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Announcements & General Jabber => General Jabber => Topic started by: apollonian on Fri 06 Aug 2010

Title: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: apollonian on Fri 06 Aug 2010
Admin Edit: This topic has been given a more suitable title.

Christianity deserves objective consideration--it actually has creditable record

[I originally posted this at "introductions," but thought it would go well here too.  A.]

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We Urgently Need Jew-Expulsion: Christianity Has Glorious Record Of Success When Applied Properly
(Apollonian, 6 Aug 10)

Thanks much for ur comments, Rev.s Scott and Cook.  Rev. Scott, believe me, I don't at all say Creativity is a problem--on the contrary, lots of folks try their best to doing something about this horrible Jew problem we have--but note it's larger than the Jews, who are basically A DISEASE-OF-OPPORTUNITY taking advantage of an already weakened host-victim within CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.  Creators deserve much credit for all their honest attempts to solving the problem(s).

And note I only urge folks, all gentiles, white and non-white, to co-operate in rationalist, "Christian"-type fashion for solution to our grave cultural problems--we shouldn't be looking to make enemies, and we should be willing to co-operate, as I suggest, on rational, honest basis against our common Jew problem.  But like I say, problem is actually greater than just the Jews, who are really a disease-of-opportunity taking advantage of a dire situation which is systemic and a matter of CYCLIC historical circumstance.

For what has happened is our civilization has, in the CYCLIC course of things, become "mature" and thence degenerate in the Spenglerian sense, "prosperity," much of it really phony, having had a most insalubrious effect upon the people, white and non-white alike--but mostly, for our civilization, esp. whites, never doubt.

Thus the people suffer dread HUBRIS by which they imagine they're capable of God-like, perfectly "free" will whence they can achieve "good"--so they've seen fit to play "mighty-white" to these infernal Jews, among others, surely, who now take advantage and as we see, have now taken over our culture, this especially by means of "banking"--but really, simply COUNTERFEITING--for this is what US Federal Reserve Bank really is, basically, nothing but a big COUNTERFEITING scam, as I note--see for best expo/ref. on US Fed scam/fraud.  "Usury" and charging-of-interest is additional complication, but really just a side-issue and distraction to basic COUNTERFEITING at the root.

Problem now is so many of our volk are in firm grip of this horrific HUBRISTIC mentality, and it's in a TERMINAL stage for our culture and people, things ready to culminate in a cataclysmic (not just disastrous) collapse of the money-banking system.  USA is cooked, w. a 13 Trillion dollar foreign debt upon which we now can't even pay the interest--the party is over--forever, unless we get our act together, quick-like.

Thus as I was hist. major in grad school (U. of New Mexico State), I can assure u all Christianity has an excellent record for achievement of necessary Jew-Expulsion--and ONLY Christianity has ever achieved such saving Jew-Expulsion in all history of humankind, never forget--this was the glory of St. Constantine the Great, the only hero who ever succeeded in a (nearly) complete, culture-wide Jew-Expulsion (the others were mere local achievements, as Spain's of 1492).

Present-day Creators must understand correctly and most clearly the conditions--MOST PEOPLE (in our culture) ARE "CHRISTIAN"--and we must work in accord with these circumstances.  Denigrating Christainity is NOT GOING TO WORK--we must "go with the flow," so to speak, and communicate w. the people in their own Christain idiomatic--this can be done, indubitably--but it's really much a matter of ART in the way of rhetoric, propaganda, and sociologic treatment and manipulation--creators can do it.

Thus we must merely understand general sociologic and historic conditions--and then especially the Christian religion/mentality in most accurate manner.  So comrades, never doubt Christianity is easily proven to be fundamentally anti-semitic (anti-Talmudic, as Gosp.s MARK 7:1-13 and MATT 15:3-9), this by its own documentation fm the basic literature, as I've already noted for us.

CONCLUSION: But Christianity over the years and centuries has indeed been corrupted, this by means of that Jew COUNTERFEITING.  But no matter, we still can well take up the challenge for understanding Christian aesthetic properly for our volk and then using it appropriately to achieving necessary JEW-EXPULSION.  Honest elections and death to the Fed.  Apollonian

Title: Re: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Fri 06 Aug 2010
A disrespect point for posting the same thing in three different places on Creator Forum.

Title: Re: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Fri 06 Aug 2010
Quote from: apollonian on Sat 07 Aug 2010CONCLUSION: But Christianity over the years and centuries has indeed been corrupted

So many things to pick but I'll take the simplest and leave the rest for now.

Your lord and saviour is a Jew who never existed. Your god is a Jewish construct. Even if you discount the Old Testament, you have plenty of problems: Is it not your Jesus who said in a conversation with a Samaritan woman that - in a pre-paraphrase of Adolf Hitler - Christianity is not for export.

You also speak of honouring thy father and mother as if it's a command to racial honour, which needless to say is Mosaic law - Old Testament which you deny. Furthermore, the New Testament states that Jewsus is the sword of God and anyone who places their mother and father (and by (your) extension their race) before the Lord Jewhovah will not be able to enter heaven.

Creators, have fun.

Title: Re: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: apollonian on Fri 06 Aug 2010
Proper Issue Is Discussion/Propaganda Management
(Apollonian, 6 Aug 10)

I meant no disrespect whatsoever--on the contrary.  I merely considered the discussion is most usefully promoted by proper posting in the right places--"general discussion" and then for the "Christianity" section.

Surely u can understand people might be prompted to commenting depending on the section.  Surely not everyone would ck the "intro" section--but might ck the "general discussion" and completely ignore the "Christianity" section.

My essay is most appropriate for the "Christianity" section, unquestionably, but people might not want to comment there.  But in the "general discussion" section the commentary is most challenging.  What counts is taking care of the Jews with greatest justice and dispatch, I submit.  I might be wrong for propaganda management or artistic treatment--but surely not for respect.  A.

Title: Re: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: apollonian on Fri 06 Aug 2010

New Testament Literature Is Aestheticalist Complement To Strict Logic, Philosophy--For Common Folks
(Apollonian, 6 Aug 10)

Thanks much for ur comments, and I'm confident u'll see soon enough, as u consider things in more detail, Christianity comes out and off much better than u might have expected.

(a) Christ was NOT "Jew," Jew by definition a follower of Pharisees and Talmud, which Talmud Christ explicitly repudiated at Gosp.s MARK 7:1-13 and MATT 15:3-9.  Also see MATT ch. 23, all 39 verses whence Christ definitively reviles Pharisaic (hence Jew) scum.  Christ was Galillean of JUDEAN (not "Jew") descent, of which Judeans, Pharisees only led about 5-15% of population.  See (also and for best Talmudic expo.

(b) All u can say is u have no conclusive evidence Christ ever existed.  It's simply well-known law of logic negatives cannot be proven.  So what if New Testament (NT) is mere literature?--so was/is the Homeric epics of Illiad and Oddysey which are equivalent productions.  Note u've got to be careful for ur logic if u want to earn and win respect of our white and gentile fellows.

(c) Christ was preaching Mosaic law--so he merely reminded Samaritan woman of the context he intended--which again was for all Judeans AGAINST THE PHARISEES.

(d) Regarding ur last comment, I need to see the ref. citation u refer to for best info.  But regardless, note in Gosp. JOHN 14:6 God is equated w. truth itself which is necessary premise for obvious virtue of racial loyalty.

CONCLUSION: Pontifex, I note u're quite competent and ready for the textual questions and issues u present.  Don't doubt u'll surely impress our Christian fellows and co-racialists when and as u invoke this literary material.  Remember the whole pt. is in persuading our volk of the great virtue of anti-semitism AND racial loyalty, both in (a) strict logic, and then also, (b) supplementarily fm NT text and literature WHICH THEN BACKS UP LOGIC most excellently, as u'll see.  NT literature is actually just a story (aesthetic) which DRAMATIZES necessary anti-semitic logic and philosophy.  Thanks for ur comments and attn.  Honest elections and death to the Fed.  Apollonian

Title: Re: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: Rev.Shaun on Fri 06 Aug 2010
Creators have worked with White loyalist organizations with Xion based belief systems in the past, the Klan, Aryan Nations. They want us to be subservient to them.

If it was strictly a numbers question, then joining forces with the Xion based WRL's would have to be considered, but unfortunately the Xion doctrine is almost polar opposite to our Nature based belief system and can not even be considered.
Title: Re: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: apollonian on Fri 06 Aug 2010
Christianity Champions Western Reason, Objectivity
(Apollonian, 6 Aug 10)

Thanks much Br. Shaun: but Christianity (properly, according strictly to the literature, New Testament [NT]) simply upholds TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6, 8:32, 18:37-8) against Jew lies (JOHN 8:44) and conspiracy--thus Christ preached in manner of so expositing and expounding Mosaic law.

Thus note Christianity actually champions Aristotelian objectivity and REASON vs. Jew mysticism and subjectivism.  For "truth" is meaningless without objectivity as necessary criterion.

CONCLUSION: Note then all the other races thus admire and respect such Western Christianity and want to adopt the same ideals of Truth and Honesty--esp. against Jew lies and conspiracy.  Thanks much for all ur questions and attn.  Honest elections and death to the Fed.  Apollonian

Title: Re: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Fri 06 Aug 2010
Let us not split hairs, a Semite covers Arabs and what we call Kikes in the same region. It also covers the languages of those within that region - none of whom are White, all of whom are Semitic and you are still pushing your Semitic religion about a fictitious Jew nailed to a popsicle stick.

Yet, this is the Christinsane area, just keep your talk on this subject here and at least try to become a biological racist in other respects and we'll all get along.

Perhaps you can tell us the latest joke about the Catlicker pope?

Title: Re: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: apollonian on Fri 06 Aug 2010

Why Is It Surprising To Find COUNTERFEIT Criminals Have Bought "Churches"--Along With Everything Else?
(Apollonian, 6 Aug 10)

Pontifex: note I don't at all deny what u indicate about the "official" establishment "church"--but this isn't the real church or religion which is necessarily based upon the original literature, New Testament (NT), which real church is the people and their ministering to one another, never doubt--it's why Protestants branched off fm the main-line church, for another example.

What do u expect fm consummate COUNTERFEITERS (US Federal Reserve Bank--see for expo/ref.) who have literally bought-up EVERYTHING and practically everyone--Rothschilds controlled "Vatican's" finances since mid-nineteenth cent., fm what I understand.

But I'm trying to introduce u to a tremendous psychologic/aesthetical WEAPON--that Christian idiomatic, based upon the original NT literature.  Thus I explain it to u in strict SCHOLARLY terms so u can understand.  Ck my citations.

Thus Christianity is literally the Hegelian ANTI-THESIS to Judaism-Pharisaism (Talmudism-subjectivism-collectivism--see citations given above), preaching TRUTH, thus Aristotelian objectivity, the necessary criterion.  U must remember this Christian aesthetic is presented so it could be understood by laymen and common people of the time of Roman Empire--it's not formatted for philosophy students.

CONCLUSION: U're absolutely right to be disgusted w. filth like the present-day "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo/ref.) hereticalists and apostates, esp. like Charles Hagee and Pat Robertson who actively preach in favor of enemy Israeli terror-state which did 9-11 (see and say Christ was Jew--u don't want to second these disgusting JCs, do u?  Thanks again for all ur attn.  Honest elections and death to the Fed.  Apollonian

Title: Re: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: StephenMasten (Prison) on Sat 07 Aug 2010
Apollonian, with all due respect, your Xian religion is crippled and dying. In my country at least, those who openly consider themselves Christinsane and practitioners of the religion are few. Most Christinsane are not much more than cultural Christinsane, they attend a Christinsane church for weddings and perhaps say grace before their Xmas dinner. More and more people, especially the younger generation, identify as atheists and even more so "anti-religion" solely because of the social nightmare they associate Abrahamic religions with.

You suggest that Creators should adopt Christinsanity because most people still pay lip service to that suicidal Jewish doctrine. I ask Apollonian, which breed of Christinsanity do we adopt? Mormonism, Protestantism, Catholocism, Pentecostal, Baptist, Orthodox, Seventh Day Adventist, Anglicanism, Christian Identity, Lutheranism, Evangelism, Presbyterianism, Methodist or Brethren? I hope you see my point. There is no such thing as unity in Christinsanity and even if we did adopt Christinsanity, we'd be fighting an uphill battle trying to unify the thousands of different sects that White people follow.

I would much rather stick to Creativity, which is based on the Eternal Laws of Nature, history, science, logic and common sense - our religion lies in PROVEN FACT, not literature or mythology. Our creed is simple to understand yet comprehensive, it cannot be misinterpreted and there is no varying "denominations" of Creativity. Creativity is not for export - it is for the Survival, Expansion and Advancement of the White race, exclusively!

I suggest strongly, before you post here again, that you take the time to read Nature's Eternal Religion and even A Revolution of Values Through Religion. It will be very difficult for any Creator to take you seriously in debate if you have not even taken the time to read our basic religious texts. I am confident that most Creators have read the Old Testament and New Testament, they are a basic primer for us as Creators in understanding our racial enemy, the nefarious Jew. It is essential that you read our basic texts to understand where we are coming from.
You can find our Holy Books at the RaHoWa Directory (

Once again, I wish you the best.

Title: Re: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: MarkCook on Sat 07 Aug 2010
I agree with the Rev., just read  Nature's Eternal Religion  and don't be fooled by the Jews.  Ben Klassen  spells out  the Jews'  whole purpose in  concocting  Christianity if you'll  just read it.   Love your enemies,  turn the other cheek, hate your family??  Kinda stupid if you think about it  and NOT based on truth but suicide.  R !
Title: Re: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: Maritz on Sat 07 Aug 2010
Quote from: apollonian on Fri 06 Aug 2010

Why Is It Surprising To Find COUNTERFEIT Criminals Have Bought "Churches"--Along With Everything Else?
(Apollonian, 6 Aug 10)

Pontifex: note I don't at all deny what u indicate about the "official" establishment "church"--but this isn't the real church or religion which is necessarily based upon the original literature, New Testament (NT), which real church is the people and their ministering to one another, never doubt--it's why Protestants branched off fm the main-line church, for another example.


The New Testament was mostly written by a "converted" Jew named Paul, formerly Saul of Tarsus.  It is a fraud, a fake, a lie- engineered by the Jewish people of the time to subvert, confuse, undermine, and overthrow the Roman Empire who at that time occupied Jerusalem.  There is only one real church- the Church of the Creator.  All others are based on deceptive philosophy and scientific ignorance.

QuoteBut I'm trying to introduce u to a tremendous psychologic/aesthetical WEAPON--that Christian idiomatic, based upon the original NT literature.  Thus I explain it to u in strict SCHOLARLY terms so u can understand.  Ck my citations.  Thus Christianity is literally the Hegelian ANTI-THESIS to Judaism-Pharisaism (Talmudism-subjectivism-collectivism--see citations given above), preaching TRUTH, thus Aristotelian objectivity, the necessary criterion.  U must remember this Christian aesthetic is presented so it could be understood by laymen and common people of the time of Roman Empire--it's not formatted for philosophy students.

We have our anti-semitic philosophy already.  It's called Creativity.  It is nature's law encoded by and commented on by a man named Ben Klassen, a veritable saint if there ever was one- and surely Christianity's "saint" Paul does not merit the title.  Our golden rule is this:  What is good for the White race is the highest virtue; what is bad for the White race is the ultimate sin.  The foundation of our religion is not a book written by a converted Jew who claims that his supernatural savior was raised from the dead.  In fact, Christianity has so destroyed the world with it's insane doctrines that we want nothing less than to completely supplant it with Creativity- to turn every church into a church of Creativity; to destroy the steeples and erect in their places a glorious crown and halo.  The foundation of our creed is Nature's Eternal Religion and the White Man's Bible.  I advise you read them both before posting again.

Quote...Honest elections and death to the Fed.  Apollonian

Again, read our Holy books before you post again.  They mention the very things you've spoken of here.
Title: Re: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: apollonian on Sat 07 Aug 2010
Never Forget: Christianity Is Only Form Of Practical Anti-Semitism Throughout History
(Apollonian, 7 Aug 10)

Thanks much, Rev., for all ur commentary, don't doubt I take it to heart w. all seriousness.  But I seem to notice u're repeating urself and speaking as if u haven't read my postings which address the issues u bring up--this is NOT going to profit either one of us.  U need to pay proper attn.

For example u continue to allege Christianity is "Jewish"--and I explained to u in no uncertain terms how this is IMPOSSIBLE by the definition of the word, "Jew," WHICH U CAN CK W. ANY AUTHORITY, Christian or Jew.  "Jew" is follower of Talmud (Pharisees), PERIOD--which Christ explicitly repudiated.  "Jew" is NOT same as Judean or Israelite.  Christianity is unquestionably ANTI-SEMITIC (according to Jews' own understanding of the word, "anti-semitic") without the slightest doubt.  Anti-semitism (anti-Talmud, as Gosp.s MARK 7:1-13 and MATT 15:3-9) is the purpose of Christianity, the explicit Hegelian-style anti-thesis.

U need to get these definitions straight, once and for all.  For if we cannot agree upon the most basic premises--like English language, for example--we cannot go on for any discourse, surely u'd agree.

I further explained to u the specific Christianity we should consider is that originally expounded in New Testament (NT) literature, nothing else--not Old Test., or what pope says or anyone else.  For NT is the foremost reference--it's what people themselves refer to and care about most.

Incidentally, u ought to know Mormonism is NOT Christianity in practically any way, with it's amazing theologic innovations--did u know, for example, Mormons say ANYONE CAN BECOME GOD?--thus Mormonism is most akin to an individualist-styled Judaism, the Jews holding that all the Judaic people are themselves the "apple" of God's "eye," whom God serves as a slave, God not being able to resist "loving" them.  But I must also admit I don't have ready source citation on this Mormonism--but there are interesting videos on Mormon subject u might ck on

I assure u I've read (many yrs ago) Ben Klassen's books (just about all of them, as I recall); I'm also a former philosophy major (33 credit hrs) and I can tell u Klassen was surely an excellent man, but NOT a terribly original thinker--though he surely deserves hearing fm anyone for his honest observations--and he makes some excellent pt.s, without a doubt.  So if there's something specific about Klassen's words or writings, u should specifically make the citation--DON'T tell me to read his works which I've already done.

I don't know about ur country; I only know about my own, USA, state of Texas, San Antonio, city.  Here Christianity is the ONLY (religious) "game" in town--whether Protestant or Catholic--MANY people take it most seriously, do not doubt.

Note again, Christianity is the only potentially practical and historically successful form of anti-semitism that is or has ever been known--it was responsible for the original culture-wide Jew-Expulsion of St. Constantine the Great, and it is responsible for the ONLY successful local Jew-Expulsions since.  Christianity is the only practical resort humanity has against the anti-human Jew monster.

CONCLUSION: U need to understand simple sociologic-political fact people NEVER UNIFY--EXCEPT against a negative which they all agree upon for FEAR--the greater the fear, the greater the potential (but always temporary) unity.  Thus as historic CYCLE continues for "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, and as Jews become evermore prominent for their absolute cultural dominance (USA now has no less than THREE Jews on the nine member US Supreme Court), people will steadily unite just for opposition to these Judaic monsters.  Christianity then is the positive component which will hold people together on sentimental-intellectual basis for task of practical Jew-expulsion.  Thanks again for all ur attn and comments.  Honest elections and death to the Fed.  Apollonian

Title: Re: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: apollonian on Sat 07 Aug 2010
Individualism Is Greatest Western Value In Accord With Reason, Truth And Honesty Greatest Virtues, Race Nothing But Subsidiary Virtue
(Apollonian, 7 Aug 10)

(a) I've already read Klassen's works.  If u want to make a pt. based on Mr. Klassen, then u should be specific and make a clear statement.  Don't tell me to read Klassen's work--if u have something to say, GET TO THE PT. and say what u think should be noted.

(b) St. Paul DID NOT write "most" of the New Testament (NT); he is generally held as author of about 8 or 9 of the epistles attributed to him.  The author who wrote more than any other of NT is St. Luke (Acts, and Gospel), about a fourth, total, of entire NT.  St. Paul would be second with about a fifth, total, of the NT text.

(c) "Veritas," Western civilization (including Christianity) upholds the individual as highest practical value for each and every individual, this consistent w. truth and reason, the race or collective as only secondary, and this is what follows fm reason and honesty, honesty then the greatest single ethical virtue in honor of highest abstract value, TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 8:32, 14:6).  Observe that even if what u said were true--about white race being highest value--it could only follow fm premise of truth.  The race is great value and virtue ONLY as it feeds and upholds the individual.

CONCLUSION: If what u said were true about white race being highest value, then it would be merely COLLECTIVISM, hence a kind of socialism.  I'm pretty sure Klassen would emphatically reject socialism as any sort of virtue.  Honest elections and death to the Fed.  Apollonian

Title: Re: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: apollonian on Sat 07 Aug 2010

Christian Advice Must Always Be Understood In Rational Perspective
(Apollonian, 7 Aug 10)

Rev. Cook: note "love ur enemies" only means to take enemies seriously for their complaints, this in effort to minimize needless enmity among people.  But if u have to defend urself, u must do what u must do.  "Turn the other cheek," only means don't be too quick to fire upon ur fellow.  Esp. w. ur friends, u should be willing to bear some inconveniences.  Honest elections and death to the Fed.  Apollonian

Title: Re: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: Maritz on Sat 07 Aug 2010
The Bible is so full of contradictions that it cannot be the word of God ... truth is truth, it cannot be altered. The mere fact that it states things contrary to the laws of nature as the sun stood still for a day is ridiculous. The Bible is the writings of men ... do you deny ?
Title: Re: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: apollonian on Sat 07 Aug 2010

Proper Course Is To Heed Properly To Text And Scholarship
(Apollonian, 7 Aug 10)

Yes, Rev Maritz, I agree, Bible is writing of men--but then no one ever said seriously it wasn't--it's supposedly "inspired" by God--but then what isn't so "inspired"?

But I'd only go so far as to say Bible is seemingly"filled" w. contradictions.

Advice I want to press upon "creators" is they should RESPECT the Christian people and their Christianity--FOR THEIR OWN GOOD AND SAFETY.  If "creators" dis-respect Christianity--it wouldn't be wise, in my opinion.  We Christians are SINNERS and known to be EXTREMELY VIOLENT upon the right occasion--beware.  What I want to do is to harness that violence and sinfulness and unleash it and direct it against Jews and their allies--it's my entire purpose.

To continually repeat falsehoods to effect Christianity is "Jewish" is un-wise to say the least--it is blatantly against the plain text of New Testament, as I've noted.  "Creators" should heed to definition of "Jew" as understood by Jews and Christian authorities--though it is true that false Christians do also assert falsehood to effect, "Christ was Jew."

CONCLUSION: We, as proper scholars must heed to the basic text to keep our discourse on proper topic towards proper, necessary end, Jew-Expulsion.  Honest elections and death to the Fed.  Apollonian

Title: Re: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: Maritz on Sat 07 Aug 2010
Religion divides ... whats more important, religion or the White Race ? How can man made religion help the White Race ? You are CII, right ?

Please explain the following

Observing The Jewish Feasts/Customs
1] John 7:2 Now the Jews' feast of tabernacles was at hand. John 7:10 But when his brethren were gone up, then went he also up unto the feast, not openly, but as it were in secret.
2] John 10:22 And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication, and it was winter. John 10:23 And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon's porch.
3] John 5:1 After this there was a feast of the Jews; and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
4] John 2:13 And the Jews' passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem,
5] Luke 22:15 And he said unto them, With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer:
6] Matthew 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot (hebrew Yod) or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Jesus Acknowledge That He Is a Jew
1] John 4:22 Ye worship ye know not what : we know what we worship : for salvation is of the Jews.

2] Mark 15:2 And Pilate asked him, Art thou the King of the Jews ? And he answering said unto him, Thou sayest it.
3] Matthew 27:11 And Jesus stood before the governor : and the governor asked him, saying, Art thou the King of the Jews ? And Jesus said unto him, Thou sayest.

Others Know Jesus Is a Jew
1] John 18:35 Pilate answered, Am I a Jew ? Thine own nation and the chief priests have delivered thee unto me : what hast thou done ?
2] John 4:9 Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria ? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.
Title: Re: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: Maritz on Sat 07 Aug 2010
Something I forgot ... if the Bible was written by man, which is not perfect, why should we believe anything written in it ? The Bible is just another book. Christianity bases their belief on this book written by mere mortals - why not any other book to the advantage of the White Race ? What has the Bible ever done to secure the existence of the White Race. The stage is yours  ;D
Title: Re: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: apollonian on Sat 07 Aug 2010

Don't Doubt Jews Excel In Taking Advantage Of Confusion Of Word Meanings
(Apollonian, 7 Aug 10)

Rev. "Maritz": u ask well-taken, honest questions.

(a) I'm just my own man, Christian, scholar.  I was born Catholic (Irish), but I don't adhere to formal, "official" "Vatican," a gross bunch of Jew-subborned, child-molesting scum, for all I know--I sometimes listen to them for what they have to say on certain subjects out of curiosity, but I always follow my own counsel, never doubt.  "Christian Identity" are far too mystic and obsessed w. Old Testament, in my opinion; they have much difficulty for practical reason.

But I do continue to sympathize w. dear Catholic and Christian volk, also never doubt.  And I admire historic Catholic Church, esp. at the very beginning when it was necessary to maintain morale of the Christian army of St. Constantine the Great as they removed Jew scum fm Roman empire, the first and ONLY successful culture-wide Jew-Expulsion of all history, don't forget--it's what u "creators" forget about history as u attempt to imitate those original, heroic, anti-semitic Christians.

(b) Note then for all ur quotations and citations there is great problem for translation and meaning regarding difference btwn "Jew" and "Judean."  Again, nowadays, "Jew" means followers of Pharisees/Talmud--as u can easily verify fm all authorities, Jew and Christian (see and for best Talmudic expo).  As the word, "Jew," is used historically and Biblically, there is great confusion, "Jew" often just meaning Judean, regardless whether "Judean" in question was actually a follower of Pharisees.

CONCLUSION: I really respect and appreciate ur scholarship most of all, Rev. Maritz--w. people like u, whites and "creators" have the best chances of success.  Take care.  Honest elections and death to the Fed.  Apollonian

Title: Re: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: apollonian on Sat 07 Aug 2010

Christian New Testament Is Allegory, No Less Than Homer's Illiad
(Apollonian, 7 Aug 10)

Rev. Maritz: u should read my posts.  Christianity is just LITERATURE--no less than Illiad and Oddyssey written by Homer, but which Greeks had their children read by way of forming their character and teaching their culture.

Thus Christian New Testament (NT) story explains by way of DRAMATIZATION, this in the way of AESTHETICS.  For note the original Christian religion was not something meant and laid-out in strict philosophical, logicalistic fashion.  Christ, the teacher, is not going to come on like a college professor--he teaches by way of allegory and "parable," don't forget.

CONCLUSION: Thus u should understand and appreciate NT no less than Greeks wanted their kids to appreciate Homer and the Illiad--u learn by reading and understanding the story--and continually thinking and pondering it.  Thus Christ preaches TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6, 8:32, 18:37-8), and NT commemorates that lonely struggle we all make as individuals to learn, know, and appreciate the truth, this in a hostile world which oppresses us, controlled by Jew lies (JOHN 8:44) and conspiracy.  Keep up ur good work.  Honest elections and death to the Fed.  Apollonian
Title: Re: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: Rev.WillWilliams on Sat 07 Aug 2010
Xianity is not grounded in reality. David Lane called it an "escape hatch" because to a Xian any Jew can convert to universalist Xianity and be "saved" from persecution.

Creativity is no escape hatch for the Jew. Creativity is an exclusivist creed for Whites as Judaism is exclusivist for Jewry. Xians worship the imaginary Jewish tribal god Yahweh, or Jehovah -- however you want to pronounce it.

Ben Klassen wisely advised Creators to never get bogged down in debating Xians over the relative merits of the Jewish Book of Fables, as he called the Bible. "Dueling Scriptures," he called it. Creators minds are made up; we don't argue using Jewish Scriptures to make our points. Creativity is grounded in reality; in the eternal laws of Nature, using lessons of history, our common sense and logic, not "faith" in Jewish spooks and the promise of a happy, eternal life up in the clouds.

This "debate" is dominating the CA board and should be closed or taken up privately. Creators don't equivocate and move  toward Xian spook worship; they come our way.

Whites who push Xianity do not belong in SPG. Sorry, Apollonian.
Title: Re: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: Maritz on Sat 07 Aug 2010

You sound like a Deist
Title: Re: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: Maritz on Sat 07 Aug 2010
Quote from: WillThis "debate" is dominating the CA board and should be closed or taken up privately

This is the first time I see any other than a Creator post ... I think its good ...

Apollonian: Prove your point or disprove it.
Title: Re: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: apollonian on Sat 07 Aug 2010
Christianity Grounded In Aristotelian Objectivity, Pre-Eminent Premise Of Western Reason, Concept Of Reality
(Apollonian, 7 Aug 10)

I'm simply demonstrating power and potential of the Christian idiomatic/mentality/culture.  "White Will," u ought to read the posts and take due note of the info exchanged before u pontificate upon half-baked assessment of dialectic evaluation and disposition, I submit.

"Christianity is not grounded in reality"?  We Christians are responsible for first and ONLY successful culture-wide Jew-Expulsion of all history--and then other, local expulsions throughout hist.  Jews absolutely hate us and revile our leader, Christ, in their devilish book of Satanism, their Talmud--see for expo/ref.  Jews presently laugh and jeer at "creators" and throw their leaders in jail on trumped-up charges just for fun.  U'd do well to learn fm us Christians whom Jews still fear.

Like I've said, Christ champions TRUTH (hence Aristotelian objectivity) and explicitly pt.s out Jews as Satanic enemy of all humanity, worshippers of lies, founded in subjectivism.

What Jews want to do w. "Creativity" is to use it to keep whites and gentile in-fighting and unable to unite against common Jew enemy of humanity.

Christian "God" is no more than allegorical equivalent of TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), that precious thing humans must have for life and victory.  And "faith," properly understood, merely only means LOYALTY, that's all; Christianity does not encourage mysticism, and indeed works best w. REASON, this in accord w. TRUTH, but Christianity does not pre-emptively dis-own those poor souls who haven't extricated themselves fm bonds of Jew-induced mysticism--Christianity seeks to rescue them, much as that's possible.

CONCLUSION: So "white will," I simply suggest if u don't think urself capable of taking part in dialectic, u should just take opportunity to start ur own thread on something else.  I want to co-operate w. creators.  U need to consider who it is u really think u are, comrade.  We Christians are "the people," and we aren't going to submit to the likes of u, "white will," who cannot even follow and understand a dialectic which is posted in front of his very eyes.  Honest elections and death to the Fed.  Apollonian

Title: Re: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: Maritz on Sat 07 Aug 2010
I thank you for your input; Creators are logical people ... in a way logic is God or Science is God

What is your religion?
Title: Re: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: apollonian on Sat 07 Aug 2010
Check Under "Commentary"
(Apollonian, 7 Aug 10)

U can ck for more of my columns and essays at, under "commentary" heading.  Honest elections and death to the Fed.  Apollonian
Title: Re: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: Maritz on Sat 07 Aug 2010
The Bible is not the word of God, lets not kid ourselves ... do you agree ?
Therefore its hearsay
Lets read some other book
Creativity books are the best, I have found, when it comes to Racialism ... or do you have bible of your own ? that promotes Racialism ?
Title: Re: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: StephenMasten (Prison) on Sun 08 Aug 2010
Apollonian, you accuse me of repeating myself. Perhaps I have been repeating myself but only because the person I am debating with is using a fairytale story as historical evidence, similar to somebody stubbornly arguing that Santa Claus is real. The existence of Jesus cannot be substantiated by historical evidence, neither can many of his Apostles and other alleged authors of the New Testament.

Creators live in a world of fact, we will not lower ourselves to banging our head against a wall attempting to debate whether or not the sky is green.

This thread has played out long enough and the necessary points have been made. It going on any further is simply a waste of bandwidth and a distraction from more important issues. It will remain here for posterity but locked from further posting.

Title: Re: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Tue 10 Aug 2010
From: apollonius apollonius
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2010 12:29 AM
Subject: hello--seeking info....

QuoteHello: I tried to log-on to the forum but came up w. this msg--

" Sorry apollonian, you are banned from using this forum!
You were warned not to preach Christinsanity in Creator Forum"

Of course, I never preached Christianity--I only defended it fm ur pathetic attacks attempting to clarify things u falsely and ignorantly alleged about it.

I'd say u're justified in attacking the Judaic take-over of Christianity--which they do by means of nearly infinite quantities of COUNTERFEITED funds--and the "Judeo-Christian" hereticalist version of Christianity, esp. that of Charles Hagee (or Pat Robertson), for example, who says Christ was Jew.


This is our land, scum, and u'd better get it through ur stupid heads--U'D BETTER BE NICE, NICE, NICE, NICE, NICE--or else.  If u're smart u'll take my warning to heart--but u don't seem too smart, do u?

So now that we're past the pleasantries, I understand fm "white will" there are "credos," one of which, no. 40, deals w. the COUNTERFEITING issue.  Where would u say I could find this, exactly, if it can be found on internet?  Thanks for all ur attn.  A.
Title: Re: Christianity Does Not Deserve Consideration - It's Record is One of Shame
Post by: StephenMasten (Prison) on Tue 10 Aug 2010
Ha, bring it on you Jew-loving slimeball!