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Australian Government Lawfare Against Men - The Goal - Destroy White Families

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Mon 16 Dec 2024

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This is of course happening across the former White World. The difference with Australia, is that it was long ago legalised, with police and courts used as weapons of Lawfare against White Families ....

On this day in 1991, my baby girl was in bed asleep. I was listening quietly listening to some music, when my wife suddenly switched off the music and switched on the TV. When I complained, I was told to "Get out and go for a walk to calm down."

I refused and laughed. I had no reason to calm down. I wasn't going anywhere; but there was no way I'd watch that garbage on TV. I could wear headphones and keep listening to my music.

She smiled, and calmly walked over to the phone, picked it up, called someone and began screaming into the phone, "HE'S KILLING ME! HE'S KILLING ME!"

I panicked and jumped up and grabbed the phone. She tugged and snapped the receiver cord, threw it at me and then lunged at me punching, biting and pulling my hair, trying to gouge my eyes out of my head.

The ferocity startled me. And although I could have kicked the shit out of her, I didn't. She forced me outside and locked the door. Then got another phone and called the police.

I had to break into my own home. And when I found her, she had ripped my baby girl from her sleep, and was crouching in a corner howling, holding the baby in front of her like a shield. I just turned around and walked away.

Moments later, the police arrived, took me away and locked me up for four hours. They accused me of being somebody else, lumbered me with a domestic violence, told me I couldn't go home again, and if they found me on the street, they'd arrest me as a vagrant.

I never saw my baby girl again.

She's now in her thirties and blames me for everything wrong with her life. Her mother and grandparents raised her to be a complete psycho - but that's what the anti-family Marxist system does.

According to the Marxists, men - specifically White men are bad. The Marxists know that if they destroy White families, society and the nation will collapse. And that's the Marxist goal: Anarchy and revolution followed by legalised tyranny in the name of false equality.

We live in a top-down revolution led by the uber-rich enforced by the political powers of the police state. Gender, gender identity, gender transition along with the obligatory sterilisation, race and immigration are all their weapons of choice. Their endgame is to remove all borders and implement world slavery ... because it will make them richer.

That is what we call White Genocide. A Racial Holy War. Can you dig it?

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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