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How The ‘Green’ EU Starves The World: One Third Of Dutch Livestock Slaughtered

Started by G.L.R., Wed 13 Jul 2022

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How the 'green' EU starves the world

5 July 2022

Dutch farmers – who sit as the second-largest agricultural exporter in the world and largest meat exporter in Europe – have brought the Netherlands to a standstill, protesting against Climate Change regulations

The newly elected government has set up a 55-60 per cent emissions goal by 2030, 70 per cent by 2035, and 80 per cent at 2040. To meet these arbitrary climate targets, they have created a self-inflicted disaster ... for the pleasure of the United Nations climate gods. Farms which have been feeding the world for hundreds of years are going to be unceremoniously shut and their owners ruined because a couple of bureaucrats decided they didn't like the nitrogen and ammonia emissions produced by growing food. Their assumption is based on the idea that every country has to present equal emissions to prove they are 'saving the planet'. It only takes a few moments to realise that the underlying premise is false. A net food producer must have higher nitrogen and ammonia outputs than a nation that doesn't grow anything. ...

The same people who profited from the Covid scare are buying up arable land

The Netherlands and Australia are both criticised by the United Nations for 'higher than average emissions... Also on the chopping board is one-third of all livestock, which the Dutch government has earmarked for slaughter. To compensate for the shortfall of protein, the government has ridiculously and unrealistically floated the thought bubble that the missing third of the meat market could be replaced with synthetic meat. And no, despite the government suggesting that farms that have been raising cattle could suddenly transition themselves into a chemical lab, this meat production will be gifted to the billion-dollar chemical companies who can't wait to cash in on the dismantling of the fresh food market. You will own nothing, and you will be happy[/left]

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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