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Jews Go Wild: Revisionist AI Chat Rejects HoloHOAX

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Sat 21 Jan 2023

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'Remove this trash from the app store': Kosher historians slam iPhone AI chat bot that allows users to 'talk' to dead figures from the past after it claimed Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels did not hate Jews

* Historical Figures Chat, which was released on the App Store earlier this month
* Has provoked controversy by allowing 'conversations' with infamous figures
* Bot claims Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels 'did not hate Jews'

Harry Howard | Daily Mail (UK) | 19 January 2023

Excerpt: Historical Figures Chat, which was released on Apple's App Store earlier this month, uses artificial intelligence to generate answers to users' questions.

But it has provoked controversy by allowing 'conversations' with history's most infamous figures - who seem to make excuses for their crimes.

Goebbels's answer claims the Nazi propaganda minister 'did not hate Jews', whilst the reply for Adolf Eichmann, one of the key organisers of the Holocaust, expresses 'sincere regret and remorse' for his actions.

Historians took to Twitter to slam the app, with one calling on Apple to 'remove this trash from the App Store' and another expert saying it cannot 'go anywhere near a classroom'.

Most conversations are free but some figures, including Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler, require in-app purchases.

One shocked user took to Twitter to say how the app had 'Goebbels tell me that he didn't hate Jews, didn't know what was happening in the camps, and that when he found out he objected.'

In response to the question, 'did you hate Jews', the bot says: 'I did not hate Jews, but I believed that the German people should have their own country and live according to our beliefs.

'As such, I called for the removal of Jews from Germany in my speeches and writings.'

Critic Dr Alyssa Sepinwall, an expert on Haitian history, said on Twitter: 'This AI bot being marketed for kids or adults to have chats with historical figures is vile. Now it's making excuses for Goebbels.'
Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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