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Announcements & General Jabber => General Jabber => Topic started by: Br.Rebel on Tue 06 Jun 2017

Title: False Nationalist Hopes
Post by: Br.Rebel on Tue 06 Jun 2017
Many pro-white people celebrating about closing borders and much indepencence of their own nations. Trump,Le Pen,Hofer and many kosher-conservatives are heroes for them but are they really change situation through white mans point of view? No. As we see Brits can not solve problem of immigrants,USA can not solve problem that will the white race became minority in next generation. So only what we can expect about nationalists is conflict of states for example one state have dept to another and central bank of one state make inflation as attack on state who they must pay loan and war is closer. How stupid nationalist policy and false hero Putin are we see in Ukraine where they want "historic area" and such polocy about "historic areas " are war where non-whites would have bigger population after ww1,ww2 and now. This is not war for example Christians vs Muslims,terrorists against normal Muslims who are not violent as they,this is war against natures finest. Many nationalists are anger for example when people from some other nation going in their own nation and work for lower money because many of them are lower class people. Liberals as Klassen said that they are basically normal white person who do not understand racial policy are upper class people and better whites. I thing that intelligent white person can explain to them something about Creativity only minority of whites ie. white elite can change situation and not whites who do not have influence in society. National-socialism also can not solve problem because they have same logic as other nationalists but their mission is white nation so in past American white person though for example that this is not fight for white race than for Germany so they must answer on German attack. Many nationalist who are pro-whites are small groups so it is better to unite under one white flag all this people and see who put roadblocks for stop white sucess. Nationalists are closer to religion such as Christianity,pope of they is poor and they follow him and also are they leaders poor with such leader as nations. Old masonry were group of white elite so why white elite in Freemasons must use jewish trap as Satan and repetative mistakes from Egypt? Rather they can join in white elite organization for secure civilization.
Title: Re: False Nationalist Hopes
Post by: Br.Rebel on Tue 06 Jun 2017
I must give explanation through past that the White race try to make one no-border union in ancient Rome,Napoleon,Hitler,Christian union in the middle ages,today order of jewish infiltrated freemasonry. This is really rational with eugenic program,small taxes ie. capitalism with free market,organization as Curch who promote to people racial idea financed by capitalists in general and others  but capitalists make higher taxation. Curch without corruption so selection is only about best members and it is better that selection make high intelectual white person who do not have children in young days because when someone have children on such high position it means corruption for example why their children can not be on top.
Title: Re: False Nationalist Hopes
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Tue 06 Jun 2017
I agree, brother.

Le Pen, Trump, Putin and Brexit are false nationalist hopes. They are nothing more than globalists with borders. They are more capitalistic than their borderless counterparts, but no less libtard in their beliefs. They want multi-racialism for the reason that large populations of poor, dumb and illiterate - i.e. Turd World filth - make good (low wage) slaves; but they have recognised that multi-culturalism is bad for their individual economies, and so they have adopted multi-racialism combined with mono-culturalism.

It is this multi-racialism combined with mono-culturalism that drives the Alt-Right. When you said, brother, that they are False Nationalists, you were both correct and incorrect. Under the old political system of Left and Right, you are correct - these people are in no way Nationalist at all. However, in the new political system of today, Left and Right are economic terms ... i.e. The political and social ramifications of political economic policy. Whether to open the borders for fluid global ethnic movement and participate in a total global economy for the sole benefit of an industrial elite as the economic Left want, or to close the borders and concentrate on building national capital for the sole benefit of an opposing industrial elite as the economic Right want.

For the economic Left to advance their goals, they need to appeal to the traditional support for Left-Wing ideology ... the university students and professors, hippies, do-gooder hug-a-nigger types that want open borders and multi-racialism/multi-culturalism. The anti-globalist agenda of the traditional Left takes second place to its goal of White Genocide.

For the economic Right to advance their goals, they need to appeal to the majority, the rational White population who's fear is life without a roof over their head, food on the table and football on the television. Closing the borders to save jobs appeals to these people as it saves their jobs and maintains higher wages. Economically nationalist political policies also prevent their jobs from being sent overseas to cheap, offshore labour. The globalist agenda continues unabated, but Average Al has his roof over job, his roof over his head, chinky take-away food on the table and football on his TV.

Average Al will tell you that he is a nationalist, but other races are good because they give us chinky take-away and tacos; that's why he voted for Trump. Average Al, like Trump, Le Pen, Putin and the reasons behind Brexit are due to what is called Civic Nationalism.

Civic Nationalists are populists. They give the Average Al of the majority what he has been trained to want. Average Al might think about the future of his children, but Al's more interested in that big-screen 3D TV and his nigger football team than he is about the future of his children. Civic Nationalists are merely Populist neo-Conservatives. Globalists with a different tactic, they have the same Hebe masters in Tel Aviv ... They are Kosher Konservatives.

As for the Civic Nationalists' hatred of Islam, it's partly a tool for use in populist politics and partly putting an annoyance to bed. For globalists like Trump, Islam is merely a annoyance that gets in the way of business. A limited stance against Islam also goes down well with his Hebe masters.

In opposition modern globalism, to both the open borders Internationalists and the closed borders Civic Nationalists libtards one and all - stands the Ethnic Nationalists. We are the Ethnic Nationalists - White Nationalists - White Racial Loyalists - Creators. We stand for the White Race, we stand for a future for White Children.

We care nothing for artificially imposed borders. We understand the natural geographic and ethically based borders, but we see a future when all the good lands of this earth will be populated by the good people of the White Nations - of Creator Nations.

You are right, brother, we are the true Nationalists. There are other - False Nationalists, but only we White Racial Loyalists are the true Nationalists.


Title: Re: False Nationalist Hopes
Post by: Br.Rebel on Wed 07 Jun 2017
I can remind on two Klassen articles in book "On the brink of bloody racial war":

exist two articled named soemthing as  "if creativity is not alternative what is? If not now when?"

So this posts are just explanation of this articles. I do not think that it will be white nations because too small population are pro-racial. I grow in state full of nationalism and why I will not declare as nationalist? Well,nationalism just favorize one white nation for example if white English is better he is "stranger" does not matter that in "strange" firms we have better salary than in "our" firms. I saw that one poor white wan to marry one non-white poor girl and he declare himself as nationalists he vote for main conservative christian party who are false hope of state.

Instead to be concentrated for their own flag,nation etc. rather be concentrated to race. So if exist too small pro-racial groups it is better to be loyal to one flag of Creativity. One old Creator said on internet that white race will survive in numbers of Creators. So only white Creator can survive and it will be stupid to division on nations. For example Romans were not nation. Term "Roman" is synonym as term "citizenship". Klassen made Nationalist White Party and he was reals White Nationalist but he rejected such term and made religion. I believe that it will come future that race will be our uniform so future whites can rebuild citizenship of white people who had Romans or they can keep white nations as in middle ages with Christian church they have with taxation capitalists have 10% to Curch,10% to king,and workers 10% to Church and 20% to capitalists.
Title: Re: False Nationalist Hopes
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Wed 07 Jun 2017
Brother, you are correct, but your lack of understanding English makes you think I am arguing with you. I am not arguing with you. I am helping others to understand what you have written and then expanding upon your text while advertising Creativity as should every Creator.
Title: Re: False Nationalist Hopes
Post by: Br.Rebel on Wed 13 Sep 2017
I think that I do not need to speek to persons with English ancestry about football hooliganism. England hooligans have strong influence among hools across Europe so it is part of "english style of supporting" who copy hools in English. Many hools declare themselves as nationalists,patriots etc. I am going to put here just example what is going wrong there with expirience of club who I supported. Supporters copy english hools,they have celtic cross but in fact they do not know nothing why they are nationalists,white etc. I know example of some hool who died because of drugs and he was wannabe nazi,sh style but he was shame for some white man.

I saw that in football club who I support came one non-white and they still support it,they play friendly game with team full of non-whites who came here because of helping Christards. They stupidly salute in some football games and they are basically just posers who are in corner in white society. We saw that is football who is sport no1 in Europe jsut tool of mongrelization. Key question is where comes your loyalty first? On football games while you have zero pro-white activity or on your own white race? I also saw that they have communist idea in their life and that they hate every norma white person. Because of such creatures we have in pro-white movements,normal white person reject it.
Title: Re: False Nationalist Hopes
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Wed 13 Sep 2017
Quote from: Rebel on Wed 13 Sep 2017England hooligans have strong influence among hools across Europe so it is part of "english style of supporting" who copy hools in English. Many hools declare themselves as nationalists,patriots etc. ... I also saw that they have communist idea in their life and that they hate every norma white person. Because of such creatures we have in pro-white movements,normal white person reject it.

Exactly, brother. They are what we call Hobbyists. They shout slogans and wave banners to get a thrill, then go home and unthinkingly join the campaign promoting White Genocide.
Title: Re: False Nationalist Hopes
Post by: Br.Rebel on Thu 14 Sep 2017
Another post about nationalists. You know,every state have some taxes and White persons belive to thier government that people in pairlament can redistribute a profit to people in whole nation. Same work in many white states. Beliving in nation is beliving in big government today who are weak and who came in power only because white man did not implement eugenic. Poor whites without racial instincts mongrelized themselves and produce more people who want their rights. I will now give you examples in my area and please compare this with your areas. For build house and all what is in harmony with her including garage,barn if you live in village etc. you must have legal permit what is nothing than put more money to weak government. If you get money and put it in bank,state have tax on income and put money in pocket of government where existed one tax before on salary. Do someone think that is redistribution of their own money something good? No it is not. For example if you work on competition occupation where we have less people in state firm,they will give you really poor wage like animal in zoo. who must eat if you want  that people coming to look him. Such state firm is in financial problems and what government doing? They want that that all good capitalists and people who work for them put their own money for save such firms. If white man want to find job,he have too less capitalist firms who cooperated with states for example they have right on 50% of worker salary. Nobody of capitalists do not have any critiq for that basically. Why? Because they are in fear of competition of "foreign firms" who are in role of white man. Worker in develop state have bigger salary than some of capitalist boss in my area. If white man coming outside he must pay two taxes because weak government want with cultural marxist redistribute capital so white worket is stealed by both. State as today exist is not creative so white man with creator program of much less taxes where we will first implement eugenic and crush all white trash and when we will have traditional eugenic into whie heads and high educated man into Creativity,we can without taxes or much less just product all of creativeness by our race. We do not have quality white man in our own nations,so white mans must be unite who are upper or Creator to rebuild Roman citizenship and establish civilized white world as in history but now we have powerfull religion.
Title: Re: False Nationalist Hopes
Post by: G.E.Imperium on Thu 14 Sep 2017
Creativity is a futuristic world view and certainly here in the UK nationalism, be it the cultural Marxist variety (SNP, PC, Sinn Fein) or that of the far right such as NF or BNP, along with the Jewish charlatans running the EDL, British Freedom Party or Britain First have collectively been disastrous in terms of racial unity and solidarity.
Title: Re: False Nationalist Hopes
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Thu 14 Sep 2017
Same here in Australia. On the extreme left are the pro-Muslim Greens and Labor Parties. Their satellites are the anarchists, old fashioned Marxists and petty student oriented groups.

Next is what mainstream media and politics consider to be on the Right and consist of neo-Cons such as the Liberal and National Parties. In truth, they are a conservative Left.

The neo-Cons are then surrounded by faux Nationalist/Civic Nationalist Jewish controlled satellite parties who's existence is to take advantage of the Jewish Muslim divide and bring the political perspective down to just pro-Islam and pro-Israel. Although variously labelled by mainstream media and politics as Nazis and alternate Right, their intentions to carry on with the Multi-CULTi status quo minus Islam makes them a form of alt-Left - or alt-Light as their American compatriots are. They spend much of their time screaming "Nazi!" at extreme Left groups on the street, who scream "Nazi!" back at them.

The fact is that all of the above need to continue with and advance the current system of big government for their policies to work. They rely on the division of taxes, which requires a bigger population than a desert nation like Australia can sustain with its ring of cities around the coast. The oft-rejected fact is that White Australians are not allowed access to three-quarters of the interior because it is owned and controlled by Indigenous groups of Black Supremacists incessantly demanding reparations because White Men walked on their sand and rock.

The final grouping is of genuine Australian White Nationalists. This consists of Australia First Party along with its supporting social, political and religious oriented groups (both student and adult); Creativity can be considered to be part of this group. This final group, which mainstream media and politics consider to be White Supremacist and Nazi, believes in an as yet undefined definition of small government with restrained capitalism combined with state controlled utilities (including the basics such as mining and steel manufacturing) and a good degree of old fashioned anarchy in the private sector. Communal or socialist style care for the young, the aging and infirm are part and parcel of the smaller and severely limited population.

The intent is that as the Creed of Creativity grows in influence, the walls presenting divisions within the final group crumble until there is but one mighty battering ram to fight for that Whiter and Brighter Australia. Don't get me wrong: It's not that Creators seek to control, it's that the Creed of Creativity is a powerful and ever-growing influence upon the identity of Australian traditional White Nationalist politics. We've got a long way to go, but at least in Australia, Creativity is now beginning to show that it is the Final Salvation of the White Race.

The rest is but a mere change in culture, which will naturally change for the better as we banish all Jewish thought and influences from society, and begin the work to bring about a White World as soon as possible. (See Creative Commandment VIII (
