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Announcements & General Jabber => General Jabber => Topic started by: Rev.Cambeul on Sun 08 Nov 2015

Title: Video: Fred Leuchter: His Story His Way
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Sun 08 Nov 2015 (

Fred Leuchter looks back on how his startling 1988 "Leuchter Report" drastically changed his life. This recent interview was conducted by Jim Rizoli in Massachusetts. Runtime: one hour and 43 mins. Because he was authoritatively recognized as America's foremost expert on execution gas chamber technology, German-Canadian publisher Ernst Zündel commissioned him to carry out a thorough forensic investigation of the alleged wartime gassing facilities at the sites of the wartime internment camps of Auschwitz, Auschwitz-Birkenau and Majdanek. As an expert witness testifying under oath in the 1988 "Holocaust trial" in Toronto, and in this published report of his on-site investigation, Leuchter explained in detail that the supposed gas chambers at those sites could not possibly have been used to kill people as alleged.


If anyone is interested in talking directly with Fred, they can find him on Facebook. Always a gentleman, Fred is an  honest, intelligent, insightful, non-judgemental and thoroughly pleasant person to chat with. If you are able to find him on FB, tell Fred "G'day" from me (I closed my FB account).

Title: Re: Video: Fred Leuchter: His Story His Way
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Sun 08 Nov 2015
Fred Leuchter: Courageous Defender of Historical Truth
Mark Weber (

... Leuchter was commissioned in early 1988 by German-Canadian publisher Ernst Zündel to conduct a thorough forensic investigation of the alleged wartime gassing facilities in Poland for his defense case in the Toronto "Holocaust Trial." ... Leuchter and his team carefully investigated the so-called gas chambers at, first, the Auschwitz main camp, second, the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp, which is supposed to have been the most terrible Nazi extermination center, and, third, the Majdanek camp near Lublin ... As an expert witness testifying under oath in April 1988 in the second Zündel trial, and in his published report of his on-site investigation, Fred Leuchter explained in detail that the supposed gas chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek could not possibly have been used to gas people as alleged.

The Leuchter Report
Fred A. Leuchter, Jr. (Online Book) (

Complete text of the startling 1988 "Leuchter Report," subtitled "A Report on the Alleged Execution Gas Chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek, Poland, by an Execution Equipment Expert." Written by the foremost consultant in the US on the design, construction and maintenance of execution gas chambers. He sets out the methodology and findings of this first forensic investigation of the actual sites in Poland where homicidal gassings allegedly were carried out. Leuchter's conclusion, after inspecting the sites and having samples analyzed by a competent laboratory, taken from the walls and floors for total cyanide content, was unambiguous: the alleged gas chambers could not have been used, then or now, as execution gas chambers.

The Botched Execution of Fred Leuchter
Fred A. Leuchter, Jr. (1992) (

A leading expert on gas chamber design and the operation of execution gas chambers in the US, and the author of the stunning 1988 technical study of the Auschwitz "gas chambers," describes the vicious Jewish-Zionist campaign to destroy his career. He also provides a blow-by-blow description of his outrageous arrest, detention and expulsion from Britain ... "Because I was somewhat naive at the time, I was not aware that by so testifying I was offending the organized world Jewish community ... What I did not know was that anyone expressing such beliefs is guilty of a capital crime: that of thinking and telling the unspeakable truth about the greatest lie of the age. I would have to pay for this crime."