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Rev. John Barletta - "Let the Beast Out"

Started by Rev.JohnBarletta, Thu 22 Sep 2022

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To: Cailen Cambeul
RE: "R". Rev. Cambeul
26 Dec 24

"R!". Rev. Cambeul

Got your msg. today, me I've been miserable, been sick the past week. FLU or something. Other then that nothing new or happening here.

The state passed out gift bags for the holiday.

Not even worth mentioning, was 4 mini pieces of left over Halloween candy, a single tea bag, a small candy cane, a pkg. of hot coco mix, a pkg. of instant oatmeal, 2 juice sticks, a spoon of coffee, a pkg. of creamer, a rice crispy treat, a pen, and small 3'in X 3 in pad.

Sounds like you should have all that agave juice and fermented it. Big mistake using a chainsaw flinging bits of juice splashing everywhere.

Securus is messing up, because their in bankruptcy court right now. So we don't know what's going on with them , courts gave them till 2025 to straighten out their financial affaires. So maybe likely another Co. will take over, bad news about that is we'll lose our free phone calls, and text msg.'s. Gotta wait to see how that will turn out.

Respectfully John.
Reverend with the WCOTC then Creativity Alliance
Church Title: Viscount Barletta
Reverend John Barletta - Lord Connecticut
Send a Letter:
John Barletta 219324 Cheshire CI
900 Highland Ave Cheshire CT 06410 USA


To: Cailen Cambeul
RE: "R" Rev. Cambeul
01 Jan 25

 "R" Rev. Cambeul

Wanted to let you know I received both your text sent on the 28th, same text twice, they both went through.

Telamate, and Corrinks are major communications providers for prisons. We've been getting screwed with this system sense we had it, they've been committing financial rape in this state with the price gouging. To download one song in this state is $2.20. other states it was $1.60. Even that's a lot for a song. ( should be.99¢ ) movies average 7-8 bucks, games same, so I don't understand how their going bankrupt. They charge us more to download a CD, then to actually buy and have the physical disc.

Scutari is getting out? Did he complete his sentence, or is he getting a, commutation/sentence reduction? No doubt the publicity around his release is to generate negative attention to make sure his parole is denied. How dare they release a White man who did his time, all these nig loving, Jew serving race traitor liberal scum who scream to give darkie a second chance, or excessive sentence. But then want to deny a white man who served, what 45 + years? What was it, he's been locked up sense 82', or 84'? These two faced leftist hypocrite's want keep him in, solely because he's white with pro-white nationalistic political belief, for loving his race.

When I was in Oregon, something similar happened, a guy their did 35 years as a perfect bootlick inmate with NO Disciplinary reports his whole bid. When he was scheduled to be released, the publicly around it because he accidentally killed a pig, all the police unions, family, victims advocacy groups made such a big deal protesting, they pulled his parole. (that was already granted).

I agree with that statement 100% been saying something similar for decades.  especially in here, I always said ; "The Only Thing I Fear About Prison, Is Growing Old In here." Like I said especially in here as we age out / get old  you'd think people would leave you alone, especially when your not doing anything to bother them. But it's the opposite, I've seen it my whole bid where these young savages pick on talk down to or a abuse the elderly, not that 50's are elderly, but its a time when we slow down, wanna be left alone especially with health issues. Like I've been shaving a lot lately, don't want the beard I see it as a detriment now, now it's all white so I look much older, these young losers, rather then respect someone that's put in their time, service they think they can get credit or a rep. messing with older folk.

Wanna impress me, go fuck with the jacked up young dude! They're real quiet around them.

In here old age is seen as a weakness, like you said they're cowards, that think you're an easy target, and soon learn otherwise.

Had a beard pretty much my whole life, could grow a full beard at 15, kept it to get into clubs, and bars, liquor stores etc. with out getting ID checked. Now, it just draws unnecessary attention to me makes me look older. I remember when I'd see guys with big white gnarly beards, I wanted to grow mine like that, now that I can don't want it.

What's the good word on brother Joe E.?
How's he doing, anything new with him??
Send him my Love and Respect

Respectfully, Yours In This Struggle
                        Viscount Barletta
Reverend with the WCOTC then Creativity Alliance
Church Title: Viscount Barletta
Reverend John Barletta - Lord Connecticut
Send a Letter:
John Barletta 219324 Cheshire CI
900 Highland Ave Cheshire CT 06410 USA


Jewish Supremacist Quote: "The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach. I can safely promise you that our race will soon take it's rightful place in the world with every Jew a King and every Gentile a Slave." - Rabbi Rabinovitch, Budapest Conference of European Rabbi's - 12 January 1952. [More ...]


To: Cailen Cambeul
RE: "R" rev. Cambeul
15 Jan 25

"R" Rev. Cambeul,

I got the news on Scutari. Wow he's in a pre-release in Florida. Got only 6 more days to get out on the 21st, and Scutari is a free man. Can't believe it. Wonder what he's gonna do after 42 years in prison. Too much has changed. The country is so different. It's changed so much, and all for the Worse.

Might have told you, probably did when I was in New Mexico; I had a book all about the Order, it's members, and activities. Was called "The Silent Brotherhood". Great book. Had it for years. The swine here first tried destroying it by tearing it in half under the false pretext of "Claiming" they felt something in the spine of the book. Obviously nothing was there. Then on my last transfer the book just disappeared. Was a great book. I felt to author did a great job writing the book on a actual, and factual basis, rather then let his own bias or prejudice take over. There was No negative  criticism or innuendo placed throughout the book, especially when speaking on pro-White, or White Nationalist beliefs. (The author might have even been sympathetic to the cause.)

like I said, was a good read. I saved it to show others, and to encourage them to read it.

Like to see how they do the movie. Telling you now, its gonna suck! Most likely the movie is gonna be done by a movie studio owned/operated by Semites. Done with Jew writers, and anti white leftist liberals. I'll end up a slam piece. Jew movie studio should hire and pay Scutari for his life story as a consultant.

Their idea, forming the Order is too powerful to tell honestly. It'll show and prove "THEY WERE RIGHT!" as all White Racialist are when the public see all The Order warned about, predicted would happen in the 1980's actually came to happen!

I say our founder, Pontifex Maximus Klassen was a profit. A lot of stuff he spoke about, wrote about in the 1970s and warned us about ... happens in the 80s , 90s , and 2000s.

Just look what the Jews in Hollywood did to control and elevated the nigger. Think about it, Jews in Hollywood along with government assistance took black criminal gangsters confirmed Bloods, Crips, Mexican Mafia. Turned them into millionaires well known famous actors, hero's to generations of kids. Such as the nig known as ice-T; an uppity nigger in the 80's spouting violent revolution putting out songs such as "Cop Killer". To silence and control him, the Jews in charge/along with the government made him a member of the elite millionaire class. Used him as a consultant on gangster movies, with No acting training, he became a famous actor. Married a white woman, squashed all his pro-Black revolutionary commentary. The Jew run government assisted by Jews in Hollywood got that nig under their thumb in control.

If you have the old flyer I'm talking about add it in here ...

(I would love to quote it here, an old flyer published by us.  It was a quote taken from a Jews book by "Leonard Fein". A blueprint for raising the negro to prominence, power, and acceptance.)

In his quote (paraphrase from memory here) he stated, We Jews will raise the negro to such prominence in sports, movies, and music making them famous millionaires and more acceptable in society, therefore they'll be able to inter marry with their White counterpart.
Flyer and quote not found ~ @Cailen.

Every black rapper in Hollywood movies are celebrated criminal gangsters. Snoop Dog speaks openly about being a Crip. Danny Treo Mexican Mafia, Ice-T etc, etc goes on and on.

They'll do no such thing for the racialist White man.

Even though Scutari could earn a lot of money as a consultant, which he'll obviously need now getting out. I seriously doubt he'll work for the Semitic enemy. I seriously believe he can't be bought off with money, just on the fact on how I know how they managed, and what they did with that 4 n' half million they got from that armored car. They shared that money with every pro-White group they knew of giving massive donations to them all. 

"ALLEGEDLY",  :D  even us!

Bought printing presses to print literature. Bought land, and arms to found and fund a pro-White separatist nation. They did Not live exuberantly with that money. They used it as a war-chest to fund the movement,  and  cause.

My opinion, they were very honorable.

Give a pro-Black nigger that type of money, first thing they do is buy jewellery and rims for their car they just bought. And they forget all about their cause.

Hopefully people in the movement step up and help Scutari out.

The mans been in prison 42 years. Never broke weak. He's getting out with nothing. Our folk need to honor that sacrifice.

Respectfully, Yours In This Struggle
            Viscount Barletta
To: Cailen Cambeul
RE: R , rev Cambeul
15 Jan 25

"R" Rev. Cambeul,

Ha! Nazi Day on the History Channel.

When is it not Nazi Day on the History Channel, huh?

Naw ... thing that gets me and is so clear to see. All they do is talk trash, spread false negative propaganda about the National Socialist movement, and all it's leaders.

Of course it's No surprise all these commentators, so-called historians who talk trash and spout this "hypothetical" made up nonsense are ALL JEWS!

Got this hook nosed Jew. No joke! This Jew bastard comes out and hooks down looks like something you'd use to open a can. Has the shape of a toucan beak.

He's gotta be a fag to boot. All he's talking about is "Hitler had a little weenie."  That's why he was such a megalomaniac obsessed with building great monuments.

They're saying he was a heroin addict, that he gave his speeches on heroin. Yeah right. That's B/S. Heroin addicts are lethargic and withdrawn, Not powerful Animated speakers.

Ha ha this is hilarious. The length these Jews go through to insult this man 80 years after his death.

You know, in some way I think that's what they mean by the term "1000 year Reich". They're gonna be talking about this man for the next 1000 years!

It would be funny if it wasn't so insulting, and obviously done by Jews. Hell, half of them are stinking Rabbi's.

What stupid people would believe this. Who wouldn't see through this smear champagne?

So silly, most all these commentators speaking about Hitler, and the Nazi party, speak with such authority like they actually witnessed it when their in their 30s - maybe mid 40s. The man died 40 years before they were born yet they think they know him so well, and speak about him in factual authority.

And back to the real fact that all these commentators speaking are Jews . natural born liers .

Well just B/S-ing. Sent a text earlier, that most likely will be held and delayed ... then again so will this one.  Ha!

Respectfully, Yours In This Struggle
            Viscount Barletta
Reverend with the WCOTC then Creativity Alliance
Church Title: Viscount Barletta
Reverend John Barletta - Lord Connecticut
Send a Letter:
John Barletta 219324 Cheshire CI
900 Highland Ave Cheshire CT 06410 USA


To: Cailen Cambeul

R. @Rev.Cambeul

The Deal With The Devil

Trump sold his soul, always knew he is a Jew lover, hell he sacrificed his own daughter on the Jewish alter of business, marrying off his daughter to a Jew to strengthen business ties.

Trump wants to take over Gaza for the Jews, first he complained about Panama canal, which he was right.
Americans foolishly built the Panama canal at the cost of billions,  and  hundreds of human lives, then turn the canal over To the Panamanian government. At the very least American ships should have been granted free passage through the canal for X amount of years (99 years or so ) then turn it over to Panama after American interest have been meet.

Similar to British and African interest , Britten developed land in Africa with the condition they own it on lease for 99years. Then turn it back over to the Savage Africans.

WHY Is America going to rebuilding Gaza after the Jews destroyed it.
Should be Israel's responsibility.
When WWII was over it was Germany forced to pay reparations to the bandit state Israel (that didn't even exist at the time.)
Israel should be responsible for their genocide/destruction of Gaza.

No trump wants to take over Gaza, so he can give it to his Jewish allies all at the expenses of American tax payers and lives.

Those Palestinian's here in America are gonna start to go crazy. Israel/Trump won't be happy till Palestinians are rioting in American cities..
Actually that might be a good thing, a reason to get them out of the country.

Netanyahu should have been arrested as soon as he set foot on American soil. Brussels designated him a war criminal and has a warrant out for his arrest, any nation involved in that treaty is supposed to honor the arrest warrant.

Well just venting, can't talk about this here. Most are too stupid to understand history or politics.

Respectfully, Yours In This Struggle
            Viscount Barletta
Reverend with the WCOTC then Creativity Alliance
Church Title: Viscount Barletta
Reverend John Barletta - Lord Connecticut
Send a Letter:
John Barletta 219324 Cheshire CI
900 Highland Ave Cheshire CT 06410 USA

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