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UK: Mass Murderer IRA Terrorist Dies a Free Man

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Sun 03 Jan 2021

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If a White Man in the UK is caught in possession of the White Man's Bible, the Turner Diaries and the Anarchist's Cookbook, he will receive 5 to 10 years on that basis alone. Accidentally kill a Nigger in self-defence, have those three books and your browser history shows that you regularly visit and this Forum, and it's life imprisonment for you, with no chance of parole.

IRA killing 30 White People? No sweat. That's totally politically correct. Only Black Lives Matter ...

Former Real IRA leader Michael McKevitt who was behind Omagh bomb that killed 29 dies from cancer aged 71

* He was one of four men found liable for horrific attack which killed 29 in 1998
* McKevitt was released from prison in 2016 after serving a 20-year sentence
* Paramilitary leader was diagnosed with terminal cancer a number of years ago

Jack Elsom | Daily Mail (UK) | 3 January 2021

Excerpt: The Irish paramilitary leader was diagnosed with terminal cancer a number of years ago, and today the Republican Network for Unity said it was 'deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our friend and comrade.'

But a husband whose wife was killed by the explosion said he hopes McKevitt is 'happy in hell'.

The 500lb car bomb was detonated on Market Street in Omagh on August 15, 1998.

In the hour before the attack, two phone calls were made to Ulster TV and the Samaritans alerting them to an imminent bomb attack in the nearby courthouse - both calls used the IRA codeword 'Martha Pope'.

Police swooped in to evacuate people from the courthouse on to Market Street, where the bomb in the red Vauxhall Cavalier was then detonated.

The attack came just four months after the signing of the Good Friday Agreement, which was meant to end the years of conflict in Northern Ireland.
Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Mark Twain.

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