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Food For Thought About the Jewish Question

Started by W.Anthony, Tue 28 Apr 2015

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If what we espouse as Creators is lies, then I wonder why no one is suing the church for slander or libel. If the Jews actions towards the White race aren't detrimental to us, why haven't the Jews pressed charges?

All the Jew ever does is point at themselves and shout "Holocaust!" Then they point at us and shout "Nazi!" Then they rely on the biases of a compliant government to treat us like OUTLAWS. That's it!

Why? I think the answer is fairly obvious when you think about it, any state sponsored look into these questions would simply reveal what we have known for decades about the mud races, with specific regards to the Jews. They are anti-White.
Aut Vincere Aut Mori!


They won't because that would involve them, or more likely their stooges, having to prove in court that what we say is untrue.. and even they realise that in a court they own and control, they still couldn't do that.. also they don't want to give us any publicity.

What they will do, however, is pick on us as individuals (if they can). I think the thing they forget is that we are a church in the proper sense. An "ecclesia", a congregation of brothers and sisters that stand with each other no matter what they throw at us.


If there is something strangely familiar about the hand-drawn characters featuring in an animated film about a child survivor of the Holocaust, it's not without good reason

That's because the artist behind the project spent nearly a year painstakingly going through hundreds of photographs taken during the Second World War to depict the real faces of those who endured unimaginable horror at the hands of the Nazis.

Animator Zoom Rockman also ensured all locations, events and even conversations were based on the true-life experiences of Ivor Perl, who was just a boy of 12 when he arrived at Auschwitz in 1944.

It was there the youngster, born Yitzchak Perlmutter from Mako, Hungary, would be known as number 112021 for his duration at 'literally hell on earth' until Allied troops arrived a year later.

He cheated death many times, including narrowly escaping the clutches of Dr Josef Mengele – notorious for his chilling human experiments – as well as evading selection for the gas chambers, contracting deadly typhus and surviving a 500-mile death march to Kaufering and Dachau.

Perl, who lives in a retirement home in north London and turns 93 next month, will no doubt feel the enormity of this year's Holocaust Memorial Day, which marks 80 years since the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

It was here at this Nazi death camp in Poland that 1.1million people perished, including one million Jews from across central and eastern Europe. Overall, six million Jews were murdered at the hands of the Nazis.

Tragically, among them were Perl's parents and seven of his siblings. Only he and his brother, Alec, were still alive by the end of the war, when they were granted asylum by the British government to build new lives for themselves.

For decades, the now great-grandfather of six seldom spoke about the traumatic events he witnessed as a child survivor of the Holocaust, but years later he finally revealed what he had seen.

In 2023, he published his memoir, Chicken Soup Under The Tree, which inspired Rockman to turn Perl's personal story of survival into a feature-length animation.

Survivor is now set to be screened at the JW3 community centre in London on Tuesday, as well as on ABC TV in Australia.

The film's beautifully haunting soundtrack has been composed by Erran Baron Cohen, the older brother of actor Sacha Baron Cohen, while Rockman's author mother Kate Lennard penned the screenplay.

Rockman has used his own unique style of live action animation using hand-drawn puppets moved by clever mechanisms to bring Perl's heartrending story to life.

It was important to both artist and subject that this new way of presenting the Holocaust would be 'engaging' for Gen Z and younger – a goal that has become all the more imperative as numbers of first-hand witnesses dwindle.

Equally important was that everything depicted in the film is true A LIE! – from the faces of the puppets to the historical events that took place.

Speaking to MailOnline, Rockman was adamant the film would be a work of Holocaust fact, not fiction.

He explained: 'At school, we were always told that we were the last generation who were going to meet Holocaust survivors.

'I was equally aware of the attitudes, the Holocaust denial that is out there, especially on the internet. It feels like the trend is towards more denialism and misrepresentation as we go on.

'At the same time we have a growing amount of Holocaust fiction, where the characters and events have been imagined - but if you do the research, it's all there, the absolute horror of it. I didn't see a need to make anything up.'

Rockman used Perl's memoir as his core reference, supplementing it with the well-known testimonies of Elie Wiesel and Primo Levi to ensure he depicted conditions at Auschwitz as authentically as possible.

He also visited the notorious Nazi death camp and Munich in Germany, where Perl was moved for a short while after liberation. 

And when it came to drawing his puppets, not one had a face penned from his own imagination.

&er Jew$ make another Springboard for Sympathy. Was anything really proven though? Or was it just hearsay?!
The Price is Reich!

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Absolutely; we will continue to silence and defeat the evil and worthless jews and mud races (who are our enemies).
Jewish Supremacist Quote: "The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach. I can safely promise you that our race will soon take it's rightful place in the world with every Jew a King and every Gentile a Slave." - Rabbi Rabinovitch, Budapest Conference of European Rabbi's - 12 January 1952. [More ...]


This conniving and thus successful race (the Jew) has used everything in and outside the book to thrive.  No matter who's in power - kings, queens, despots or democrats, they are a parasite to their host nation.  The Jew is always the 2%er, and the meme shows one huge benefit of that.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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