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Hot White Australian Woman Attacked for Patriotism

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Tue 09 Apr 2024

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Quote from: G.L.R. on Fri 09 Aug 2024Australia keeps getting compared to Canada and the UK as far as rogue politics is concerned.  How the hell do these people get or keep getting elected, when so many are fed up with them?  The majority rule and vote is never the case when they have to kiss the minorities asses.  And they are led by those who get paid off and chastised by the globalist Jew.

Australia is a country that is a lapdog to the others in 5 eyes network".
27 million people with Asia on our doorstep we can't afford to defend alone.

We have to do what we are told or we don't get the assistance we need.

It's nice to think that we can make change at the ballot box. I don't think we all have faith in that anymore.
Things get done behind closed doors, smoke and mirrors for all to see.

Not nice really but when you look what does bring change it's wars.Be nice for things to run smoothly ... but just doesn't.

 I am starting to learn why the US has a gun culture. It's got to do with how you became a country.
Where as us we still have the Crown as head of state.

The need for gun ownership is growing here and nobody ever thought they needed that in white Australia policy days.
It is culturally not us, we are getting forced into a more defensive and aggressive path.

I love Australia and want a peaceful community but the traitors are intent on either funding trouble makers breeding here or importing them.
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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Quote from: G.L.R. on Fri 09 Aug 2024Australia keeps getting compared to Canada and the UK as far as rogue politics is concerned.  How the hell do these people get or keep getting elected, when so many are fed up with them?

That's an easy one to answer - and it's an answer you will already know. It's a two party system, with both parties following almost identical policies.

Australians really only vote because it's a criminal offence to refuse to vote. They claim it's just a $20 fine if you don't vote, but they do frequently lock people up for refusing to vote ... and then refusing to obey court orders to pay the fine. That's how Australia's (in)justice system can turn anything into a prison sentence.

In Short:
There is a block of Labor Voters (like the US Democrats).
There is a block of Liberal Voters (like the US Republicans).
Nobody else gives a damn, but are forced to make a choice due to mandatory voting laws.

Personally, I do not vote. I graffiti the paper in front of the election officer and hand it directly back to them.

Britain's electoral system is a First Past the Post system. That means the party with the most votes wins. FACT: Britain's current ruling party, the Labour Party, won with just 16% of the votes. Essentially the Labour Party won the election because the Tory Party voters declined to vote. There are no mandatory voting laws in the UK.

Australia however, uses Vote Swapping or Vote Sharing: A vote for one party or independent is sold off to another party, so that the party you attempted to vote out wins the election in a political coalition of parties and independents - and you voted them in. It happens all the time. THAT's the system the UK coalition of Muslim, Black and Kill Whitey Parties want for Britain.

Whatever the electoral laws, it's all down to the two party system. Democracies divide their political fans to ensure that each group is pleased to vote out the tyranny of The Other every three to five years. They call that the will of the people; but in truth, it's no such thing. Voting is just a popularity poll setup to formalise and maintain the status quo of ruling families and corporate conglomerates. And that's the way it's always been right throughout history.

As I told you, it's an answer that you already know.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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