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Website Confirms YouTube Erases Dislikes on Joe Biden Videos by as Much as 600%

Started by G.L.R., Sat 19 Jun 2021

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Amazing New Website Confirms YouTube Is Suppressing Dislikes on Joe Biden Videos by as Much as 600%

June 19, 2021

There is a relatively new website that tracks the popularity  of Joe Biden's video channel — the same man that smashed all US records  and received 81 million votes in the 2020 election while campaigning  from his basement
The website tracks the YouTube page of Joe Biden's White  House. And after several weeks of results can confirm that far-left  YouTube is suppressing the dislikes on Joe Biden's videos. In fact the dislikes on the White House YouTube page are being manipulated on every single Joe Biden White House video! EVERY SINGLE ONE!  YouTube is suppressing dislikes of Biden by as much as 600% on some videos. Here is how this is proven, via the website: It is true that Biden won the most votes cast for a U.S. presidential candidate, amassing about 81 million votes. – USA Today I'm sure we won't see anything weird  happening, such as dislikes being thrown out in the wee hours of the  morning. I encourage visitors to this site, especially reporters, to verify  the deletion phenomenon for themselves... go to the official White House YouTube channel and  find a new video that is a few hours old. Click on the video and go to  its page. Take a screenshot of the likes and dislikes, being sure that  your computer's/phone's clock is visible in the screenshot.

Once per hour, come back to the page, reload it so that the newest totals appear, and take another screenshot. Do that over the course of the day, and you will almost certainly see that YouTube deletes dislikes  repeatedly. Check back the next day, and you will see the deletions  continuing throughout that day as well. Finally, check your screenshots  against the video's chart at (based on the timestamp in each of  your screenshots), and you will see that the two data sources, your  screenshots and my charts, line up for the official likes and dislikes.  (There might be small discrepancies due to our respective samples being  taken a few minutes apart.)

Simply deleting you is one thing, but altering data another

If you want to go further: My real likes and real dislikes stats are simply  computed from all the increases to likes/dislikes (but ignoring  decreases). You can check the arithmetic in the "Last ... stats" table on  each video page at You can download the full data on each page  as CSV, TSV, or JSON files if you want to do your own charting. Also note that my real likes and real dislikes statistics almost always line  up very closely for the videos in the comparison data like those by PewDiePie.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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