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Thoughtcrime: The Study of Race and Intelligence, and the Jews' furious reaction

Started by Sturmkrieger, Mon 12 Feb 2018

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Recently in Sacramento, California, a high school student made a science project suggesting that race and intelligence do, in fact, correlate. The student, part of the school's elite HISP program, examined the 508 students in his program, and listed the statistics as 312 White students, 104 gook students, 80 spic students and 12 nigger students. After providing evidence pointing the lower intelligence held by the niggers and muds, the student concluded that it was justified that the HISP program was "racially dis-proportioned."

A fairly reasonable observation for us Creators. The White Race coming out on top in terms of intelligence and creativity, while the niggers and muds can barley keep up. But despite this student's work, the student soon found himself or herself in the maw of the behemoth known as the Judenpresse.

The outrage came crashing down on the student not long after the project came to public light. Immediately, the school removed the project and I assume the student will face some sort of disciplinary action. Meanwhile, a school spokesman says that they will be making moves to bring more "diversity" into the HISP after reviewing its statistics.

What's to learn here? Well, it's something us Creators are far too familiar in dealing with: breaking the bonds of Jewish mind control. This student merely suggested that niggers and muds had lower intelligence and therefore they didn't belong in an advanced education program. That was enough to earn the student threats from comments on the articles relating to the subject and a berating from his school district for "racist thought." Not to mention the media harassment on the student and the student's family. Imagine had he or she hit even harder, and suggested the niggers and muds were dragging White nations like America down and needed to be shipped back to their home countries. The student probably would've had his or her name revealed and had his or her life and livelihood threatened.

From this seemingly small high school project, us Creators can once again see the effects of Jewish mind poison on the White people of the word. Rather than acknowledge the student's findings, which some White people did, a majority of them descended on the student like a pack of hungry wolves. This should move us Creators to keep up the fight against the Jewish-controlled education system not only here in America, but across the world (as I assume this same thing would happen if a student in another White country made this suggestion).

Here's an article on the subject:
Build a Whiter, Brighter World

Reverend Peter Sturm
N.C. U.S.A.


It is all about evolution. Europeans and people who have ancestors from cold places must work to build shelter friom merciless winters, grow crops in Summer to prepare for winter, have had to fight people with advanced weapons. Or else they are dead.

Aboriginies only had:-stone,wood and bone.No need for buildings. They slept in rough shelters and just threw spears at Kangaroos and found food off vegetation.The hot climate year round made them lazy. No mining, no farming,no wheel, no bow and arrow.

I see how Ferral they are each day as I work around them.
Hygiene is something they can't be stuffed about.Random stuff is scattered all around the place is a disorderly way,They are too dumb to know that neglect ,violence and laziness make other problems.

If they sleep in on rubbish day the rubbish bag gets thrown in the back yard with like 7 others stinking the place up attracting vermin. By not washing and having hygiene standards bring illnesses, leaving taps running damaged tap seats in the wall.
Not cleaning the place makes sicknesses.

They are:/child like, corrupt,violent, unhygienic,lazy and criminally insane.

If you put a barrier up they don't care they'll find what ever way around it.
We've been here 240 years and they still are primatively minded.

It's like going to a pet shop and having some white mice in a cage then dropping ferral ones there. They'd kill each other!

Race is real and it matters.The TV just told them everybody is equal.
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.

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