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Invasion Europa: A Subhuman Flood of Mud People

Started by Uncle88, Sun 21 Dec 2014

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Paris (AFP) - A driver shouted "Allahu Akbar" ("God is greatest") as he ploughed into groups of people in the eastern French city of Dijon on Sunday injuring 11 people, two seriously, a source close to the investigation said.

"The man, born in 1974, is apparently imbalanced and had been in a psychiatric hospital," the source told AFP, adding that "for now his motives are still unclear". The attack came the day after a French convert to Islam was shot dead after attacking three police officers with a knife while also reportedly crying "Allahu Akbar" in the central town of Joue-les-Tours.

The driver in Dijon was arrested by police after targeting passersby at five different places in the city on Sunday evening, a police source said. "Nine people were lightly injured and two others seriously but their lives do not appear to be in danger," the source added.

Witnesses told police that the driver shouted "Allahu Akbar" and "that he was acting for the children of Palestine," a source close to the investigation said. Interior Minister told French television station TF1 on Sunday that the man who was shot dead the day before after attacking a police station in Joue-Les-Tours was "very unstable". The anti-terror branch of the Paris prosecutor's office has opened a probe into that attack, with the line of inquiry focusing on an attack motivated by radical Islam.


Ten injured as attacker rams van into French Christmas market

Nantes (France) (AFP) - A driver ploughed into a Christmas market in western France, injuring 10 people before stabbing himself, a day after a similar attack in another French city, as authorities played down fears of a terrorist motive.

At least four people were badly hurt, one of whom was critical, after the latest incident in the city of Nantes, the third attack in three days by individuals against civilians or security forces in France, sparking fears of possible copycat action.

Authorities were quick to stress there were no apparent terrorist motives in the latest attack, describing the perpetrator as "unbalanced". On Sunday a man shouting "Allahu Akbar" drove into pedestrians on the streets of the eastern city of Dijon, injuring 13. The driver was suffering from a severe psychological disorder, a prosecutor said.

On Saturday, a man was shot dead by police after walking into a police station in the central town of Joue-les-Tours and attacking three officers with a knife. He too had yelled "Allahu Akbar".

"We cannot speak of a terrorist act," local prosecutor told reporters at the scene of the latest incident, saying that initial evidence pointed instead to an "isolated case".


 Serbia seems to be getting all the blame for letting them pass through. They just let them get out of here who cares where they go. The entry point is Greece just like it's always been. Years ago Greece tried to put a wall up on the Turkish border and the EU wouldn't help them and bull*ted them out of the idea.

Angela Merkel is a big liar and only pretending that Germany will take all the "migrants" if she can bull* every other country into taking massive numbers of them. Hungary knows it, that's why they put up the wall. Which by the way, the wall isn't stopping anything but it is a sign of resistance. Why is there no talk of a wall at the Turkish border in Greece and turning away boats full of them? Because the EU wants it that way.

Don't believe the news, look at what actually is going on.


Croatia seeks to redirect migrants toward Hungary, Slovenia

Amer Cohadzic and Danica Kirka | My Way News | September 18, 2015

Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said Friday his nation is overwhelmed by a huge influx of migrants and will redirect people toward Hungary and Slovenia as they move north in hopes of reaching more prosperous European countries.

It wasn't immediately clear how Croatia's move would solve the situation since both Hungary and Slovenia are taking steps to keep migrants out, deepening a crisis as people seek a route to refuge.

Huge numbers of people have surged into Croatia after Hungary erected a barbed wire-fence on its border with Serbia and took other tough measures to stop them from using it as a gateway into Western Europe. Croatia represents a longer and more difficult route into Europe, but those fleeing violence in their homelands had little choice.


Milanovic said that Croatia can no longer register people in accordance to European Union rules, but will let them pass through. He suggested it will transfer them to the borders, primarily to the Hungarian border.

"What else can we do?" he said at a news conference. "You are welcome in Croatia and you can pass through Croatia. But, go on. Not because we don't like you but because this is not your final destination."

Croatia closed all but one of its border crossings with Serbia after straining to cope with more than 14,000 migrants who have entered the country after Hungary closed its border.

Still, the country's prime minister insisted that the country was not sealing off its border and would not do so. Milanovic said Croatia is simply overwhelmed by a situation which has "gone far beyond our capabilities." He appealed to the European Union to step in and help.


Serbian officials, fearing the closure in Croatia would block thousands of migrants inside the country, protested Zagreb's move. Aleksandar Vulin, Serbia's social affairs minister, said Serbia will take Croatia to international courts if the international border crossings remain closed, arguing that it should have been prepared for the influx.

"We will not pay the price of someone else's incapability," Vulin said. "I am sorry to see that Croatian humanity and solidarity lasted just two days."


Meanwhile, Hungary started building another razor-wire fence overnight, this time along a stretch of its border with Croatia to keep migrants from entering the country there. The migrants would prefer the quicker route to Europe through Hungary, instead of taking the longer route through Slovenia.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban said the first phase of the 41-kilometer (25-mile) barrier will be completed on Friday, with coils of razor wire being laid down before an actual fence goes up. In addition, he said he would deploy 1,800 soldiers and 800 police to the border with Croatia over the next days to keep out migrants.

He lashed out at those in the West who have criticized his handling of the migrant crisis.

"The critical voices from there are not calming down," Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban said, adding that European politics and media are governed by a "suicidal liberalism" that "puts our way of life at risk." [more ...]
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Hungary Blames European Union For Refugee Crisis
Euro News (France)
Hungary's parliament has officially condemned the European Union for the deadly results of the refugee crisis ... On Monday, Orbán said: "Our borders are under threat, as is our way of life, which is based on respecting laws. Hungary and Europe are under threat. What is happening now, is we are being overrun, invaded. This is a European daily experience. Those who have been overrun cannot take these people in." ... A government billboard and poster campaign proclaims: "The people have decided the country must be defended." Hungarian opinion polls suggest that this policy has boosted the number of Orbán's supporters, even while it leaves other European leaders frowning.

Hungary's Embassy in London Flooded With Calls From Britons Supporting Tough Stance on Migrants
The Telegraph (Britain)
Britons have been jamming the switchboard of Hungary's embassy to London with messages of support for Budapest's controversial stance on the migrant crisis, the mission's staff disclosed on Tuesday. In a briefing designed to defend Hungary's decision to fence off its borders to migrants trying to reach Europe, the country's diplomats disclosed that the embassy in Belgravia was now receiving up to 300 phone calls, emails and letters every day on the matter. While around 30 per cent were comments such as "you are heartless scum", the rest described Hungary's actions as "God's gift to Europe", officials claimed.

On the Finnish-Swedish Border: Protesters Form Human Wall Against Refugees
Deutsche Welle (Germany)
On Saturday, Finland started border checks for refugees arriving from Sweden in the northern border town of Tornio, while more than 100 Finns demonstrated in the town's center against the growing influx of asylum seekers, forming a symbolic human wall. According to the public broadcaster YLE, the demonstrators held signs saying "It is enough. Close the borders!" Local police said the demonstration in the town, which is the sole entry point to Finland for refugees arriving from Sweden, had been peaceful and that protesters did not attempt to block people from crossing the border into Finland ... Hundreds of refugees, mainly from Iraq, have poured into Finland from Sweden in recent days and up to 30,000 asylum seekers are expected in Finland this year, compared to 3,651 last year.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

Crypto Coin Details in Forum Profile

Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.

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