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Br. Anthony S. - Prisoner of the J.O.G.

Started by Br.AnthonyS, Thu 25 Jan 2024

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From:    ANTHONY S.
Date:    10/31/2024 7:36:34 PM
To:    Cailen Cambeul

R Brother!

Good to hear the cancer is Delenda! Next up is to "Delenda Est Judaica"!

My idea is that would make a pretty hard core looking tattoo across ones back in a few rows in a real archaic font.

So after the shit bag is reversed you can finally put this mess behind you? If so, that's great news!
Meanwhile it sounds like you will have your hands full with those domestic matters.

I have read a little on the French revolution, and I sure hope you are right about the not too distant future, which is what its looking like.

In the meantime I am doing my best to not snap in here and get in trouble while waiting on my upcoming potential resentencing as well as the new law that will be coming into effect here in January which will allow me to get out of prison about seven years earlier as long as I go through some "Programs" or schooling/job training and stay out of serious trouble.

Worst case scenario- if somehow none of it goes my way I will probably be getting myself transferred back to the maximum security prison the hard way with about another year or so added on to my sentence which after everything is said and done I will still get out about five years sooner instead of seven.

The living conditions here are much worse overall relative to any other prison in the state. I would actually rather be back at the Maximum security prison! It is the most comfortable prison. You get your own big cell, you get yard and gym everyday over there, the food is way better and the rules are not nearly as petty because they know most guys there will bite before they bark.

That being said, if they want to throw me a bone and give me the proper motivation to get out sooner than later, then I will do what I have to do. Its looking like I will be getting transferred out of this dump sooner than later either way because there is no way they can run any "programs" or schooling here.

Time will tell. In the meantime all I can do Is prepare for the worst as well as the best.

Quote from: Rev.Cambeul... The UK police report that the stabbings and murders of the three little White girls were not terror related, not Islam related, and not immigrant related - legal or otherwise.

Anybody that says otherwise, is automatically guilty of a hate crime. The UK JOG even threatened to arrest Americans and lock them up in the UK ... which they claim has no room in their prisons, so they want to ship prisoners to Estonia.

So, if you want a holiday - while you are waiting for the inevitable battle for the planet of the apes - send a letter to the UK government telling them what you think. You may get a holiday in England, or maybe even Estonia.

If you want any mail to get to actually be read, according to their websites, you have to follow this pattern of address ...

The Right Honourable Keir Starmer
Prime Minister of the UK
10 Downing Street
London, England

Begin the letter with "Dear Prime Minister". This polite opening is the expected salutation for all written communication to the Prime Minister.

I sent the bastard an email. I wasn't polite and told him what I thought of him, where I was and where he could shove his anti-White laws. I don't give a f. what they think. I'm already wanted in England for hate crimes against the state.

23 Words.

That is quite an interesting idea you have giving the UK JOG some hate mail.
Perhaps that may be one way for me to get transferred out of this dump!
I wonder if a death threat would seal the deal?

It may just work, however this state does not transfer anyone internationally until they have less than five years to do which won't be for at least six more years in my case. I may actually have to seriously look into that though. Northern European prisons are pretty much guaranteed to be better than any in the U.S. I'm sure even Estonia will be better than this dump!

As an added bonus my educated guess is that I would likely be housed with the other White political prisoners whom I could forge valuable alliances with...This almost sounds too good to be true though.

So you are wanted by the UK JOG for Hate Crimes? How did that come about? At what point can/will they attempt to extradite someone from another country?

Well I will leave it there for now, next time I'm sure the postelection brainstorming will be on the agenda for us all!

-Twenty three words my brother!
A CREATOR in Prison - Currently in the Hole - Can only Receive Email.
Sentence 40 Years. Shot an Arab - Accidental Wounding - No Death.
Known by @P.M.JoeEsposito & @Rev.Cambeul
Prison & State Unstated for My Legal Protection.


From:    ANTHONY S.
Date:    12/23/2024 3:34:07 PM
To:    Cailen Cambeul


Just a quick one here for the holidays-

I got a great idea for a meme (those funny pictures with captions that make it even funnier).

It would be the picture of Biden talking to the pope where he recently discussed commuting the death sentences of the 40 prisoners on federal death row.

The top would say something like " Thou shall not kill" and the bottom would say "Except the you know who's" and have two small pictures of the two white guys who shot up the black church and the synagogue.

Biden excluded those two as well as the Boston bomber from being spared the death sentence while sparing the other 37.

Of course one could make variations on what exactly it says, but the effect would be the same.
Perhaps some of us may get a kick out of it if it were to be posted on the prison portal portion of the site or somewhere else?

Anyways, I hope all is well.

Happy summer solstice over there!

A CREATOR in Prison - Currently in the Hole - Can only Receive Email.
Sentence 40 Years. Shot an Arab - Accidental Wounding - No Death.
Known by @P.M.JoeEsposito & @Rev.Cambeul
Prison & State Unstated for My Legal Protection.


Date: 12/29/2024 1:32:21 PM
To: Cailen Cambeul
RaHoWa Brother!

Good to hear things are productive over there. Gardening actually sounds quite nice right about now. Its cold, dark and miserable over here in the Northland.

I sent PM Joe a letter, not sure if he got it yet or not. Due to our new mail system it lags our receiving time by about ten or more days.

We have had a number of changes in the prison system here recently and many more to come. Because of the dope addict nigger/wiggers who are getting dope sprayed onto their mail, the system has now not only limited where we can buy books from which now excludes even Amazon, but like I said now they have implemented a new postal mail policy.

The state prison system now uses a private third party out of the state of Maryland to send our physical mail to be photocopied and then finally sent to us in here. Interestingly anyone can now go to their website at and (for a fee of course) send us paper letters that way, even full PDF documents!

As for E-Mails, the state has apparently finally started to rollout the new system in a couple of the prisons and they say we will see it here some time in March or April. The company is called they have a website to check out in the meantime.

Once this happens we will no longer have access to Jpay. So I figured I would give you an extra heads up on that.

So how is your medical situation going?

As for the trump situation- It is actually somewhat alarming to me that there is not the backlash one would have expected from the "Left".

Aside from the fact that Trump is obviously in bed with the top Jews of the world, there seems to be only two reasons for this. One is that he has already sold out to the highest bidder (jew) so to speak, the other is that the "left" is simply waiting for the right time to make its own comeback.

My greatest concern here is that we are possibly looking at a new massive war soon, considering the veritable Army of military age Enemy Muds that biden has been letting in we could soon be looking at another 9/11 here on a much greater scale this time.

What better front man could the Jews have to rally the troops then Trump?

Once a massive enough portion of white citizens are killed in the war and whatnot, it will be that much easier to replace us with "Legal" Immigrants sooner than later...

Thankfully as you mentioned, people are waking up and joining us whether they realize it yet or not. Let's hope this pattern continues.
The fate of all life on earth depends upon the success of our cause.

Heres to an interesting 2025...


A CREATOR in Prison - Currently in the Hole - Can only Receive Email.
Sentence 40 Years. Shot an Arab - Accidental Wounding - No Death.
Known by @P.M.JoeEsposito & @Rev.Cambeul
Prison & State Unstated for My Legal Protection.


Date:    1/13/2025 3:28:30 PM
To:    Cailen Cambeul

Awesome to hear PM J is in good spirits and ready to roll!
Yea after nearly a decade (or more) in prison, six months is something one can do "standing on their head"- so to speak. He's got one foot out already!

I sent him a letter in early November, so whenever anyone sends a letter through the post office it will take about a month to get to me with this new mail processing system they screwed us with in here. As mentioned, they may also have been pricks somewhere down the line and blocked it...

I feel you on the relatability issue out there to other "normies". This place I'm in is loaded with morons, even if I do run across a White who is more or less "racist" they are usually infected with christinsanity and kosher konservatism. My cellmate is an old guy who is exactly that. He is the stereotypical grouchy old christian kosher conservative who is set in his ways and views trump as his savior second only to the made up Jew named Jesus.... He somewhat reminds me of my dad who I despise. Even after telling him my views he still drones on and on about it all... Now I almost can't decide who I hate more, Conservatives or liberals.
Then I remember I hate them both and they are overall the same shit in a different package so why should I care?

I really do miss having my own cell.....

Anyways, It seems that most whites will have to receive a more rude awakening than not in order to fully wake up.
Prison seems to be a decent measure of that, the rougher the prison the more segregated it is and the more racially conscious the whites are. In the lower level prisons, you get more Sleepyheads that either haven't yet or are morons who are simply incapable of waking up( To include the christinsane). Those in the last category are as good as dead anyways.

I should have titled this letter "Help! I'm surrounded by christinsanity!"

Ironically after having just said all of that, I do have my eye on a new potential recruit in the cellblock here, so I will be talking with him some more and making an assessment on him while we get to know each other better.

I'm glad to hear there is a plus side to the trump election, I was overall uneasy about the whole thing thinking it may have placated some of the issues that fan our flames. But like you said, there seems to be a realization that his "landslide" victory means he is not the kind of savior most whites would have hoped for.

At best the economy improves and everyone is happy for roughly four years or so...Then what?
The scenario you described seems about right. I could not have put it any better myself.

I wish you the best with your recovery. When will you be made whole again? I would imagine you may miss taking a natural shit on the toilet by now?

Let PMJ know I say RaHoWa!

Until next time,

I will be watching the wildfires burn down Hollywood in the meantime.

A CREATOR in Prison - Currently in the Hole - Can only Receive Email.
Sentence 40 Years. Shot an Arab - Accidental Wounding - No Death.
Known by @P.M.JoeEsposito & @Rev.Cambeul
Prison & State Unstated for My Legal Protection.


Hoping you get your own cell. Let's be thankful Trump is at least deporting the mud races.
Jewish Supremacist Quote: "The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach. I can safely promise you that our race will soon take it's rightful place in the world with every Jew a King and every Gentile a Slave." - Rabbi Rabinovitch, Budapest Conference of European Rabbi's - 12 January 1952. [More ...]


Date:    2/3/2025 3:21:20 PM
To:    Cailen Cambeul

RaHoWa Brother!

Speaking of globalized slavery and prisons-

I heard that trump is planning on sending U.S. citizens who are in the U.S. Federal prison system to other countries that can house them cheaper than could be done here in the U.S. while also recently ordering the use of privately run for profit prisons.... wow.

With the increasing numbers of whites being imprisoned, we could be looking at the beggining of white gulags being installed outside the U.S. for profit. Sounds like alot of guys might be going to India instead of Indiana.

Lucky for me I'm in the state system not federal, and a democrat anti trump state at that. So I probably won't be going to India or El Salvador to be killed by savage muds anytime soon...

It seems the head of the world JOG is shifting to some trumpian type of globalization, Crapitalism unhinged. Not sure what to make of it yet but i know it has already been spelled out in Natures Eternal Religion...Same Shit different day right?

Great to hear you and P.M. Joe will be Back in action this June!!!
Sounds like you have plenty to keep you occupied over there in the meantime!

As for my other affairs, I'm still scheming on ways to get to another prison. Unless of course I miraculously get my sentence reduced at my potential upcoming court hearing. If that doesn't work AND this new law which allows us to do half of our sentence instead of two thirds turns out bogus, then I will be going back to where I came from the hard way if necessary.
I'm being driven mad by boredom in this shithole. Its such a small cellblock that they have us all crammed into at double capacity I do not even have room to walk more then 20 feet in a straight line.

Maybe I can ask trump to send me to prison in mexico? I hear they have iPhones and handguns over there...

Adding to it all, not knowing how long you will be in prison for really begins to mess with you after a couple years or so.

I am hoping to know more on it all within the next couple months.

As for the potential recruit in here- like alot we may encounter who are pro white aka "Racist", unfortunately it turned out he suffered from a terminal case of christinsanity... I did my best.

As we both know this seems to be one of, if not the biggest hurdle we face as an organization...
However, what I would tell others is the positive way of looking at this necessary hurdle is that it filters out the less intelligent and less dedicated amongst our other White racist brethren which effectively places us Creators as the ideological/philosophical elites amongst the entire white racialist world.

Speaking of the white racialist world, is there any interesting news on that front from around the globe?

Well, that's about all I got for the moment.

A CREATOR in Prison - Currently in the Hole - Can only Receive Email.
Sentence 40 Years. Shot an Arab - Accidental Wounding - No Death.
Known by @P.M.JoeEsposito & @Rev.Cambeul
Prison & State Unstated for My Legal Protection.

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