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Friedrich Nietzsche on Christinsanity

Started by Rev.JohnBarletta, Wed 12 Oct 2022

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From Nietzsche's "The Anti-Christ" on Christinsanity

-- With that I have done and pronounce my judgement.

I condemn Christianity, I bring against the Christian church the most terrible charge any prosecutor has ever uttered ... to me it is the extremist thinkable form of corruption, it has had the will to the ultimate corruption conceivably possible ... the Christian church has left nothing untouched by it's depravity, it has made every value a disvalue, every truth a lie, of every kind of integrity a vileness of soul ... people still dare to talk to me of it's "humanitarian" blessings!!

To abolish any state of distress whatever has been profoundly inexpedient to it: it has lived on states of distress, it has created states of distress in order to eternalize itself ... the worm of sin, for example:  it was only the church which enriched mankind with this state of distress!

-- Equality of souls before god.

This falsehood, this pretext for the rancune of all the base-minded, this explosive concept which finally became revolution, modern idea and the principal of the decline of the entire social order-- is Christian dynamite ...  Humanitarian blessings of Christianity!! to cultivate out of humanities a self-contradiction, an art of self-violation, a will to falsehood at any price, an antipathy, a contempt for every good and honest instinct! These are the blessings of Christianity!

-- Parasitism as the soul practice of the church.

With its ideal of green-sickness, of "holiness" draining away all blood, all love, all hope of life; the beyond as the will to deny reality of every kind; the cross as the badge of recognition for the more subterranean conspiracy there has ever been -- a conspiracy against health, beauty, well-constitutedness, bravery, intellect, benevolence of soul, against life it's self ... whereof their are walls I shall inscribed this eternal accusation against Christianity upon them -- I can write in letters that even the blind can see ....

I call Christianity that one great curse, the one great intrinsic depravity, the one great instinct for revenge for which no expedient is sufficiently poisonous, secret, subterranean, petty -- I call I the one immortal blemish of mankind ....

And one calculates time from the "dies nefastus"  [unlucky day] on which this fatality arose -- from the first day of Christianity!! Why not rather from it's last ?? -- From today?

Revaluation Of All Values !!! 

---- Friedrich Nietzsche ----

Nietzsche has books full of this wisdom.

Respectfully yours in this struggle, Rev. John Barletta.
Reverend with the WCOTC then Creativity Alliance
Church Title: Viscount Barletta
Reverend John Barletta - Lord Connecticut
Send a Letter:
John Barletta 219324 Cheshire CI
900 Highland Ave Cheshire CT 06410 USA

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