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Creator from Prison: Brother Anthony S.

Started by Br.AnthonyS, Thu 25 Jan 2024

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That's some insightful stuff there. I know the US is one country that really likes to incarcerate it's population !

You have this racial survival game going on in your world that is like walking on egg shells! You just gotta make the best of what you have. It's a living hell!

You can try not to go to Gaol but if the system stitches you up because of your beliefs you got this to deal with! How long you got until parole?

A lot of Prisons have paranormal stuff going on. You ever encountered any of that?
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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Quote from: Br.FrankSmith on Fri 26 Jan 2024I'm here for you, brother.

Tell @Br.FrankSmith "RaHoWa and I appreciate his support! Hang in there as well!"
A CREATOR in Prison - Currently in the Hole - Can only Receive Email.
Sentence 40 Years. Shot an Arab - Accidental Wounding - No Death.
Known by @P.M.JoeEsposito & @Rev.Cambeul
Prison & State Unstated for My Legal Protection.



So I have been able to catch up on some of what is going on with all of this on the T.V and I saw recently Elon Musk state on his social media that Britain is headed for "civil war"... or perhaps their RaHoWa?

Sounds like a nice little skirmish though. Burned down some migrant hotels and fought some of the traitorous cops.. its a start.

They really need to get some firepower though. Hopefully Russia or even China might step in and fill some big orders (likely with their own ulterior motives as payment) but something is better than nothing I suppose.

As for the rest, it looks like the worlds economy is going downward. Trumps running mate is an open Race traitor who brags about his bi racial babies and the Kamala Nigger has just chosen the governor of Minnesota as its running mate.

So it looks like the world is quite flammable at the moment!

It also seems that in the roughly six months I have been in solitary that the advertisements have become even more Interracial than before, if that was even possible.

Unfortunately they took Tucker Carlson off of Fox News or "Fox Jews" - as I call it. I knew exactly why they did that too. He was crossing the mainstream line. He moved to Newsmax and then all the major cable companies cut news max so we no longer have that here either, just the most basic of the basic cable. Beats nothing but not by much..

Other than that I have just been fantasizing about watching this entire prison get levelled by a massive explosion, and trying to adapt to this shit hole. Its going to be an interesting next six months or so for me...

Any word from P.M. Joe?

How is the recovery going? I would imagine you may feel a little sick from the chemo therapy?

Take it easy Brother.

A CREATOR in Prison - Currently in the Hole - Can only Receive Email.
Sentence 40 Years. Shot an Arab - Accidental Wounding - No Death.
Known by @P.M.JoeEsposito & @Rev.Cambeul
Prison & State Unstated for My Legal Protection.



Good to hear you are almost done dealing with the JOG hospital!

I did not know that about the IRA/British Loyalist Ireland-Britain unity against muds. That is great to hear!

Some Guy Fawkes/Timothy McVeigh action is definitely on the menu in the future around the world. We are in for an interesting future!

As for posting on Creator Forum ... I have been preoccupied with trying to adapt to this place, I have been to 3 different cell blocks now and I am finally in the one I will be living in long term. It looks like I will usually be able to use the phones from about 9am to 10am U.S. Central time. Probably not the best time to call you over there, however on rare occasions we get out at night around 8pm so that may be better.

Other than that I get yard and gym most days, and library as well. We can pick our cellmates and its a lot of white guys in this unit, so its looking decent here for now.

So yes, the Creator Forum posts would be good. I will have to resume adding to my blog soon if that is cool with you? Any ideas for a good topic?

The comments were interesting as well, always curious to hear others input.

Glad to hear P.M. Joe is on track to get out soon. I hope all goes well, I was thinking of writing him soon. However, these pricks always seem to find a way to block our letters. I figure I'll let things cool off for a little bit and then try again later.

Here's a song I have been listening to recently, check it out if you can. It is by the metal band "Lamb of God". They are quite popular here in the states. Not sure about their politics, but as far as I know they are definitely not Christian. The song is called "New colossal Hate" he has a pretty good line about 3 minutes into it, "The melting pot is melting down". I got a little kick out of it anyways.

Take it easy over there brother!

-23 words!
A CREATOR in Prison - Currently in the Hole - Can only Receive Email.
Sentence 40 Years. Shot an Arab - Accidental Wounding - No Death.
Known by @P.M.JoeEsposito & @Rev.Cambeul
Prison & State Unstated for My Legal Protection.


RaHoWa Brother!

Good to hear you have a game plan for your dealings with the JOGspital. I can only imagine how great it will feel to put all of that behind you.

Now that im out of seg and watching T.V. again I will be able to stay updated regardless from now on, which I would think will help with my blogs in time.

Speaking of that, I will work on my blog soon, if that works for you. Any ideas for a topic?

I was thinking of doing one about a few things, The wiggerization of white youth (especially in prison) and the related overall cultural degeneration of our predominantly white societies and where this may lead and what it could mean.

Any other hot topics out there?

As for the U.K. situation, would you say this is like their "January 6, 2021" equivalent? Or is this actually going to get hot?

All I have heard about it from the JOGstream news I'm getting on basic cable is that its "Far right" Protesters who were operating under a false narrative that it was a migrant, the news claims that the guy who did the stabbings was born in the U.K... That's all they say about it here.

It sounds like if the kamalanig wins we will be in for a KAMAunist revolution... this may be the spark that sets the world ablaze!

Then again, I'd still like to see trump win if he cleans some of the muds out of here so when the KAMunists have their massive backlash in 2028 we will have less vermin to deal with... Civil War Two?

Take it easy and have a succesful recovery brother.
A CREATOR in Prison - Currently in the Hole - Can only Receive Email.
Sentence 40 Years. Shot an Arab - Accidental Wounding - No Death.
Known by @P.M.JoeEsposito & @Rev.Cambeul
Prison & State Unstated for My Legal Protection.


From:    ANTHONY S
Date:    8/28/2024 9:51:17 AM
To:    Cailen Cambeul
RaHoWa Brother!

Glad to hear you are hanging in there and quitting the unnecessary chemotherapy. It seems that pharmaceutical companies have replaced actual doctors.

I gave you a ring yesterday (26th) since they let us out in the evening, (8pm US Central time) which they usually don't do, like I said they usually let us out in the late morning here 9-10 AM. I figured this way even if you were not able to answer you may now be able to see what my new caller ID number looks like. It should say Rush city MN or something like that. Perhaps your phone blocked it as spam.

I saw there was another Sand Nigger on White knife attack, this time in Germany. A 26 year old Syrian with Isis who was rejected for asylum in Germany. I also saw that the AFD is gaining ground over there and the Jews are crying about it. I get "DW News" on one of my channels, this way I can get some news from across the pond, although still mainstream.

That is a good point you brought up. If the non jew billionaires are threatened enough AND pull their heads out of their asses, then like you said- we could have some financial aid one day... good to know.
Perhaps turning Europe into Afghanistan will be bad for business at some point as well?

So yesterday I saw a Re run on National Geographic of the show "Trafficked" where they did a full episode on White Nationalists/ Neo Nazi groups.

In the beginning they had the MSM's ex skinhead race traitor on there who I have also seen on some CNN/MSNBC documentaries. My theory on him is that he may have done a DNA test and found out he was not entirely white...

Anyways, they demonized the usual suspects. "Violent" Neo Nazis/Skinheads and the James Mason fan club.
Then they went to Ukraine to show how some of them were going there to fight World War Two again against the Neo Soviets. This was apparently before the Russians invaded. I wonder what those guys are up to now? Last I heard most of them we're used as front line meat shields by the Zelensky JOG.

Then towards the end of the show they had a guy who was named "Rondo" or something like that who was one of the heads of a white nationalist group called Rise. Above. Movement. or RAM for short. Have you heard of them?

The guy was apparently on the run from the U.S. Feds as were some of the Neo Nazis who went to Ukraine. It seemed they were trying to portray anyone who joins a pro white group as a criminal. As if its mainly criminals who are involved in a group favorable to their own race...what's new right?

This is why I would think the JOGs greatest threat are pro white groups that are not criminal and totally legit (until they turn us all into outlaws one day). I would imagine we still have a bit of time before that happens, at least in the U.S. These groups will attract quality members, instead of degenerate scumbags like these predominantly skinhead types in prison.

I see CREATIVITY faring the best due to it being a Church and Religion.

Sounds like you and @P.M.JoeEsposito got it right. Its a good and absolutely necessary thing that P.M. Joe and thus CREATIVITY will be separate from the criminal elements/underworld.

All of that affirms that we are on the one and ONLY path to success.


P.S.- Perhaps you could make a nice hot chocolate or at least warm drink out of chocolate protein/nutrition shakes. Seems like a good way to get protein and vitamins.
Take it easy brother.


Actually, I'm allergic to the caffeine in chocolate. So no coffee, tea, energy bullshit drinks. Nothing since I was 14.88 years old.

I could drink Carob/Karob drinks. It's a dried berry that can be used as a chocolate replacement. They use it in dog chocolates. But I WONT! The only source for those are grown in Israel. And I will not pay the jew for a dirty brown "nice hot chocolate".
A CREATOR in Prison - Currently in the Hole - Can only Receive Email.
Sentence 40 Years. Shot an Arab - Accidental Wounding - No Death.
Known by @P.M.JoeEsposito & @Rev.Cambeul
Prison & State Unstated for My Legal Protection.

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