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The New World Order Tells Australia to Accept Central American Refugees

Started by Br.IanVonTurpie, Thu 22 Sep 2016

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MEET "Psycho", a 23-year-old from Guatemala whose colleagues are responsible for committing heinous crimes.

According to experts, the Barrio 18 gang to which he belongs rules large parts of Central America's Northern Triangle, a region made up of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras.

They are known for their violent approach, one that involves the kidnapping, rape and murder of children.

They take girls as young as 11 as their "girlfriends", a generous, misleading description for what is essentially a sex slave. They control entire towns, extorting money from locals in exchange for protection.

They are easily recognised by their face tattoos but in recent years have adopted a more subtle branding. The change was necessitated by a crackdown on organised crime that saw the heavily-tattooed killed, locked up or forced into hiding.

Psycho is doing time in prison but his friends still rule large swathes of land. Fearing for their lives, Central Americans are fleeing in larger numbers than ever before.

According to the UNHCR, the number of Central Americans entering Mexico has more than quadrupled in the last four years.

That huge movement of people will soon impact Australia. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull committed earlier this week to taking refugees from the Northern Triangle for the first time.


They trade in drugs, firearms and fear. Human trafficking is a big part of their operations. According to experts, the Northern Triangle is home to the highest homicide rates worldwide.

A spokeswoman for UNHCR in Mexico, a popular migration route for those leaving their lives behind in Central America and pushing towards the US border, told there are a number of reasons people flee.

"Recent years have seen a sharp escalation in the number of people fleeing persecution and insecurity in the Northern Triangle of Central America.

"This is largely the result of growing levels of violence caused by non-state actors, many linked to criminal activity (mainly maras, pandillas and drug cartels), in addition to economic hardship."

She said the threat of violence is consistent but often one action forces families to pack up and make a run for the border.

Oh goody! What dickhead wanted to "collect the set"?!Hello!...... Is there a reason why we aren't getting White African refugees that flee persecution at the hands of "the rainbow nation"?!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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