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Conservative Twat Peter Hitchens Denies Racial Aspect for Southport Killings

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Tue 28 Jan 2025

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Boomer Conservatives ... I wouldn't trust them any further than I could throw them. They were brainwashed in universities by mostly Jewish Marxist extremists in the 60's and 70's to accept that race does not exist. They in turn brainwashed the university students of Generation X. (I'm happy to report that I quit school at age 15, and I remain therefore what they call, Uneducated.) So I wouldn't trust anyone from my own generation that calls themselves a Conservative either. Boomers and Gen-X Conservatives really put the Con in Conservative.

As for Peter Hitchens, a lot of what he says we can agree with, however, Hitchens, like most Boomers and Gen-X, does cling to his generational biases.

Donald Trump does the same. In fact, the only thing separating Trump and Hitchens is that Trump has responsibility for the protection of his people and his nation. Both recognise that for a nation state to exist, there must be control over whom and what crosses that nation's borders. Both are opposed to any illegal immigration, but both are right into mass legal immigration. As POTUS, Trump is also the top lawmaker of his nation, and therefore has to restore and maintain a standard for freedom of expression after years of Marxist political domination. It's good for business, and that's good for the USA.

Hitchens is a free-lancer whom is responsible to and for nothing other than his own life, family and property. So WGF? Because Hitchens doesn't. Otherwise he wouldn't be getting paid for forcing his Boomer dogma down the Daily Mail's paid subscribers' throats, and would instead see that the world has moved on and shed his Marxist indoctrination.

Race is all that matters now. Which side are you on, White Man?


Peter Hitchens Goes Full Boomer
Video from

PETER HITCHENS: I have a sneaking suspicion why the Southport child-killer Axel Rudakubana suddenly turned to violence at the age of 13...

By Peter Hitchens | Hidden Behind Daily Mail Paywall | 26 January 2025

Excerpt: A society that does not think does not deserve to survive. The national reaction to the case of the teenage mass-killer Axel Rudakubana is totally unthinking from top to bottom.

Does anyone really believe (as Sir Keir Starmer does) that making knives slightly harder to buy will stop knife crime? No. So that's that brilliant idea dealt with.

Next? Some try to pretend that Rudakubana, an ignorant, vicious, unhinged dimwit, is a political terrorist because he once looked at a terrorist website on his laptop. They hope this will excuse their dangerous rumour-mongering at the time of the Southport killings, which led to an outbreak of lawless violence. It will not.

Rudakubana is not a terrorist, any more than Paddington Bear is a terrorist. The idea is idiotic. He is plainly crazy, as are many of those who kill on our streets.

Rudakubana became crazy around the age of 12 or 13, between being filmed dressed as Doctor Who, cheerful and normal, and becoming the blank-eyed, masked, mumbling grotesque which he now is.

Rudakubana began to display 'anger issues' and started to turn to violence around the age of 13. That is usually the point that the children of Britain first encounter marijuana. Within a couple of years, many of them are irreparably damaged, and some are crazily violent.

All psychiatrists know that some crazy people like to dignify their craziness by adopting political or religious causes they don't know anything about.

As they say it, I know it will happen again. I've been saying this unceasingly for about 15 years, so I know it's a bit early to expect anyone to pay any attention.

But our long, stupid indulgence of marijuana use has a huge, bloody price tag attached.

And if you don't want more Southports, you had blinking well better do something about it.
Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Quote from: Rev.Cambeul on Tue 28 Jan 2025Race is all that matters now. Which side are you on, White Man?

I'm on our side and against our enemies - jews and niggers.
Jewish Supremacist Quote: "The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach. I can safely promise you that our race will soon take it's rightful place in the world with every Jew a King and every Gentile a Slave." - Rabbi Rabinovitch, Budapest Conference of European Rabbi's - 12 January 1952. [More ...]

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