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Muslim Boong Boxer Anthony Mundine Wants to be Prime Minister

Started by Br.IanVonTurpie, Tue 21 Jan 2014

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CONTROVERSIAL boxer Anthony Mundine has revealed his aspirations to run for Australian prime minister. 

The 38-year-old has come under fire on countless occasions throughout his career, most infamously for declaring the US brought the September 11 terrorist acts on themselves and that Olympic champion Cathy Freeman could not be an authentic indigenous leader because "a man can only lead".

But in an interview with Foxtel program FitnFlexed, the former NRL star said one day he hoped to run the country.

"I want to work with youth, inspire youth. I want to work with my people. And who knows? I might even run for prime minister, see what happens," Mundine said when asked what he wanted to achieve in life after boxing.

"If I was prime minister, the way I would run it, any issue they want to talk about I would just do a poll. I'd just do a poll to the people and let the people decide. I mean that's the rule: a leader [should] do what the people want."

He added: "The way the media are, the way they want to portray me as a bad boy, as a bully ... or arrogant. But I'm just me. I know how the system's set up. It's set up - especially for Aborignals - to fail. You're accepted if you bow down and toe the line and be what they want you to be. I'm going to be me."

Australian politics will have to wait a little while yet, though.

Despite criticism that his boxing career is in decline and that he only selects no-name opponents, Mundine insisted the next three to four years would be the best of his career.

"I'm aiming for the biggest fights and I'm going to win them," he said.

"I'm going to focus on my career and leave a legacy that's untouched. It's already untouched, but leave it even further. Leave no room for doubt, so I know that when I'm finished they better be Superman if they want to get my stuff."

Asked if there would ever be another "The Man" Mundine, he said: "I doubt that, man. I tell my boys - I joke with my sons - I say, I'm going to leave a legacy so good that I don't even think my sons can get them (sic) and they got the bloodline to get them."

Mundine went on to reinforce his belief that he is among the greatest - if not the greatest - two-sport athlete who has ever lived and declared Greg Inglis the greatest rugby league player of today, saying the only man who could "come up and put a play on him" was his cousin, Blake Ferguson.

"They try to write me off and belittle me," he said. "I want the people out there to do their research and name one sportsman, one, that's done what I've done in two sports. And I'm not talking team to team sport, like Bo Jackson and Deion Sanders from baseball to gridirion.

"I'm talking team sports. I was top of my game, the highest paid player in the game and getting ready to wreak havoc again. And then to go to boxing and be a three-time world champ in the hardest sport there is. Ain't no one done that, man."

In late 2012, Mundine questioned fellow Australian boxer Danny Geale's indigenous heritage, saying: "He's got a white woman, he's got white kids. I keep it real, all day every day."

While in November of last year, he made headlines again for stating homosexuality and Aboriginality do not mix.

"Watching Redfern now & they promoting homosexuality! (Like it's ok in our culture) that ain't in our culture & our ancestors would have there head for it! Like my dad told me GOD made ADAM & EVE not Adam & Steve," Mundine posted on Facebook.

Mundine's fight night January 29 is in some doubt after his original opponent Carson Jones pulled out through illness.

Mundine's manager Khoder Nasser said on Monday he was confident the event would still go ahead, but a replacement opponent his yet to be announced.

I wish this mud clown would shut the hell up and quit making a fool of himself! I still think he believes everyone likes him!
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Reply 10 Years Later ...

Once upon a time, I was greatly offended by much of what Mundine said and did. Now I find it difficult to find anything to disagree with him.

What happened to me?  :-\

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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