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Denmark Is The First European Nation To Tell 'Refugees' They Must Go Home

Started by G.L.R., Wed 03 Mar 2021

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Denmark becomes the first European nation to tell Syrian refugees they must return home, saying the country is now safe

  • Denmark has stripped 94 Syrian refugees in the country of residency permits
  • The revocation of permits comes after Denmark deemed Damascus as safe
  • Migrants will be sent to deportation camps, but will not be forced to leave
  • Denmark's ruling centre-Left Social Democratic Party has taken a fierce anti-immigration stance in an effort to fend off challenges from parties on the Right
  • Germany had previously ruled that criminals could be returned to Syria
  • But Denmark becomes first country in Europe to rule migrants can be returned
Denmark has become the first European nation to tell Syrian migrants they must return to their home country, saying it is now safe for them there. Mattias Tesfaye, Denmark's immigration minister, said last month that the country had been 'open and honest from the start' with refugees coming from Syria. 'We have made it clear to the Syrian refugees that their residence permit is temporary. Millions of migrants fled the middle east into Europe after conflict broke out in Syria 'We must give people protection for as long as it is needed. But when conditions in the home country improve, a former refugee should return home and re-establish a life there,' Denmark's ruling centre-Left Social Democratic Party has taken a fierce anti-immigration stance in an effort to fend off challenges from parties on the Right. Speaking to The Telegraph, Bendixen said the refugees face years of limbo, and while they will not be forced onto planes, she said Denmark is hoping that the refugees will have no other option other than to return to Syria.

'The government hopes that they will go voluntarily, that they will just give up and go on their own,' she told the newspaper. Normally, refugees who do not leave Denmark voluntarily or if the country has no repatriation arrangement in place with their home country are accommodated at 'departure centres'. This is the case for Syrian refugees in Denmark because the country does not cooperate with the Assad regime. 

Pictures like this are often shown to generate sympathy for Arab countries such as Syria, yet no sympathy is shown when Israel routinely sends missiles to Damascus.


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