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chink marries feminist....finds out wtf most white men have to put up with

Started by Jimbo, Thu 14 Mar 2013

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i couldn't really give a stuff wtf happened to this the title sez, this is, indeed, a cautionary tale!

wtf to do with these effin' feminist bitches/slags (and, make no mistake, there's heaps of these cnts!...especially over, say, 25-yrs of age!) is gunna be one of the major conundrums facing any new white home-land.....obviously....they can't be tolerated in their present mental state, if @ all!!

maybe ship 'em all to darkest Afreaka and let the knuckle-dragging nogz sort 'em out.....uh.....ha ha ha....that's if the nogz would put up with them for more than a day....maybe they'll just chop the bitches up, cook 'em (in one of those big, black pots they used to cook 'missionaries' in!) and, then EAT 'em!

"I say unto you: 'stand! men of the West' !"
Aragorn: "The Return of the King" by J R R Tolkien


I would like to point out about the cast iron pot ....   Of course it was stolen because the nig noggs could never get themselves past stone aged technology .   I know all the self touted enlightened humanitarians will boast of Egypt ....   Well read your NER ...  Egypt originally ,  was not nigg noggs .  When Egypt bread with it's slaves (nig noggs) ,  in less than a human life time ,  the entire empire fell .  Same for the Romans ,  and the same is happening here in the USA .

Thought I would take a moment to reflect
Rev. Adam Hansen of the Church of Creativity
Cropseyville NY 12052

Formerly World Church of the Creator, White Crusaders of the RaHoWa (an early form of the Creativity Alliance), and Church of the RaHoWa


And within fifty years - just as the Global Elite boast - the White Race will no longer have any control of its own nations. International borders will be treated as an imperial imposition by the White man and the borderless states will merge into one flowing mass of inhumanity seeking to take whatever is left of the White man's accomplishments. Meanwhile the mud nations will revert to their pre-1900 status of spear chucking war, famine and slavery ... until eventually that will be the state of the entire world. Which - to bring this topic in a full circle - is all part of the militant feminist's anti-White male agenda. And once there are no White men left in control, the remaining White women become playthings for the inferior mud races - which means feminism is a form of suicide.

The eventual outcome of the feminist (et al ad nauseam) agenda: Life After White People ...

At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Modern women are basically toilets and have been brought up accept their role as a toilet , and what does one do when one has finished his morning ablution , well then you flush it.

Women in general need to be protected from themselves , as being the weaker sex and prone to maternal feelings, are to open to manipulation by sh**skins , their are the exception of course of strong Aryan women but they I am afraid seem to be in the minority , yes the Jew has provided to many distraction for the white Female and male, and as more ''Femnazis'' graduate from the university and take positions of power in the political/corporate structure their power base will grow and thus be open to exploitation by the SSKIN/JEW , the Greens party is one example of Toilets controlling the whip hand, and we have evidenced their stance on Immigration, '' As Christine Milne was wont to say, let them all come Australia is a big country we will take them all'' SEND US YOUR POOR...SEND US YOUR DISPOSSESSED...sound Familiar, and the United Jew States are paying for it in spades.
88 ''And the Jew's ... They Squealed like Geese'' 88


It was good to read what Varg Vikernes had to say about women.  He is wise about a lot of things.  Not everything - but a lot.

To me it is completely strange that women, as well as men, in modern society choose not to have a big family.  All living creatures exist because of the imperative to continue the species.  In the whole of history it has never been easier, safer and more affordable (the state won't let you starve) to have many children.  Not only this but one can still maintain one's physical health and looks.  In fact a woman's body is designed for childbirth and this should make her more healthy, provided she is active and toned enough for easily recovering.  Never in the history of civilisation has that been easier than it is today as well. 

But oddly the way it goes with humans is that the better off they are, the more decadent and unwilling to reproduce they become.  Don't just blame the women for this as often it is their male partner who tries to put them off having kids.

[I have had 7 children]
Formerly a Reverend with the Premier Church of Creativity under Ben Klassen, PM.

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