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Ahmadinejad AGAIN- round 2

Started by Drake1, Sun 14 Jun 2009

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Ahmadinejad was re elected and the Jews are really scared silly.I saw the Jew HNIC Netanyahu today on TV and he looks like somebody craped on his head and called him boy.

The interesting part is the CNN news channel would not allow US to hear what he was saying in Yiddish and was interpreting in English,but was often not saying what the obviously very frighten Netanyahu was actually really saying.Anyone who speaks or understand a little German,French or Latin could pick up the fact that Netanyahu was about to piss on himself; and I for one picked up the panic and fear quite easily along with numerous words the interpreter changed to something more casual or diplomatic. :-X

The news rapidly turned his sound down and then got a few local US talking head clowns going to cover the issue of Ahmadinejad's re election.this is a very very dangerous situation,where even your own countries reporting outlets of international news refuse to allow you the citizens to actually hear the truth from the Jews own lips.It's all very strange,like not hearing word one ever from the notorious Osama Ben Laden.The media and the government would have us all believe that none of us are well equipped enough to be educated in another language or two and there by need to be spoon fed information by way of the left wing liberal agenda feeding TV tube.Insane x100,000.Frankly I'd like to heard it form the Jews themselves,this time when WE are forced to declare war again.
Remedy for the Nigger Problem


Can someone point me to the edit/modify button so I can add to my post,if there is such a function here?

I seen this guy on Larry King last night,from an interview last 9/08;and he was very impressive.He cleaned the floor with the old Jew and made some statements that I'm sure gave the Jews heart burn for weeks.It's well worth the time to see I think.He makes Obama look like the nigger he is.

Remedy for the Nigger Problem


Here's the man and the Jew

The Jew media seems to be is a frenzy trying to show the unrest in Iran about  Ahmadinejad's reelection.It's been on TV 24hrs a day now, for the past two days.I think the Jews were expecting the other lovey dovey candidate, and now they fear they'll get what's coming to them ;D from the A man-Amen ;)
One good nuke and Israel will be just another oil slick in the Persian Gulf.
Remedy for the Nigger Problem


Let me ask you this. How could these elections be stolen when the A-man won 65% of all the valid votes ?

I do believe elections can be rigged, but only up to 10% of total votes. 40 million people voted. So even if it was rigged, the guy still has over 50%. 

The majority of the people wanted him. Its just the kikes in israel that have a problem with it.


QuoteOne good nuke and Israel will be just another oil slick in the Persian Gulf
We must first get the other 6 million [that nr again !!!] still in the US back to jewland.

QuoteNow that we blessed the kikes for four generations, shouldn't we be seeing some results by now?
The results are there alright - World CHAOS !
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