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Title: Aryan, White Race, or White Volk? A Choice of Terms
Post by: Axelsson on Tue 12 Jun 2012
A Choice of Terms
Aryan, White Race, or White Volk?

No matter what nomenclature is selected, none of the above accurately describes the group of people for whose survival, expansion and advancement Creativity is waging an all-out battle. Since there is no one and only, it is therefore more a matter of choosing the most appropriate term to describe that select group of humanity that is Nature's Finest. Should we refer to them as Aryans, or as the White Race, or perhaps as the White Volk?

In all my writings I have rejected from the very beginning of Creativity the "Aryan" terminology as being completely inadequate. And the reason I have done so is because the term is so vague, so nondescript as to be meaningless. Like the much bandied about word "spirit", when critically examined, nobody knows what it is, or what they are talking about. Like the "spirit" idea, why make such a big to-do about something when you don't even know what that something is? (See 'What is a Spirit?" Racial Loyalty, Issue No. 29.) So it is with the term Aryan. What does it mean? Nobody knows. If so, why use it?

The word Aryan, is a technical term, derived from the Sanskrit arya, or the Zend airya. In later Sanskrit arya means "of a good family." In modern usage the word has become a fictitious concept, a meaningless word, that has done more to confuse our racial identity and biological heritage than it has to clarify or enhance it.

The word Aryan has been brought into prominence in the latter part of the nineteenth century, by such writers as Arthur Gobineau, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, and in the twentieth century, by Hitler's ideological mentor, Alfred Rosenberg, and others. However, it was the rise of the Nazi Party in Germany that really made it a household word, a word that had become extremely emotionally charged and highly controversial. It has remained such ever since, and has the connotation of somehow being part of the Nazi idea, if not their sole invention. Yet, nobody really defined it specifically, not even Rosenberg or Adolf Hitler.

What then, if anything, does it mean?

Does it encompass all of the "White Race"? No, emphatically, it does not if it has any meaning at all. It excludes large segments of it. It would by and large exclude the Slavs, most of the Italians, the Spaniards, the Rumanians, large segments of the French, and even of the Germans and the Austrians, to name a few. It is doubtful that even the exemplary British would qualify as being Aryan, since English is not considered to be an Aryan language. A stinking, black Hindu or Pakistani could technically be considered as being more Aryan than a solid White Anglo-Saxon.

Does Aryan mean the same thing as the Nordic? When we talk of Nordics, we recall an image of blonde haired and blue eyed peoples, a dying species, such as are still found in northern Germany, in Holland, the Scandinavian countries, and to a diminishing degree, even in the United States. But are the words Nordic and Aryan synonymous? By no means. By such definition, even Hitler would not be an Aryan, since although he had blue eyes, he certainly was not blonde. Nor would that foremost propagandist of the Nazi idea, Joseph Goebbels, qualify. He was a dark, physically diminutive and poorly constituted individual, certainly a far cry from the Nordic ideal. Nor were many other luminaries of the Nazi hierarchy, such as Heinrich Himmler and a host of others. Nor were such notable Fascist leaders as Mussolini of Italy, nor Francisco Franco of Spain, blonde haired and blue eyed. So it would be idiotic to use the two terms, Aryan and Nordic, interchangeably.

Again, when we examine the term Aryan, we get pushed further and further into the negative position of what it is not. Like the term "spirit", every time I ask a preacher what it is, he keeps postulating and expounding in an endless harangue of what it is not, never what it is.

Let us go back to as neutral a ground as we can possibly find, a source that carries some weight of authority, and one that goes back to the time prior to when Hitler and the Nazi movement made the word Aryan an emotional, a partisan and a controversial word. Let us go back to Volume II of the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITTANICA, New American Supplement, 20th Century Edition, 1904. This is probably the most intellectual, factual and unbiased set of books available, compiled at a time before the Jew got his slimy hands on the company and managed to corrupt and render worthless the succeeding editions. Here is some of the information it provides.

ARYAN, a technical term, applied to one of the great families of language, which extends from India to Europe, and which, for that reason, is called INDO-EUROPEAN. Friedrich Schlegel, who first recognized the family relationship of these languages (Die Sprache and Weisheft der Indier, 1808) assigned to them the name INDO-GERMANIC, a name still used by preference by many scholars in Germany.

ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITTANICA then goes on to criticize both of these terms as being inaccurate and completely inadequate. It recalls other attempts to define this group of languages, such as Indo-Celtic, and Indo-Classic, since there are many languages in Europe that do not belong to this family. Other alternatives have also been offered, such as Sanskrit and Japhetic. However Encyclopedia Brittanica rejects both of these as also being inaccurate. Sanskrit would imply that all members of this family would be derived from Sanskrit, which is not true. Japhetic would seem to revive the Jewish conception of the three ancestors of the human race Shem, Ham and Japhet. This, as I have pointed out repeatedly, is based on an idiotic Jewish fairytale and must be rejected out of hand by any thinking, intelligent individual (See "The Story of Noah" Racial Loyalty, Issue No. 38.) Another term in an attempt to classify these languages is INDO-IRANIAN, as comprehending the language of India and Persia, which constitute the south-eastern as distinct from the north-western (Greek, Latin, Celtic, Teutonic, Slavonic) branch of the family. (We again quote from Encyclopedia Brittanica.)

Encyclopedia Brittanica goes on to say that the word Aryan became popular because it was short, it was of foreign origin (therefore had an exotic ring, presumably) and it covered a whole range of unexplained misconceptions. Nowhere in its long dissertation does Encyclopedia Brittanica ever even imply that it describes any race of people, or any biological group. It merely attempts to group a family of languages, and even in this it fails badly.

Are we therefore any closer in defining the word Aryan as a racial term? No, far from it. It is at best a confusing and misleading term for language groups and even in this category it fails miserably.

We now come to the present day scene in America and find such groups as the Nazis and Identity people and the Aryan Nations, trying to capitalize on this word. But they, too, have never attempted to tell us what it means. The Nazis take for granted that since Hitler, Rosenberg, and the Nazi movement used it extensively, we all should know what it means. But as I have already pointed out, they too left it in a vacuum and left the world as confused about its meaning as have the Christian preachers about the word "spirit".

With both, the preachers and the Nazis, it is a case of trying to hang a whole battleship on a flimsy coathook.

Strangely, the Aryan Nations and the Identity people take a completely different tack from that of the Nazis. They claim we the Aryans, are descendants of the ten "lost" tribes of Israel, who somehow, about 1000 B.C.E., barged into Europe and settled a vacant continent, and now we White peoples are the true Israelites, the chosen of God. This idea is so preposterous, so contrary to the real facts of history, that it hardly needs further refutation. (See Racial Loyalty, Issue No. 32 "White Men Wandering in the Wilderness".) It could only appeal to those poor individuals whose minds have been deranged by an overly massive dose of Jewish-Christian mind manipulation to the point where they themselves would like to become Jews.

So much for the term Aryan. In my writings since the inception of Creativity (and even before) I have consistently used the term the White Race, because I consider it vastly superior to the term Aryan. However at the same time. I have repeatedly admitted that it is far from perfect in describing Nature's Finest. It is, at best, an approximate term, not an accurate definition, but it does have real meaning in that it differentiates us from the mud races - the niggers, the Semites, the Hindus, the Indians and the Orientals. Like the Atlantic Ocean, its boundaries in some areas are vague and undefined, but nevertheless, everybody knows what and where the Atlantic Ocean is. So it is with the White Race, which although technically does not have enough cohesiveness in its genes to even be defined as a race at all, nevertheless, everybody knows what the White Race is, especially so its multitude of enemies, the mud races.

So we have chosen to run with this term, the White Race, because we believe it is the best there is. You will notice that on the cover of this book I use the term The White Volk. The word Volk is a German word that has a meaning similar to the word people, yet it has more of an ethnic connotation than the English word. Hitler used it repeatedly in his speeches and writings (Das Deutsche Volk) and whereas it also is not the perfect word, it is more accurate in the meaning we wish to convey than the word race. I point out this distinction in answer to those critics who will critique us that technically the White Race is not a race at all. In this they are correct, and for them I have substituted the world Volk as an alternative.

Nevertheless, accurate or not, I still believe the term White Race is the best there is, that it is most widely accepted and understood, and we Creators will continue to use it as our standard terminology. When we succeed in persuading the White Race that it has a wonderful legacy in its genes to pass on to future generations; that it has every right to claim this Planet Earth for its very own; that when it embraces Creativity as its own natural religion and practices Eugenics as inherent in such religion, then the time will come when the White Race will truly be a race in its finest biological sense and the undisputed master of this Planet.