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Hating Whitey: Complaints About Australian Govt Publicly Funded “Woke Course”.

Started by Br.IanVonTurpie, Thu 11 Nov 2021

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 * SBS is an Australian federal government Taxpayer funded "Multicultural" TV & Radio network

* New South Wales state government = State Taxpayer funded

Taxpayer-funded 'how to be woke' courses for public servants are slammed for 'teaching Australians to hate white people'

Excerpt: Taxpayer-funded courses for NSW public on 'how to be woke' labelled a waste

State One Nation leader Mark Latham said the 'SBS Inclusion Program' which teaches about 'intersex inclusion' and 'unconscious bias' is nothing more than 'political indoctrination

Numerous government departments have been shelling out tens of thousands of dollars to participate in the programs, with the NSW Treasury spending $56,000 and the Department of Communities and Justice handing over $22,000.

Public broadcaster SBS started the courses in 2019 to guide workplaces on cultural diversity.

The training includes sections on gender equality, LGBTQI issues, disability awareness and Indigenous culture.

But Mr Latham argues the courses are 'designed to make participants hate Australia and white people in particular

'They depict our country as inherently racist, sexist and homophobic,' he said.

'It's not about inclusion at all. It's about division, propaganda and political indoctrination.

'It says a lot about how the NSW Government wastes taxpayers' money on this stuff, instead of having public servants get on with their day jobs in delivering basic services

Australian Taxpayer Alliance spokesman Gabe Buckley also took aim at the 'wasteful' spending

Not only is it a gross misuse of taxpayer funds, it is inappropriate for the government to indoctrinate a worldview through propaganda,' he told the Daily Telegraph.

But the NSW Treasury dismissed the criticism saying it gives public servants a better understanding of inclusion and the diverse communities they work for

Yeah?!.... Well nobody got the option to vote to have these "diverse communities" the UN and fat Jew$ like Sorro$  keep pushing this agenda. If anything there should be funding going to our racialist groups to indoctrinate our people to stamp out diversity and return our community to the White Bastion of Glory it once was!
The Price is Reich!

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