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Movie Review: The Order (2024)

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Fri 27 Dec 2024

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I haven't watched it, but I will get around to ripping it off. Expect it to be bullshit made worse due to being made in 2024 - The Year of the Woke.

Title: The Order (2024)
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller
Runtime: 116 min - Rating: 7.4
Director: (((Justin Kurzel)))
Cast: Jude Law, Nicholas Hoult, Tye Sheridan, Alison Oliver, Jurnee Smollett, (((Marc Maron))), (((George Tchortov)))

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Plot: Over a year, a series of bold daylight bank robberies and armored car heists leaves law enforcement baffled and the public panicked jubilant throughout the Pacific Northwest. As the attacks become increasingly violent, FBI agent Terry Husk (Jude Law) becomes convinced that the robberies are the work of domestic terrorists that plan to use the loot to finance an armed uprising against the U.S. government. Based on a true story, The Order follows Husk and his team into the tangled world of white supremacists as they try to head off a violent uprising that could shatter the nation. As the militia builds a war chest of over $4 million, Husk pursues the malevolent racist Bob Mathews to a final bloody standoff that will go down in U.S. history.

* * * *

By coincidence, wait a bit and you could ask somebody else to supply their own movie review ... Richard Scutari

SPLC Propaganda: Neo-Nazi Order member released from prison after radicalizing terrorist groups

SPLC (US Anti-White Hate Group) | December 05, 2024
By (((Jeff Tischauser))) and (((Hannah Gais)))

Excerpt: A high-ranking member of The Order, a defunct U.S. neo-Nazi group responsible for the murder of a Jewish radio host in Colorado in 1984, is set to be released from federal custody, where he once networked with the leaders of a terrorist organization based in northern Europe, a Hatewatch investigation has revealed.

U.S. District Judge Walter McGovern sentenced Richard Scutari, The Order's head of security, in June 1986 to 60 years in prison after he pleaded guilty to racketeering and conspiracy charges. Scutari, who has been residing in a prerelease center in Orlando, Florida, since July 2024, will be released on Jan. 21 after serving roughly 38 years for participating in the organization's violent crimes, according to documents Hatewatch obtained via a public records request from the Federal Bureau of Prisons.

While in prison, Scutari maintained extensive connections with white supremacist groups in the U.S. and Europe.

"[Scutari] had the propensity to unify people," Brad Galloway, a former neo-Nazi leader, told Hatewatch in an interview. Galloway, who now works closely with the anti-extremist group Life After Hate, corresponded with Scutari in the early 2000s while helping lead the U.S.-based racist skinhead group Volksfront.

Scutari's release is set to follow the December release of a historical crime thriller film about The Order.

Founded and operated by Robert J. Mathews from September 1983 to December 1984, The Order was based in Washington and sought to create a whites-only state in the Pacific Northwest. The group created an assassination list, murdered Jewish radio host Alan Berg and robbed more than $4.1 million from a bank and three armored trucks. It used the money to fund its activities and distribute to other groups within the white power movement. Members of The Order also produced counterfeit money and murdered a law enforcement officer in Missouri.

Hatewatch reached out to Scutari for comment via certified mail but did not receive a response in time for publication.

'We should all be networking'

In addition to networking with leaders from prison, Scutari remained an active participant in the neo-Nazi movement through his contributions to multiple publications and his correspondence with various neo-Nazi leaders.

In the early 2000s, Scutari began writing racist articles for white supremacist publications alongside David Lane.

These writings kept The Order relevant in the movement and helped its members maintain a base of support while incarcerated. In 2007, about 100 racist skinheads held a "Free The Order" rally outside a federal building in Los Angeles to support Scutari and other members. Neo-Nazi activists in the U.S. and abroad also encouraged their followers to send funds and write letters to Scutari and other Order members in prison, portraying them as political prisoners.

Scutari described building these connections with other neo-Nazis as crucial in his writings and correspondence with other neo-Nazis.

"There will come a time when all you guys have to go underground and operate covertly. This is why it is important that we should all be networking with others in other countries," Scutari wrote to Söderman in a June 20, 2008, letter espousing antisemitic conspiracy theories.

Among these networking strategies was a Facebook page on which an apparent Scutari supporter or supporters started to share his writings and updates on his legal situation in July 2011.

The Facebook page continued to post information about Scutari throughout 2024. Meta, the company that owns the Facebook platform, removed the page after Hatewatch reached out for comment in November. A spokesperson for the company said that the page violated Facebook's policies on Dangerous Organizations and Individuals.

On Dec. 12, 2017, someone with access to that Facebook page shared a letter from Scutari describing an encounter the former Order member had with Matthew Hale, the white supremacist leader of the World Church of the Creator who has been serving a 40-year prison sentence since 2004 for soliciting the murder of a judge. Hale's group said that "your race is your religion" and Jewish people and non-whites are "mud races." The group had been involved in a string of criminal violence in the 1990s and early 2000s, including the firebombing of an NAACP office in Tacoma, Washington.

In the letter, Scutari described having a chance encounter with Hale at a prisoner transfer point earlier that year.

"He looked old and gray headed," Scutari wrote. "I did not recognize. I heard him talking to someone in another cage and we started talking. We exchange [sic] names and were both happily surprised to be able to talk to each other. We never met before but did correspond before he ended up in prison."

In an earlier post, the administrator of the Facebook page wrote that Hale and Scutari had met "at the OK City Federal Transfer Center." The same post shared a petition to release Hale from custody.

Hatewatch was unable to determine who set up the Facebook page in 2011. However, the administrator or administrators running it have continued to provide updates on Scutari's legal situation, including news of his release to a halfway house on July 17.

A March 17, 2019, post shared a letter from Scutari. It was two days after an avowed white supremacist murdered 51 people and injured 89 others in a livestreamed terrorist attack on multiple mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. "Things are going to blow up in this country. I hope I get a chance to live for a few years in the so-called free world before they do," Scutari wrote.

In the same letter, he discussed what he hoped to do when released.

The Christchurch perpetrator painted "14 words," a reference to the slogan that former Order member David Lane coined, on one of the assault rifles he used in the attack. In his manifesto, he decried immigration as "WHITE GENOCIDE," a term Lane popularized in the late 1980s through a manifesto that he wrote in prison.

Assessing The Order's continued influence

Once Scutari is released from custody on Jan. 21, 2025, Randolph Duey, 73, will become the last remaining member of The Order in prison with a chance of release. Duey is scheduled for release in 2043. David Tate, a member who killed a police officer in Missouri, is serving life in prison. The remaining 14 members of The Order whom authorities charged with crimes have either died in prison or have been released.

Scutari and other Order members "used to brag a lot about what they did, and that they would get out," Brad Galloway, the ex-neo-Nazi, told Hatewatch.

As one of Mathews' closest advisers and the head of security for The Order, Scutari played a key role in the group. Scutari vetted new members and worked to find informants in their ranks. He used a voice stress analyzer to gauge whether members were telling the truth during these investigations, according to multiple reports.

Scutari was also among those Order members who planned and participated in the robbery of an armored truck in Ukiah, California, about two hours north of San Francisco, which netted the group $3.6 million in cash. He was also in a car near the scene of Alan Berg's murder and helped Mathews plan the attack, though he did not participate in the shooting itself, according to a research report prepared for the Department of Justice.

Though the group was short-lived, Mathews and The Order have animated and inspired the broader white supremacist movement throughout the U.S. and abroad since the 1980s. A speech at the 1983 National Alliance conference, which continues to circulate among white supremacist communities on social media and on various websites, gets to the heart of The Order's recruitment strategy. In the speech, Mathews mixed antisemitism and anti-Black racism with long-standing grievances of white farmers: banks, federal ownership of land and economic insecurity.

"How the weaselly, little city dwelling Jew fears and suspicions, the Aryan Farmer. What a contrast! What a contrast in mind and body between the two," Mathews said in his 1983 speech. Elsewhere, of The Order, he said, "We have broken the chains of Jewish thought."

In his short time as a leader of The Order, Mathews distributed hundreds of thousands of dollars that his group earned through counterfeiting and robberies to white supremacist activists throughout the U.S., much of which was never recovered. Racist skinheads and other white supremacist activists still honor Mathews' death on Dec. 8, 1984, as Martyr's Day.

J.M. Berger, a longtime researcher of the radical right and author of Extremism, explained to Hatewatch the scope of the group's influence.

"The original Order was extremely influential and inspired a lot of imitation before there was social media," Berger said. "During a period in history when it was decidedly not cool to be a white nationalist. Whereas I think the social environment right now is much different, and it's much more receptive to people being white nationalists."

These imitators include groups like the Aryan Republican Army, a neo-Nazi group in the U.S. that robbed 22 banks between 1994 and 1996, in addition to Klas Lund's White Aryan Resistance, the predecessor to NRM in Sweden. Both modeled their structure and activities on The Order.

With the popularity of social media and growing acceptance of some white nationalist attitudes, Berger expressed concern that "[t]here's a much bigger and more receptive audience than there was before" for a group like The Order.

Mathews' death and the multiple federal cases against Order members and affiliates also shaped law enforcement's approach to white supremacist groups for years to come.

Michael German, a former FBI agent and fellow at the Brennan Center for Justice, told Hatewatch that Mathews' ability to withstand an extended assault by federal agents while locked in his home on Whidbey Island "justified the further militarization of SWAT teams."

Though multiple members of The Order faced long prison sentences for their involvement with the group, the investigation into the group fell short in other cases. German pointed to the Fort Smith sedition trial, a 1988 trial of 14 white supremacists including Scutari and several other members of The Order. In it, the government sought to show that the group's crimes were part of a coordinated campaign. Charges against one defendant were dismissed for lack of evidence, and the remaining ones were acquitted on all charges.

"The failure there, I think, inhibited broader investigation for the movement," German told Hatewatch.

These challenges, German said, continue today.

"One of the difficulties with the FBI approach, which is often mirrored in state and local law enforcement, is to treat each white supremacist attack as a 'lone actor,' 'lone terrorist,' 'lone shooter.' 'Lone wolf,' they sometimes call them," German said.

The FBI's refusal to "document and map domestic terrorism incidents," he added, "blinds them to broader networks."
Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Updated: The movie, The Order is based on the book, The Silent Brotherhood, which @Rev.JohnBarletta highly recommends.

The movie probably is garbage, but the trailer really does look good ...

Updates: I'm halfway through the movie, and one thing is absolutely clear; niggers and race-mixers are shown to be good, while honourable Whites are not. And Bob Matthews is portrayed as a cult leader. I assume that they have altered the story/reality enough that it is disjointed and I am unable to become engaged with the storyline. I also would expect that the FBI nigger bitch in the movie was a White male in reality.

The Next Day: The Bob Matthews character gave a good speech. It's a variation on the one you probably already know, that was put out by Dr Pearce. If nobody else does it, I'll have to rip off that scene. Maybe add a certain song from the band Rahowa along with some other movie scenes. Turn it into a music clip.

Why? because I can.

 * The female nigger boss is a made up for the movie character.
 * The real Alan Berg was an obnoxious anti-White Jew. The movie version is an overtly nice Kike.
 * The end of the movie claims the imprisoned Jan 6ers were following the dictates of The Turner Diaries - all of whom were pardoned today by Donald Trump.

As for the actor playing Bob Matthews, he does look vaguely reminiscent of RJM, but tom me, he looks more like Tom from MySpace. You can make your own mind up about that.

Other Reviews:

PangolinBier January 01, 2025
7.5/10 This is a very good film whose success is secured mainly by Jude Law's performance. Jurnee Smollett and Tye Sheridan also deliver good performances, but because the story focuses mainly on tracking and capturing members of The Order, their characters didn't develop enough for me to be too emotionally invested in them. As others have mentioned, the main blemish is the unsubtle and entirely unsurprising "historical note" just before the end credits, which claims that the Turner Diaries inspired the January 6 events. The protestors who entered the Capitol building were a motley group without a well-planned objective. And nowhere, as far as I can tell, is there evidence that the event was "inspired" by the Turner Diaries. This alleged connection between the Turner Diaries and January 6 seems to be mainly an observation made by left-wing commentators; it does not seem to be supported by evidence.

Sulf January 02, 2025
For the REAL story read "Bruder Scheweigen by Frank. L. DeSilva"

hater123 January 02, 2025
The true story is pretty interesting. Of course they had to invent a female POC FBI Agent in charge in order to further "The Message."
Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

Crypto Coin Details in Forum Profile

Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Today is Tuesday the 21st of January, 2025.

Quote from: SPLC on Fri 27 Dec 2024Once Scutari is released from custody on Jan. 21, 2025, Randolph Duey, 73, will become the last remaining member of The Order in prison with a chance of release. Duey is scheduled for release in 2043. David Tate, a member who killed a police officer in Missouri, is serving life in prison. The remaining 14 members of The Order whom authorities charged with crimes have either died in prison or have been released.

Quote from: Rev.JohnBarletta on Mon 20 Jan 2025I got the news on Scutari. Wow he's in a pre-release in Florida. Got only 6 more days to get out on the 21st, and Scutari is a free man. Can't believe it. Wonder what he's gonna do after 42 years in prison. Too much has changed. The country is so different. It's changed so much, and all for the Worse.
Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

Crypto Coin Details in Forum Profile

Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.

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