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Announcements & General Jabber => General Jabber => Topic started by: Rev.MichelleWilson (R.I.P.) on Mon 27 Sep 2010

Title: Helpful Information on Raw Foods & Detoxing
Post by: Rev.MichelleWilson (R.I.P.) on Mon 27 Sep 2010
Basic point #2 as stated in the White Mans bible - . "This means eating fresh wholesome food in its natural state as Nature has given it to us. It must be uncooked, unprocessed, unpreserved and not tampered with in any other way. This further means it must be organically grown, without the use of chemicals." - Ben Klassen

I was researching Raw Foods and found this website to be VERY helpful.  Thought you may enjoy it's benefits as well. (

We call food raw if it is:
   •   Uncooked - never heated above 42 C/118 F degrees.
and preferably:
   •   Unprocessed - as fresh (or wild) as possible
   •   Organic - no irradiation, preservatives, pesticides or GMO.

"Why is the benefit of eating food raw?"
   •   Kills enzymes. Enzymes help you digest your food. Your body can create enzymes but that process takes a lot of energy. This process makes you feel tired and heavy after a cooked food meal. Further, the enzymes your body makes are not as efficient and effective as the ones that were destroyed in your food. 
Consequently, your food is not be broken down as well and thus harder to digest. This also results in food starts rotting in your intestines, that parasites have more chance to survive
It is further believed that your body has a limited amount of enzymes that it can produce. If the supply is finished, body organs will function less and less. It will accelerate aging.
   •   Changes the pH of the food and makes food acidic. We like to eat alkaline foods. Eating acidifying food makes your body a welcome feeding ground for disease.
   •   Converts easy to absorb minerals into inorganic - hard to absorb - minerals. INorganic minerals such as calcium are hard to absorb and might cause calcium stones, whereas organic ones are easier to digest, make you alkaline, help you get rid of too many acids
   •   Destroys most vitamins
   •   Destroys the life force. Eating cooked food is eating dead food. This will make you feel heavy and tired. Live food has live energy. It will give you energy. Simply put. A raw seed will grow, a cooked seed won't. When you pick (raw) unripe fruit it continues to ripen for weeks. Cooked fruit starts to decay within days.
   •   These reasons are enough to explain why most people on a raw food diet feel more energetic and have a stronger immune system.
   •   The raw food diet benefits are endless. The major benefits are weight loss and better overall health.
   •   When your diet consist of more than 75% raw foods, here are just some of the improvements likely to happen to you.
   •   More energy
   •   Up to 3 hours less sleep
   •   Weight loss
   •   More beautiful skin
   •   Clarity of mind and better memory
   •   Improved immune system
   •   Improved fertility
   •   Prevent or even reverse diabetes

   •   Generally raw foodists eat at least 75% of raw fruits, vegetables, (germinated) seeds, (germinated) nuts and super foods and sprouts.
   •   You can eat them plain or you can juice or blend them for easier absorption.
Raw Food Detox : How to start
A raw food detox diet is a way to detoxify the body. If you do it well, it removes toxins or other contaminants that are stored in our body fat and cells. Detoxing improves health, energy, immune system, memory and digestion.
Most people are low in minerals such as: calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphor, sodium, iron. In order to detoxify, you need alkaline minerals. An important role of calcium is to aid in detoxification. It is an alkaline mineral and will "catch" the toxic acids that your body releases.
If the acids can't be "bound" because your body lacks (alkaline) minerals, the chance is high that you will feel seriously ill during your detox, that your body refuses to release the toxins (you won't be able to lose weight, since acids and toxins are often stored in your body fat), or that your body re-absorbs the released toxins again.
Therefore, it's crucial that - before or during your detox - you get plenty of green vegetable juice and alkalizing super foods.
You may also replenish your minerals by adding a tablespoon of spirulina, blue green algae (i.e. from the "E3 Live" brand) or wheat grass powder in your purified drinking water. These have highly available amino acids and minerals. And they alkalize you.
Once you've remineralized, your raw food detox will be much more effective and easier.
You may also want to get activated zeolites or bentonite clay. The zeolites especially, are incredibly effective in attaching themselves to toxins, making them harmless and guiding them out of your body. The tiny zeolites neutralize the most toxic elements from our body such as arsenic, mercury.
Clay is much cheaper and is fine too but usually not strong enough. These zeolites will help you get rid of the toxins in an easy, safe and effective way. They also avoid that you reabsorb the toxins your body tries to get rid of. Highly recommended for use during the detox. Zeolites come in a tiny bottle and are pretty expensive, but I highly recommend then when you detox.
Also make sure that you drink enough alkaline and pure water during the process and that you get enough rest.
Title: Re: Helpful Information on Raw Foods & Detoxing
Post by: Jim on Thu 03 Nov 2011
learn something new everyday Thanks
Title: Re: Helpful Information on Raw Foods & Detoxing
Post by: Nigel on Thu 03 Nov 2011
I think that this is something absolutely central to our maintaining a good healthy people.
First and foremost, it dictates that in order to have such good, natural food, people have to know how to produce it, which means that we need to either learn or teach it to fellow Brothers and Sisters.
Secondly, it affords us variety.. most of us know how to cook (My Mother made sure all of us could cook before we left the family home), and so we have a combined wealth.

Slowly, as we strip away the poisoning of materialism and 'want'(as opposed to 'need'), we will rediscover the true greatness of our race