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Melbourne Synagogue Fire 'Likely' Terror Act, Police Say

Started by G.L.R., Tue 10 Dec 2024

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"I for one welcome our new Semitic overlords. Make way!"

Anthony Albanese points to the array of measures his government has taken to tackle the scourge of antisemitism. But he can't escape the impression of seeming perennially on the back foot and often lacking adequate empathy and sensitivity in dealing with the issue.

On the latter point, take Australia's representation to next week's commemoration in Poland marking 80 years since the last people were freed from Auschwitz.

It's a major international event, with King Charles and some national leaders, including France's President Emmanuel Macron, attending.

The Australian government is sending two cabinet ministers: Foreign Minister Penny Wong and (((Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus))).

Dreyfus, as the most senior Jewish member of the government, is a logical attendee. But Wong is a controversial choice.

Wong is regarded negatively by many in the Australian Jewish community who, to put it bluntly, see her as unsympathetic to Israel and too influential with the PM.

Wong is travelling to Poland on her way back from the Trump inauguration. That might be convenient, but surely it would have been more appropriate and astute to have chosen Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles to lead the Australian delegation to Poland.

Marles commands considerable respect in the Jewish community (and also outranks Wong).

This week, Albanese suddenly reversed his firm opposition to calling a national cabinet meeting on antisemitism, convening one immediately in the wake of the attack on a Sydney childcare centre.

The meeting was long overdue but something of a farce, held in haste and producing the underwhelming decision to set up a national database of antisemitic incidents. That just invited the question: 'Why didn't we have such a database long ago?'.

The national cabinet followed calls from, among many others, the government's own special envoy to combat antisemitism, Jillian Segal – calls that should have been listened to earlier.

Albanese had argued people wanted action rather than meetings, and that he was consulting with the premiers of NSW and Victoria, where the attacks have been concentrated.

The delay in calling a national cabinet was a repeat of Albanese dragging his feet last year on setting up a special operations force led by the Australian Federal Police.

Albanese was once again put in the shade this week by NSW Premier Chris Minns when the two appeared at a news conference after the torching of the childcare centre.

Minns, who declared the perpetrators of the crime "bastards", sounded assertive; Albanese looked the minor player, feeding into the federal Opposition's general attack on him as a "weak" leader.

The government is feeling the heat on multiple fronts to get on top of the antisemitism crisis, with Israel's Deputy Foreign Minister Sharren Haskel (who once worked as a veterinary nurse in Bondi) launching fresh criticism this week, saying provocatively: "What are they waiting for? For someone to die? For someone to be murdered?"

It's not just the government that's under increasing pressure. So are the police (federal and state) and ASIO.

Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw was anxious this week to demonstrate the police were achieving some successes, and to say they anticipated more in the near future.

As much as anything, the message was a plea for the community, and especially the Jewish community, to be patient.

Kershaw revealed the AFP believes "criminals for hire" may be behind some incidents, adding: "So part of our inquiries include: who is paying those criminals, where those people are – whether they are in Australia or offshore – and what their motivation is."

Despite this tantalising piece of information, the impression is the agencies are largely in the dark about the intricacies of this wave of antisemitism.

There doesn't appear (so far) to be evidence of foreign actors – state or non-state – or domestic extremist organisations being the drivers.

For many voters, while they condemn the wave of antisemitism, it remains a niche issue. But it feeds into wider, easily triggered, concerns about crime and security, and that helps Opposition Leader Peter Dutton.

The Australian Financial Review's latest Freshwater poll asked people to rank priority areas on which the government should focus.

Crime and social order ranked fifth out of 16 issues – 26 per cent of people put it in their top three. It has an eight-point lead over the issue of environment and climate change.

Dutton has promised the Coalition would legislate for mandatory minimum sentences for antisemitic crimes.

That may go down well with some voters, but despite the circumstances and the fact courts can be too lenient (Minns complained strongly this week about one NSW sentence), it would be bad policy, robbing the legal system of flexibility to take account of individual circumstances.

While the authorities and the headlines are rightly focused on the antisemitism crisis, the government's special envoy to combat Islamophobia is warning against letting the absence of dramatic attacks blind people to the presence of that menace.

Writing in The Australian, Aftab Malik said that during extensive travels around the country late last year, he found "a landscape in which Islamophobia was an ordinary daily experience for many Muslims.

"Thankfully, it wasn't that mosques were being torched or cars vandalised," but, he argues, "the ordinariness of Islamophobia is what is so disturbing, the normalcy of hate endured out of the media spotlight".

If Dutton became prime minister, we know he would be stronger on antisemitism and would move to repair relations with Israel.

With the polls now giving the Coalition a chance of victory, or at least of running the government close, we need to know more about how a Dutton government would rebuild Australia's social cohesion more broadly, including dealing with Islamophobia and managing and fostering multiculturalism.

The opposition's current approach is to downplay Islamophobia on the grounds we are not seeing dramatic incidents of the kind we are currently witnessing with antisemitism.

But a Coalition wanting to promote community harmony should not ignore or dismiss its risks, even while attention is firmly on the more dramatic and visible disease.
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Police and political leaders have voiced concern about escalating antisemitism across the community after the discovery of a caravan packed with explosives parked at a property in the Sydney's north-west and the vandalism of a Jewish school overnight

A Jewish school in Sydney's east was spray-painted overnight only hours after explosives were found in a caravan in Sydney's north west, with some Jewish sites listed inside.

Deputy Commissioner Hudson said police are looking into whether there's a person behind the attacks, with ten people already in custody.

"Apart from the caravan investigation we have a parallel Strike Force Pearl which is looking at other antisemitic attacks.

"We have charged 10 individuals in relation to those attacks, tracing them back to anyone who is potentially coordinating that activity forms part of our investigation.

 :o Gosh! Wonder why nobody likes Jew$?! Reap what you Jew!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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It's The Holocaust All Over Again!
The Bitchings of a Whiny Jew

Alex Ryvchin is the co-CEO of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry

When I was shaken from sleep by my panicked wife early one Friday morning a few weeks ago, to the news that our former home was targeted in an anti-Semitic attack, many thoughts and emotions came to me.

Shock was not among them. There was nothing unusual in the morning's chaos.

In the past 15 months, many times, I have been woken by calls from media, staff, police or politicians informing me that a synagogue was burning, that cars daubed with anti-Semitic slogans were burning, and that yet another Jewish target was hit.

This time it was the place where my wife and I first brought our daughter home from the hospital and where during the pandemic we hunkered down as a family and I valiantly attempted to homeschool my eldest daughter before she refused to call me, 'Mr Ryvchin' and the whole thing ended in tears.

It was a deliriously happy home. Our sanctuary for five years from the carnage and chaos that occurs outside and over which we have so little control. But within those walls was only love.

Our old neighbour from across the street had recorded the scene and sent it to us. A fireball rising into the night sky.

Red paint splashed on the walls I had myself painted white. On the vehicle in the adjoining driveway, which belongs to a Jewish couple in their 80s, 'F—k the Jews' was scrawled on one side, 'F—k Israel' on the other. Two sides of the same car and two sides of the same coin.
For 15 months I have shrugged off questions about my own safety. Not out of any great valour but more a symptom of my optimism. Being afraid is also no way to live.

For 15 months, the community has reeled from such attacks.

In response, the common refrain by advocates and politicians has been to condemn them as 'un-Australian,' a great term that denotes conduct that runs contrary to who we are as a country.

But a country, like an individual, is defined not by how they see themselves but how they actually behave.

A part of Australian behaviour has become to harass, intimidate, abuse and burn motivated by a hatred of the Jewish people.

In the days after my former home was hit, a childcare centre in Maroubra was firebombed, a potentially devastating mass terror attack was disrupted, schools were daubed with more anti-Semitic slogans, and a man was arrested for allegedly daubing Stars of David on a private home in Melbourne before spitting and throwing bacon on a passerby.

A small minority is responsible for this conduct, but when the majority is silent, ambivalent or apathetic the conduct continues, it spreads and it starts to define a nation.

It didn't begin with the former homes of Jewish leaders becoming targets for domestic terrorists. There was a very clear progression that we as a community saw and understood, while others receded into their own optimism or self-delusion that it would burn itself out before anything of note burned down.

Those who gathered on our streets to cheer gang rape, torture and the parading of mutilated civilians through Gazan streets on October 7 should have been met with national disgust and condemnation.

On October 9, a mob gathered at the steps of Australia's most iconic landmark, the Sydney Opera House, to burn flags, to warn Jews that 'the armies of Mohammad were coming' and to chant the words that ended up on burning cars outside my old home, 'F—k the Jews.'

In response, those who ordinarily speak up against racism said nothing and in some cases sought to cast the Jewish community as untrustworthy and scheming.

A national conversation was kicked off by hack activist-journalists about whether 'gas the Jews' was really chanted, as reported, or whether it was just 'F—k the Jews' and 'where's the Jews', as if the alternatives were any better.

This allowed the real issue of chilling mob racism to be trivialised and suspicion to descend on the Jewish community.

Government should have acted decisively at that point but it dithered, which opened the door for more extreme political forces to enter the fray.

Everything that has happened has been predictable, and was warned of.
The fact that those who sadistically doxxed hundreds of Jews, and cheered as little kids chanted slogans associated with suicide bombings have retained their public grants and public salaries while so-called leaders delivered their platitudes about opposing all forms of racism, showed us that the Jewish community was for all intents and purposes, alone.

And exactly as we warned, because we've seen this play out again and again, it won't end with words and it won't end with the Jews
That's because antisemitism is the enemy of rationalism and irrational people left unchecked do horrible things.

The question before Australians now is will it end before someone gets killed?

About the Whiny Jew Author: Alex Ryvchin was born in Kiev, Ukraine. His family left the Soviet Union as refugees and refuseniks in 1987, when Alex was 3 years old. He attended Sydney Boys High School and went on to study law and politics at the University of New South Wales.

He worked for a member of the NSW Legislative Council as a researcher and speechwriter before practising law at two of the world's largest law firms, first at Mallesons Stephen Jaques in Sydney and then at Herbert Smith in London. He served as a spokesman for the Zionist Federation UK, and was awarded a prestigious Israel Research Fellowship to work as a research fellow and staff writer at a Jerusalem-based think-tank

After 5 years abroad, in 2013 he returned to Australia and joined the Executive Council of Australian Jewry as Director of Public Affairs. He was promoted to co-Chief Executive Officer in February 2018 becoming one of the youngest leaders in the Jewish diaspora. He is a member of the Jewish Diplomatic Corps.

Reap what you Jew? I heard foreigners are paying local Ice fiends to carry out such attacks?

In the grand scheme of things people ask themselves" What's all this Middle Eastern violence got to do with Australia "?! Same problem happens here.

So they use our country as a battle ground , not only that our weapons and taxes get used as a vehicle in aid of fighting their enemies abroad.

They are manipulative in media control and an international banking cartel.

They are powerful in pushing politician puppets of theirs to make laws to suit them that impose on rights of Australian citizens, they try stymie who ever criticises them or tries to revise historical events concerning them any way they can, they've been thrown out of everywhere!

Next thing you know they want their own country? Or.... Didn't we already give them that?

Then we get Jew$ like this guy pop up every time an Australian speaks out about them with his 🎻!
We are expected to welcome and co-operate peacefully with them. If only they made it simple for everyone else to do so!

The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


Quote from: MSMNurse who boasted about killing Jews led a dramatic Islamic 'martyr's prayer' - as details of his 'boat people' journey to Australia as a child are revealed

Brother of nurse at the centre of anti-Semitic scandal makes a stunning claim about the viral video that police will investigate - as the Israeli influencer who unmasked the 'vile' pair issues a grim warning to ALL Australians

The brother of a NSW nurse at the centre of an anti-Semitic video has claimed she was 'set up'.

Rashad Nadir and Sarah Abu Lebdeh from Bankstown Hospital in Sydney's south-west, were filmed by Israeli influencer Max Veifer on an internet chatroom saying they would refuse to treat Jewish patients.

'I'll kill them,' Abu Lebdeh said.
But Mohamad Abu Lebdeh leapt to his sister's defence outside her home on Wednesday night, telling Daily Mail Australia that she was 'baited' into making the sickening remarks and that parts of the video were 'cut out' and 'edited'.

'Sarah has wanted to be a nurse her whole life. She loved her job. She helps people, she doesn't hurt them,' he claimed.

'That video was a set up. You can see that it's edited. You can see the jump cuts.

'Sarah said those things but she was pushed. She was baited.'

Mohamad also claimed that his sister was antagonised by Mr Veifer

'Sarah was born here, but has lost 70 family members in Palestine, completely wiped out,' her brother added.

'She snapped. Anyone would, hearing that.

'To hear those things. It's too much, but he cut that part out and made it look like she just said that. 

'She was provoked. She is a nurse and has won awards.'

Police have requested the full, uncut version from the influencer as investigations continue

Quote from: MSMHuman nature means that innocents may be profiled as a consequence on the latest outrage, as people seek to protect themselves and their loved ones going forward.

That's what many concerned Jewish Australians will understandably now do.

In this sense the radicalism the pair of (former) nurses expressed in that video will do as much harm to members of their own communities as they will do to Jewish Australians.


Nadir and Abu Lebdeh are both expected to be charged under hate crime laws.

Mr Veifer broke his silence on Sharri Markson's Sky News program on Wednesday night and issued a grim warning for all Australians about the rise of anti-Semitism.

'I hope I opened their eyes a little bit to this tremendous anti-Semitism that is going on in Australia and I hope they'll finally start taking actions to prevent these events from happening,' he said.

'It's not the only case. I just recorded it, right?

'I dropped it on the internet, but how many other cases are happening in Australia. You should take this seriously.'

Earlier on Wednesday, Abu Lebdeh's family told media that she was suffering 'an extreme panic attack'.

Her uncle insisted his niece was 'sorry' for her anti-Semitic rant and was so worked up 'we might be calling an ambulance for her'.

'I'm trying to calm her down to see what the f*** happened,' he told The Australian.

'She's been a nurse for God knows how long. She's never done anything to hurt anyone.'

The second nurse involved also broke his silence to insist his comments were 'a joke and a misunderstanding.

Nadir vowed to apologise to the 'Jewish community and anyone I've offended' as soon as he had spoken to police.

'It was a joke, a misunderstanding ... I will use social media, anything, to apologise but I need to go and see the detectives first,'  Nadir told the Daily Telegraph.

'I didn't mean to offend. It wasn't meant to be like this.'

The health minister condemned the nurses' actions.

'This act of bastardry, this vile disgusting behaviour from two individuals will in no way diminish the value the secretary, myself as the minister, but more importantly our state has in the work that [NSW Health staff] do each and every day,' he said.

'If the investigation concludes that this behaviour has occurred, these individuals will never be working for NSW Health again.

Quote from: MSMNadir was born in Afghanistan and but fled with his family as a child after his father was killed before being given Australian citizenship four years ago.

With his mother Sami, they crossed into Iran, Malaysia, and Indonesia before risking their lives on a boat bound for Australia.

'After spending four nights and five days, we reached international waters and the Australian Navy rescued us and took us on board. We were extremely happy that we made it safely,' he said in an interview three years ago.

He revealed how his family were taken to Christmas Island and Darwin after being plucked to safety at sea before eventually settling in Sydney.


NSW police and NSW Health are investigating the incident.

NSW police said Strike Force Pearl, which investigates anti-Semitic attacks, has taken carriage of the investigation.

"NSW Health, believe they have identified the individuals involved and are currently assisting detectives with their investigation," a NSW police spokesperson said in a statement.

"A thorough investigation is underway."

The Australian Federal Police said it has also offered its support to the investigation.

"The AFP, under Special Operation Avalite, is engaging with New South Wales Police," an AFP spokesperson told

No charges have been laid.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese labelled the footage "sickening and shameful".

"These antisemitic comments, driven by hate, have no place in our health system and no place anywhere in Australia.

"These individuals have been stood down by NSW Authorities. They have rightly been referred to the NSW Police for criminal investigation."

The co-chief executive of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry Alex Ryvchin said the video was "utterly sickening to watch".

"Their unrepentant, gleeful hatred is the precursor to the violence we are experiencing in our country and it must be stamped out," he said on X.
"No doubt we will see the defence that Jews have brought this hatred upon themselves through Israel's war in Gaza.

"That these people are merely traumatised from the images of the war. They have it backwards. It is this hatred and dehumanisation of Jews that causes wars and the carnage of October 7 and if left unchecked it will further degrade our society. Time for consequences."

Speaking to Sky News, Mr Ryvchin warned the incident was just "the tip of the iceberg".

"This is a warning sign once again to all Australians about the evil that exists in our midst, the need to understand this ideology and to confront it, and the harm that it does to all Australians," he said.

Mr Ryvchin said for months he's heard from medical practitioners who have been warning about extreme content posted by other nurses and doctors online.

"This is clearly the first time it has gone to such a public, brazen level. But I think we'd be kidding ourselves if we thought they were isolated individuals. I think that this is merely the tip of the iceberg."
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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