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Title: The Political and Social Ramifications of the Struggle Against Vivisection
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Wed 14 Oct 2015
The Struggle Against Vivisection

By Hermann Goering | Radio Broadcast | August 28 1933

Translation from German by Fred Scherbaum

"It goes against the thinking of a German, especially against the ideology of
National Socialism, to equate an animal with inanimate matter."


Since the day of the release of my decree to abolish the cruelty of vivisection, I received a flood of telegrams and letters expressing agreement and happiness that finally real steps were taken in the fight against cruelty to animals.

The sudden release of my decree was a big surprise. For years now, the fight against vivisection has been carried on. Many discussions took place in scientific and unscientific circles, but nothing was done. Right from the beginning, the National- Socialist Government knew that serious steps will have to be taken to correct the situation energetically, but still it took month before the law, with all its preparations, was adopted. To prevent the further expansion of cruelty to animals in the interim, while the law was finalized, I decreed under the powers given to me, the protective incarceration in concentration camps, for those who think that animals are a mere matter. German people have always acted with great affection and concern toward animals and the protection of animals.

Domestic animals in particular were always considered to be God's creation, since for thousands of years they were our companions in and outside of our homes. One can even say that they were not only our co-workers but also our co-warriors with regard to horses.

For the German people animals were considered to be creatures of the flesh, not just in an organic sense, but that they show feelings of pain, joy, loyalty and attachment. Never was it in the consciousness of the people to think of animals as a soulless, lifeless, unfeeling object to be exploited or as a tool for labor, or to be utilized for a subject of usefulness, to be abused or even killed. The fairytales and legends of Aryan people, foremost the German folk, demonstrate their spirit of unity which the Aryans show toward animals.

Therefore, it is not too difficult to understand that the previous application of the law did not agree with the consciousness of the people, not only in this instant, but also in many others. Under the influence of a foreign interpretation and concept of justice, the sad fact was that the justice system was taken over by foreigners and as a consequence animals were classified as dead matter, which in turn empowered the owner of the animal with right to do whatever he decided to do with it. It is not in the concept of a German, definitely not that of National- Socialism, to give the absolute right to do as one pleases in this respect. In his home the owner could do with the animal whatever he wanted, without fear of prosecution or he could torture the animal for wretched reasons we do not understand.

Up to the rise of National Socialism rough treatment or cruelty to animals was only prosecuted when it caused a public nuisance, with witnesses and other people present. Only under these circumstances was a prosecution possible. The new 1927 law, the way it was written, was supposed to change things, it intended to make cruelty to animals punishable, but had a clause exempting this offence from the law as long it was done for religious or scientific reasons. This miserable and insufficiently written law did not protect animals from cruelty by not specifying in what manner scientific experimentation on animals is permissible. Also the manner in which an individual does scientific experiments on animals should not be left to an individual called to perform such work. Procedures on animals to develop new medicines to cure human ailments and for research are in need to be regulated by law and supervised by the authorities. It was a sad hallmark of science in a period of two decades before and after WW 1 by thinking in a materialistic way using chemical and physical experiments, aided by loopholes in the existing law.

This method of dealing with animals was unacceptable to a German. Not only French experimenters, like the infamous Claude Fernar, but also Germans, but mostly alien scientists performed horrendous cruelties, which if there was a small gain, would have never made any sense in relation to pain inflicted. Quite a few of these scientists, many, aliens amongst them, seem to have lost their sensitivity for their actions, or they never had any to begin with.

One can find examples of this in old literature describing procedures without anesthetization of the worst kind, such as operations, inflicting burns, freezing, hunger and more, all this showing no sign of human compassion.


Vivisection-the cutting of a unesthetizised animal was used. Among the laboratory animals were rats, pigs, rabbits and what people abhorred most, the human companion-the dog. They all were used to cut into the body to reveal the heart, chiseling into the brain, cutting limbs off to observe the reaction of the animal and the consequences thereof. It is unfathomable to us National-Socialists why pain was not eliminated when operating on the animal and if so, it was done without care, since it was a mere animal.

Let us put the question aside how much vivisection, in past decades, contributed to the knowledge of the working of the human body and its anatomy.
Today's scientists are coming to the conclusion that cruel killing by vivisection does not contribute any more to our knowledge. Therefore less and less of these procedures are performed. All the more the prohibition of vivisection does not only show our consideration when animals are in pain, but plain humanity demands it. Not only to protect pain-feeling animals, but at the same time we strive to eliminate gross negligence, brutality and cruelty.

Therefore, I gave orders to stop and punish any vivisection in Prussia, which right now, means the incarceration in a concentration camp until the law itself will proscribe a severe punishment. I asked the appropriate Prussian Ministries to rush the finalization of the law and I can tell you that the Reich Interior Ministry is only weeks from submitting it for passage.

Vivisection does not include other unnecessary forms of cruelty to animals. Painful scientific tests as well as cruelty to animals, as they occur on a daily basis in life, are in need of regulation by law. That finally all the questions regarding the passing of the new law to prevent cruelty to animals will be answered in a uniform and exemplary fashion, encouraged by my decree to have problems solved by experts in this field. The task for the experts will be to determine if, or to what extent animal experimentation is even still necessary to study human ailments, to develop new medications to do further research and to aid progress.

I am thinking about the methods used to identify epidemics and infectious deceases threatening man and animals alike. Is it not possible to detect the cause of serious illness by microscopic examination or can this only be accomplished by animal experiments? If so, it should only be done with the use of anesthesia and proper care. The taking of blood from animals, to develop blood serum serves mankind by fighting illnesses. These rather small, but necessary invasive procedures cannot be seen as cruelty or vivisection, since they serve to combat serious infectious deceases. Let us just think of our experience in the war, in which we had the irreplaceable assistance of serums to fight lockjaw or gangrene. Is the taking of animal blood done in a careful way, no harm is done. In time of need man also will give part of his blood to help others.

Experiments on pigs made possible the drug named "Germanin", which has an international standing, and is the only effective drug against the terrible sleeping sickness. In order to guarantee its effectiveness this drug had to be tested on animals. But this testing had to be performed carefully with anesthesia. Drugs, such as Insulin made from animal organs, are most successful against Diabetes. Today pharmaceutical industries in the developed countries are quarreling over its production and marketing. Since Insulin cannot be tested chemically, animal testing is still necessary. The sicknesses caused by substandard diet, or scurvy, also need animal testing. Hopefully such testing will contribute new insights in the formulation of diets. I do not want to repeat examples but they are witness to our successful labor in science. Anything not absolutely necessary in animal testing has to be stopped, unavoidable procedures have to be done with the utmost care. For science to serve mankind, operations demand local or total anesthesia to be given not only to humans, but also to animals, with the utmost care.

Animals with a special relationship to man, like dogs and cats, have to be exempted from experimentation and substituted by a lower grade animal. The rat, a vermin to be eliminated and surely less prone to pain, is less deserving of our sympathy than are dogs and cats. But even in this case, utmost deliberations are to be taken when experiments are done and to be performed only when no other way can be found to aid man.

Only a limited group of serious scientists and certain institutions will be allowed to do such animal experiments to benefit mankind. Here also the State has to supervise, and when called for, stop abuses. In a symposium, called by me, all the details of this matter will be dealt with by experts in science and in the field of animal protection and they in turn will submit their suggestions to me. Scientists with longstanding sympathy towards animal welfare will be specially appointed by me to this panel. This will ensure that a new and precise law will be formulated for passage. For many years now animal protectors and those who use animals for experiments have been in conflict with each other. Medical knowledge can hardly be gained by a student haphazardly cutting into a live animal in order to make experiments. To finally resolve this burning question the legal provisions I will put forth will contribute to a solution. This in turn will, in part, enhance German domestic tranquility. What is necessary will remain, but the unnecessary, noxious vivisection and cruelty to animals will be a thing of the past, so that the development of our internal and external political life can come to a consensus.

Kosher and Halal killing: The Semitic unity forged in the blood of the innocent