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Australia: New Reserve Bank Executive Campaigns for Mass Immigration

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Mon 16 Dec 2024

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So what's new? The uber-rich libtards hate workers' rights, and so need to exterminate the White Race in order to bring about globalised slavery for the remaining poor self-hating fellow libtard Whites and their nig-nog compatriots. If you haven't heard, poverty and slavery are the new equality. Not that the rich believe it would ever affect them, as they grovel at the foot of the golden throne of their masters in Jerusalem. ~ @Cailen.

Meet the new Reserve Bank executive who says it is unfair to blame record immigration for the housing crisis

* Jennifer Westacott will join a new Reserve Bank board

* She had lobbied for higher immigration during housing crisis

Jennifer Westacott - She's also a Dyke who pushed for Fag Marriage

Excerpt: A business leader who lobbied Anthony Albanese to ramp up immigration during a housing crisis has been appointed to a Reserve Bank board.

Jennifer Westacott, the former head of the Business Council of Australia appointed to the RBA's new governance board with a five-year term starting on March 1 next year.

The former head of the lobby group for millionaire chief executives last year called for record-high immigration as tenants struggled to find somewhere to live.

The influx of immigrants has made life hard for renters. While Australia's underlying inflation rate rose by a severe 6.7 per in the year.

Despite that evidence, Ms Westacott released a report suggesting it was unfair and racist to blame high immigration for Australia's housing shortage.

'Migration should not be the scapegoat for poor planning and the failure to deliver housing supply,' the Business Council of Australia said.

Ms Westacott made that argument as a record 548,800 migrants moved to Australia in the year to September 2023.
Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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