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Biden Mentality: Gas Prices Double & TRIPLE, And Europe Won't Pay In Rubles

Started by G.L.R., Fri 01 Jul 2022

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Natural gas prices expected to TRIPLE in Germany as Western Europe cuts off its own energy supply from Russia


The mere mention of "green" means it's good

By the time 2023 rolls around, natural gas prices in some European countries could double or even triple because they refuse to buy it from Russia in rubles... a Vienna-based research institute, said that Austria, which heavily relies on Russian energy exports, will more than likely see a doubling in costs before the end of the year. Neighbor Germany is in the same boat, though its costs could triple. It will take at least until the year 2024 before prices level out, let alone decrease... Austrian consumers are already paying about 60 percent more for natural gas than they were last year. Germany is in even worse shape... "Gas is now a scarce commodity." Habeck went on to pin the blame on Russian President Vladimir Putin. It is Putin's fault that Germany is refusing to purchase energy in rubles, Habeck claimed.

Why keep blaming Putin for everything, when there is a real idiot right here leading "green energy"

Much of Western Europe, which proudly went "green," is now having to revert back to coal in order to meet electricity demand. This, too, is the result of its refusal to play ball with Russia. Instead of dropping the sanctions and agreeing to cooperate with Russia, Western Europe is doubling down on depriving its citizens of cheap and abundant energy. "To reduce gas consumption, less gas must be used to generate electricity," Habeck added. "Coal-fired power plants will have to be used more instead. That's bitter, but it's simply necessary in this situation to lower gas usage." Germany had previously announced plans to completely phase out all of its coal-powered power plants in order to create a green utopia. ...

I came up with this idea all on my own

Either that, or Germany will have to fire back up all of its own non-green energy plants. If it does not do this, there is sure to be a lights out crisis once the cold winter months arrive later this year. "There is not just an energy crisis unfolding but also a food shortage crisis as well," wrote a reader at Breitbart News... All of these shortages and impending famines are deliberate, in other words. "Climate change, the alleged climate crisis, and climate reparations are collectively the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the masses," ... "It is all artificial to destroy the Western free world."

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

Aleister Adams

Biden was elected to bring America's ruin. And he's doing just that.

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