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Muslims Demand Farm: Are Rejected by "Right Wing" Owner

Started by Br.IanVonTurpie, Wed 08 Mar 2017

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A GOLDEN Grove property owner has refused to sell his 4.5 hectare equestrian centre to a group of Islamic buyers, declaring he wanted "Australia to remain in Australia".

John O'Leary, owner of Gainsborough Equestrian Centre on One Tree Hill Rd, said he rejected their offer for his $1.79 million market-listed estate on "principle".

The Islamic businessmen had considered building a community centre big enough to hold 1000 people, including prayer rooms and a catering kitchen.

"Through the agent, they made me an offer; I was told I could get more than I was looking for," Mr O'Leary said.

"I rejected it on principle. We want Australia to remain Australia and not disappear." "I'm a right-winger of Irish Catholic background."

The agent who was acting on behalf of Mr O'Leary said he had arranged a meeting between the parties.

The agent, who did not want to be named, said plans had been drawn but no firm offer was madeand he would not reveal the identity of the men involved.

"I saw plans (for the building) and it was for a very large function or community centre, catering for up to 1000 people. It also had prayer rooms," he said.

"It wasn't a mosque though. A mosque would bring a lot of attention. They were prospective buyers. But it (the land) wasn't suitable, plus the land was not zoned appropriately.

"One of the men I know well and he operates a fish and chip shop locally. I represented Mr O'Leary for a short period of time, but I am no longer."

But Mr O'Leary was adamant he received an offerlast August or September on behalf of a Salisbury-based real estate agent.
The Price is Reich!

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