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Announcements & General Jabber => General Jabber => Topic started by: Rev.WillWilliams on Tue 18 Nov 2008

Title: ZOG vs JOG?
Post by: Rev.WillWilliams on Tue 18 Nov 2008
by Eric Thomson

Dr. Goebbels taught that good propaganda is able to sum up a major concept in a few words. Red groups never seemed to learn this lesson, and they usually called their groups things like: 'Ad Hoc Committee for the Suppression of Rightwing Deviationism', etc. Then they'd call their enemies such names as "running-dog lackeys of Yankee paper-tiger imperialism", etc. In the blightwing we saw such memorable terms as "La Cesspool Grande", used in reference to The District of Corruption. The blightwing loves to use terms which can only be understood by the unconverted with difficulty. This is one more reason why the blightwing has failed to move the existing masses of White people, which stems from basic blightwing confusion and inability to communicate very well, if at all, to those whom we would like to see on the pro-White side. The blightwing slogan of "For God, Race and Nation" would have disgusted the good doctor, as it did me, for it split our loyalties 3 ways. Strong propaganda unites; it does not divide. Hence, I coined the slogan, OUR RACE IS OUR NATION!

To achieve any objective, one must concentrate one's forces and pursue the goal without dithering and deviating. Imagine the results if the Blitzkriegers had been confused about their routes and had paused along the way to pick posies. Rather than blow my own horn in regard to political correctness, I quote from an enemy publication, AMERICAN HERITAGE, of September 1995. In an article entitled "Home-Grown Terror", the author who writes under the pen-name, "Philip Jenkins", states: "The acronym ZOG has entered the vocabulary of the far right ... and has helped shape extremists' concepts of their enemy. Though the term ZOG was unknown to the Coughlinites, it exactly catches their world-view."

"JOG" is not only confusing. It is erroneous. Here's why: one blightwinger said that "Zionist" is a political term, not a racial term; therefore racists should not use it. He then defines "jew" as "a physical member of any race", so "jew" becomes a political term, also. So much for blightwing confusion. "Jew" is a racial term. Anyone who doubts this needs to do some research. I suggest "The Genetics of the Jews" by A.E. Mourant et al. This is a series of articles prepared by jew hematologists, which appeared in the official British medical magazine, The Lancet, and was published by Oxford University Press in 1978. Anyone can change his religion and his politics, but no one can change his race. "Jew" is not a political term, and we should not be sloppy in using it, just when we dislike someone.

Not all jews are Zionists. I have known anti-Zionist jews such as Josef Ginsburg, Rabbi Elmer Berger, Benjamin Freedman, Jack Bernstein (author of "An American Jew in Racist-Marxist Israel) and a group of religious jews in New York City who publish newspaper ads comparing the tenets of Zionism with those of Judaism. I object to Zionism because it aims at the destruction of my race and the enslavement of all races. Any White person who supports Zionism is a race-traitor and therefore is my enemy. Any non-White who resists Zionism is a potential ally, but he is not and can never be my kinsman. Zionism is the political and the religious expression of jews who intend to destroy the White Race, using White frontmen, just as the evil aliens of THEY LIVE used sold-out Earth people to destroy humanity. Non-Whites can also serve the ZOG against the interests of their own people . In fact, anti-Zionist jews believe that Zionism is a satanic reincarnation of The Golden Calf, which captured the allegiance of Old Testament jews.

To act straight, one must think straight. Down with the ZOG!


I no longer capitalize the word, "jew", which merely means "mongrel" at the high end of the scale. On the low end of the scale of value, "jew" means mongrel-parasite. (

Eric Thompson is an excellent writer for the Cause, and his archived articles at the above linked Web site make for some great, thought provoking reading. But Mr. Thompson is not necessarily right nor consistent in some of his views on things. He's good at introducing acronyms like JOG and ORION into the WN lexicon, and then promoting their acceptance and usage, as can be deduced from this article. The above commentary was no doubt in reaction to PM Klassen's introduction of the much more militant, Jew-specific acronym, JOG, which had taken hold within the more radical elements of WNism who see "anti-Zionism" as too encompassing -- hell, the sitting POTUS and all four gentile candidates vying for his and Cheney's jobs openly declared that they are dedicated Zionists. They are collaborating Shabbos goyim seeking political favors of Jewry, is what they are, whether they openly declare their fealty to Jewry, or not.

Perhaps someone with access to the Racial Loyalty archive can find the little box (which was featured in several issues of RL from 1988-89) entitled "JOG vs ZOG." It's the best, most concise argument for the use of JOG, especially by all who claim to be Creators.

BTW, I capitalize the word Jew, giving the parasitic mongrel race its due as the primary enemy of my race. Both Ben Klassen and William Pierce always capitalized both Jew and White. That's good enough for me. Thompson didn't care much for either Klassen or Pierce, but found concord with their shared anti-Xian, Nature-based, biological racist world views. That's what counts. That's why I enjoy reading Thompson, while disagreeing with him on a few things.

Title: Re: ZOG vs JOG?
Post by: Rev.WillWilliams on Tue 25 Nov 2008
...[T]he little box (which was featured in several issues of RL from 1988-89) entitled "JOG vs ZOG." It's the best, most concise argument for the use of JOG, especially by all who claim to be Creators.

Transcribed from  RL#48, The JOG Issue, March 1989:

J.O.G. -- Not Z.O.G.!

     The Church of the Creator has consistently been using the term J.O.G., Jewish Occupational Government, instead of the more prevalent White racialist term Z.O.G., Zionist Occupational Government.
     We believe the difference in the two terms is significant. Z.O.G. infers that it is only the Zionist faction of the Jewish network with which we need to concern ourselves, and the rest of Jewry is benign. Nothing could be further from the truth.
     All Jews stick together, and by playing good Jew/bad Jew we play by their script, giving them the "TRAP DOOR" they've always had to organize and return to our neck, as is their inherent, parasitic nature. They may become marranos, conversos or "dampened" christians, Jews for Jesus, nationalists, populist, or even Grand Dragons in the KKK, but they WILL NEVER BECOME CREATORS. We don't care how "white" they appear; when things get too uncomfortable for them here they had better haul their collective butt to Israel.
     We contend that the entire Jewish establishment, which consists of many evil segments, is united totally behind our present plight. Like the three C's: Communism, Capitalism and Christianity, Zionism is only one other weapon in the Jewish arsenal which is utilized in their maniacal drive for world conquest. So let us call a spade a spade, a spook a spook a spook, and a Jew a Jew -- not a "Zionist." DELENDA EST JUDAICA!

Title: Re: ZOG vs JOG?
Post by: Rev.WillWilliams on Tue 25 Nov 2008
[Jews] may become marranos, conversos or "dampened" christians, Jews for Jesus..., but they WILL NEVER BECOME CREATORS.

Madeline Albright, for example, was born Marie Jana Korbelova in Prague to Jewish parents who had converted to Catholicism in order to escape persecution.

White man, close once and for all the ridiculous loophole that allows for this. Seal the trap door.
Title: Re: ZOG vs JOG?
Post by: Albert on Sat 19 Sep 2009
I even noticed, on a pro- Palestinian forum, that there were "anti-Zionist Jews" complaining about the recent Jewish wars against Hamas and Gaza. I'm shocked the Palestinians fall for this. These are the same black clad Hasidics at the front of the anti-Israel demos -as blow their goat horns and give out blessings to the Israeli army. (

But think about it for a minute. If Jews -as instructed by their Rabbis -did not act anti-Israel then people would realise that all Jews are deceivers, liars and therefore legitimate targets for revenge by Muslims.
The fact is all Jews are Zionists, and all Jews are racist against the whole world and ipso facto at war with all mankind and the world. This is the true nature of their religion.
A Jew that had conscience and humanity would renounce their Religion and opt for a quiet anonymous life- As many do.
Title: Re: ZOG vs JOG?
Post by: Rev.Shaun on Sat 25 Sep 2010
There is such a thing as a good Jew brothers............grave yards are full of them!
Title: Re: ZOG vs JOG?
Post by: Sinn on Sun 26 Sep 2010
Quote from: Rev.Shaun on Sat 25 Sep 2010
There is such a thing as a good Jew brothers............grave yards are full of them!

I tend to disagree. Jews don't deserve to be buried on OUR planet. They are pollutants, no matter if they are above or below ground. So not even a dead kike is a good kike.
Title: Kaminski gets it right about the Jew
Post by: Rev.WillWilliams on Fri 04 Feb 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011

by John Kaminski

You can tell if something's the truth or not by this one criterion: if they pass a law that says you have to believe a certain story in a certain way, you can be certain that the story they're trying to get you to believe is a lie.

This is how the cynical Jewish Holocaust mythology has clamped a mindlock on free thought throughout the world, much in the same way that Constantine's politically astute creation of Christianity, all those centuries ago, trapped human thinking into a giant iron box which turned every aspect of everyone's lives into a questionable gift with a hefty price.

You only got peace of mind if . . . you followed God's holy laws. And this was a god that this Roman emperor created, a deity whose very name was decided by a vote of — to use an oft-quoted description — "a synod of fools and madmen." Talk about a psyop.

What an alluring advertising campaign! Eternal life if you just follow our simple rules (which the people who invented and enforced these rules never really followed themselves.) Now, the Jews have changed that human ethos to: "Be respectful of our cleverly contrived suffering so that we may rob you and profane you more easily." Quite a drop in expectations, I'd say, yet another relevant barometric reading of the controlled devolution of humanity.

So it is with the word Zionist, now in fashion with all the Jews who pretend to be critical of Israel and some minor aspect of the Jewish prostitution of reality, as well as those many sycophantic non-Jews who generally explain their support in vague terms like "they know on which side their bread is buttered," which is the remark of a true slave and faux human being, uttered by all those who seek to curry favor from the Jews.

Using the word Zionist when the more accurate appellation would by "Jew" shows that the speaker is implying that the general run of Jews isn't responsible for all this depraved horror with bloody Jewish fingerprints all over it, but also that there actually are Jews who genuinely and truly oppose this omnidirectional carnage that the Jewish philosophy has wrought upon the world.

I believe this contention to be false, and that all Jews — especially the ones who say they're atheists! — are imbued from birth, through circumcision and the repetition of pathological rituals, with a reflexive motivation that subconsciously adheres them to defense of their tribe no matter how many lies they tell themselves and others that they are true human beings working for the betterment of humanity, and no matter how many Jewish atrocities and crimes against humanity they have to cover up to do it.

I think the acutely deteriorated condition of today's world verifies this. And I believe that it is the very nature of the Talmud and the Torah, Judaism's supposedly 'holy' books, which contain the most depraved statements ever made by humans, that guarantees this is so.

So when supposedly "hip" websites and spokespeople like Rense, Jones, Information Clearinghouse and various other popular news sources glibly use the term Zionist to describe the 360 degrees of depravity now engulfing us all, I hear the word as just another synonym the Jews use to conceal the true identity of the real perpetrators who are running the world into the ground just so they can get rich and control everybody.

This is demonstrably pathological behavior, and it is what runs the world. You simply cannot retain your ethnic/racial/sociological label as a Jew and be opposed to the depredations that the Jewish philosophy have unleashed upon nonmembers of this diabolical tribe. No practicing Jew is going to sabotage the success of the Jewish crime scheme; hence, all Jews participating in this discussion are not to be trusted for obvious reasons. There is no way to pretend that Judaism offers any other universal value than slavery. Therefore, all those of Jewish heritage who genuinely oppose their own philosophy of destruction and depravity are no longer Jews, but human beings working to expose the deadly projection of psychological fear that the Jews use to deaden their own consciences.

This renders the term Zionist only of use in describing those non Jews who have been hypnotized by the cynical mystifications of Christian Zionism, which were invented by Scofield and Darby, agents of the Jewish conspiracy, to subvert Christianity from within by inserting an Israeli aegis to the Bible that previously did not exist and hijack he Hebrew heritage for their own profitable purposes.

The bigger question is this: "How do you trust someone who has constantly lied to you for three thousand years?"

Ponder the synonyms that Jews have used to conceal their identity, or at least deflect or stall people from ascertaining true facts. Zionist, Communist, anarchist, liberal, Bolshevik, socialist, lesbian, equal opportunity, Jacobin, Shabbatean Frankist . . . all these labels send people concerned with the problems these groups have created down blind alleys, false avenues of investigation, tracking what are only splinter groups of the one central, evil sanctioning central group, which is the Jewish Sanhedrin, the ultimate Jewish "religious" authority which issues such compassionate pronouncements as a Jew can commit any kind of crime anywhere in the world, and then flee to Israel and be forever free of any prosecution for those crimes, or, "non Jews exist only to serve Jews."

All these deceptive substitute labels were created as smokescreens for the word Jew. The situation can be instantly remedied in your mind by understanding that all these endeavors with all these names and philosophical explanations are all synonyms aimed at camouflaging the words Judaism or Jewish.

And as I've said so many times before, the Talmud and the Torah are the prime motivators of human evil in the world, the heart of demented darkness in human history. So the disingenuous protestations of Jews and Jew wannabes who wish to be either excluded or concealed from the blame of Israelis for being the ugliest and least trustworthy people in the world — all because of their demonstrably insane religion — don't resonate in my ears anymore.

This appeal to fairness and human compassion that the Jews always use doesn't work with me anymore — this is how they got Christians to be meek and submissive — because the Jews urge fairness and compassion from other people, but don't practice it themselves. This should have told us long ago that this actually means they can never be trusted, under any circumstances.

Three thousand years of evidence proves this. But the question you keep running into is this "Surely, you don't mean it's all Jews?"

Yes, I absolutely do. Anyone who calls themselves a Jew is by definition endorsing the loveless exploitation of humanity. To defend Jews, Judaism or Jewishness in any way is a moral crime against humanity, because Judaism commands its followers to kill or enslave all the non Jews in the world and take their property without penalty. Judaism is, without question, the unnatural cause of our upcoming and imminent deaths.

And anyone who uses the term Zionist in conjunction with anything at all is working for the Jews, assisting in the concealment of who is really responsible for creeping bloody horror that now promises to end all our lives prematurely by their pathologically destructive behavior. They are helping the Jews hide behind a distracting label, and in this, are able to distance themselves from the guilt of their own crimes against humanity.

Instead of describing these robotized Christians as Christian Zionists, you should use this more accurate definition, which could really describe all of us. The proper phrase, really, should be "dupes of the Jews."

(Note to editors and those who might forward this story: you may want to cut this story here to avoid this maudlin conclusion.)

So, what are you going to do about this information? I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to spellcheck this story, drive the couple of blocks to the library to get an internet connection, and send this story out, along with a couple of other things. I'm eating the last of my roast beef and the last of my broccoli. I'm out of money — another week to my Social Security check — out of gas, out of food, out of cigarettes, and out of hope. So when I get done at the library, I think I'll just come home, and lay down and die, which, preposterous though it seems, is what the rest of you will soon be doing, too, when they start pumping anesthesia from the sky or set off a false flag nuke or begin rounding up people like me for speaking so openly about the Jews.

The situation has deteriorated to now, when no one has the means or the motivation to oppose this accelerating robotization of humanity, and what we could have solved had we just opened our mouths a little sooner and a little louder is now no longer fixable. The die is cast, and the shadow of a dark future speeds towards us like the tsunami at the end of time.

I know in the past that I've prophesied on several occasions that this would be my last story. If it is, then, the last thing I wanted to say was thank you for all the support and nice words. You were really the fuel for my fury. Sorry I couldn't make it clearer. Stay safe for as long as you can, and don't worry about the place where you are destined to wind up. Too bad we never figured out that we create that place with every breath we take and every story we believe.

* * *

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, urging people to understand that no problem in the world can be authentically addressed without first analyzing tangents caused by Jewish perfidy, which has subverted and diminished every aspect of human endeavor throughout history. Support for his work is wholly derived from people who can understand what he's saying and know what it means. (

250 N. McCall Rd. #2,

Englewood FL 34223 USA
Title: Re: ZOG vs JOG?
Post by: Albert on Tue 10 May 2011
I think its a little too easy to spit venom on a forum sometimes and vent our frustration.  The fact is the Jews just keep on winning hands down.. of course the game is rigged but events always have a habit of eventually upsetting the apple cart. I think it always good psychology to give ones enemy an escape route. Even Ben Klassen said they could have Israel and Madagascar.. all we want is for them at minimum to get off our backs,
Title: Re: ZOG vs JOG?
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Wed 18 May 2011
Quote from: Herring on Thu 19 May 2011Have you guys ever heard of the Bahai Faith

We know all about it.

Quote from: Herring on Wed 18 May 2011
Also what to do? Is there any wisdom in working with other groups on a AD HOC basis in the political realm where it would help us---does the end justify the means?

There is no sense in forcing people together who will typically forget the real enemy to concentrate on fighting each other. The fabled Unity at the expense of activism cannot be justified by the goal of a fantasy nirvana.

Let the separate White Racialist Groups each follow their own agenda. Any possible unity will naturally evolve between those with like minds and mutual respect. And we will leave those "White Nationalist" political conservatives who side with Israel against Islam out in the cold along with those Christinsane who side with Islam against Israel, drug dealing Skinhead Whigger gangsters and "White Nationalist" ultra conservatives who want to destroy anything not American.

Pontifex Cambeul.
Title: Re: ZOG vs JOG?
Post by: CanadianAryan on Mon 20 Jul 2020
J.O.G = specific; refers to a biological group who ARE actually trying to exterminate Whites (a biological collective group)
Z.O.G = "not all jews are zionists"=gives jews a copout just as they hide behind religion not (((race))); also shifts blame to 'zionist christians' ("Not all zionists are jews"-Biden)
J.O.G = best
Z.O.G = cowardly conservatard cop out