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UK: Southport Nig-Nog Stabbings Caused by Lack of Censorship

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Thu 23 Jan 2025

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Po' Pavement-Ape Just Wanted to be Remembered
A Victim of Evil White Racism

The talk in the MSM put out by the government is that Amazon and Twitter are to blame for the Southport Attack by a nigger on innocent White children. Amazon sold the knife, so the government wants new laws there (as if he couldn't have got a knife from the kitchen drawer?). And xTwitter is also to blame because of violent videos. Not forgetting that there's an attempt to blame NAZI anything that the nig may or may not have watched or read ... so it's White People, White Business and White History that is to blame! There's nothing at all from the government to suggest that it's just another case of yet another nigger that hate's White people and gets off on the KILL WHITEY theme. According to their experts, that murderous nigger just wanted to be loved and remembered by all.


Excerpt: Detectives have been unable to determine his motive.

Criminologist and psychologist Alex Iszatt has analysed his journey to evil and has suggested that he was motivated by a deep desire for recognition and notoriety. "This craving for destruction seemed to be an attempt to leave a mark on the world as if violence was the only way to gain the recognition long sought."

Around the age of 13, Rudakubana began to exhibit anger issues and became fascinated with figures like Adolf Hitler, which he told Childline's call centre was because he had experienced racist bullying.

Fellow school pupils said he had a 'kill list', and it is feared he had been planning a massacre at his former school, just weeks before the Taylor Swift dance class attack. Investigators later discovered he had documents about Nazi Germany.

Why are They Blaming Amazon for Southport?

Video from

Knife used in Southport attacks

By Jamie Bullen | Daily Mail

Merseyside Police have released a picture of the knife used in the Southport attacks after Axel Rudakubana was sentenced.

The court heard the weapon was purchased off Amazon, despite being 17 years old and it being illegal to sell to under-18s.

Prime Minister Keir Starmer has since vowed to bring in stricter checks when buying knives, especially online.

Under new Government plans, anyone purchasing a knife from the web will have to provide a digital scan of an official identity document such as a passport or driving licence to prove they are over 18 - and also film a selfie video to show they are the ID holder.

UK experts warn of dangers of violent content being readily available online

Ofcom figures show number of people seeing material depicting violence or injury has risen

Excerpt: The details of the shocking case have led Keir Starmer to warn that Britain faces a new threat of terrorism from "extreme violence perpetrated by loners, misfits, young men in their bedrooms accessing all manner of material online".

"To face up to this new threat, there are also bigger questions," the prime minister said on Tuesday.

"Questions such as how we protect our children from the tidal wave of violence freely available online, because you can't tell me that the material this individual viewed before committing these murders should be accessible on mainstream social media platforms, but with just a few clicks, people can watch video after horrific video – videos that, in some cases, are never taken down. No. That cannot be right."

The number of people seeing content online depicting or encouraging violence or injury has increased, according to Ofcom, the communications regulator. Its latest research, dating to May and June 2024, shows that 11% of users aged 18 and over had seen such material on social media and elsewhere online, up from 9% a year earlier.

Meanwhile 9% of internet users aged 13 to 17 had also seen content depicting or encouraging violence or injury. More broadly, as of June 2024, 68% of users aged 13 and over said they had encountered at least one potential harm in the past four weeks, the same proportion as reported in June 2023 and in January 2024.

Prof Sonia Livingstone, from the London School of Economics department of media and communications, said violent content was easily available and that there had been an increasing amount of research on boys and young men accessing misogynist and hateful material.
Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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