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"Creativity totally materialistic. I cannot join ... I need Spirituality"

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Thu 25 Jul 2013

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Quote from: Br.IanVonTurpie on Sat 27 Jul 2013Perhaps it is more about the journey than the destination?

Of course it is. 

Quote from: Br.IanVonTurpie on Sat 27 Jul 2013I have been told doctors have tried to find a reason for that subconscious part of you. They have weighed a person before death and they are heavier in comparison to the weight the same people are minuites later when they are dead.

I have seen those studies and concluded that the "soul" weighs about the same as the air that exhales the lungs when someone dies. 

Quote from: Br.IanVonTurpie on Sat 27 Jul 2013Then there are people that have died and in the operating theatre they see perhaps a Nurse has dropped something on the floor, they get brought back to life and say "yeah I saw when that Nurse over there dropped that item". Their spirit leaves their body and they return?

Terms like the "spirit" is often used today, as well in the past, to explain phenomenon that is, at the moment, unexplainable.  Keep in mind that reports that you have referenced is very rare, not common.   Also, consider that the White race is continuously evolving, just like all other life forms in nature.  I am willing to bet you that these rare cases are really people who are sensitive to bits and glimpses of the fourth dimension, spacetime

Quote from: Br.IanVonTurpie on Sat 27 Jul 2013
Do you really think when you die , you go to a box and that's "game over"?    Not sure I do.

It's game over when you do not pass on your DNA to the next generation.  When YOU die, then it is over for YOU, so make every day count. 
Stephen Masten has breached his Ministerial Oath.
Therefore, he has been expelled from Creativity in Bad Standing.
All support & protection within prison has been lifted.


I think what bugs me the most is the white race is degenerating, or de-evolutionising it's self. Seems to me the white people that are breeding a lot are dumb -dumbs like the "honey boo boo child"family.

The kind of people that are professional breeders to dozens of dads, raise the kids with a lack of discipline and respect and have a childlike and animalistic nature.

If all the smart women are working or don't want children, that means all the dumb women are the breeders!

Yes ZOG has a big hand in this with "the bastard kids of the 1970's love generation" as it's soldiers. ZOG's media machine to pollute the minds of people with immoral stuff branded as normal such as :- race mixing, homosexual families, multiculturalism, international free trade unions.

Do we have many :- Beethovens? Raphaellos? Da Vincis? Where are all these sorts of people now? Seems now the genius people who are white are like the Autistic ones that have certain gifts that find patterns and methods in things .. when to most  all they see is "white noise". Almost like God has shut one door for them in their lives and opened another for them?

Are youth are more into drugs and alcohol and material things , rather than politics, racial pride, religion  or development activities like :- music, art, martial arts, design theories and practice. Can we keep up ? I mean look at the armies North Korea has and China and the discipline they have.
When the Australian army has it's personell march in the Homosexual parade about gay rights it makes you wonder how we'd fare against a neighbouring adversary.

As far as this "un-known phenomina" you talk of goes and 4th dimentional stuff. Mate , it is real , you just have to dig deep to it. If you are sceptical it won't come to you. Once again it is something you feel not something you measure or record. A lot of aincient people knew about divination and "magic" white or not.

What I am trying to get through is that the Universe has a certain way of talking to you back if you ask questions to it, weather they come in the form of :- dreams , divination tools like rods or pendulums, Ouija boards, tea leaf reading, rune stones or Tarot reading or even reading of dominoes, mirror scriving, using birds to give you an answer by putting out cards with probable answers on them all containing seeds and waiting for the first bird to eat from a certain card, Pyramid power to assist the fertility of plant, crystal energies and healing .

I personally have a lot of parallel matches. I could be in my car listening to "the Ramones" and then a chick will walk infront of me with a Ramones shirt on. Weird considering not a lot of people in my town listen to them(and 3/4 of the band are dead) Or I'll be thinking a certain word or thinking about something and then on the TV or radio they'll say it or something will turn up involving that word. I have been thinking about a certain person .. and minuites later they pop up on the street or they contact me on the phone or sms.

The weirdest thing that has happened to me, was I became pen pals with a Spanish guy when I was in Australia , a couple years later I was in Madrid and I lost his details but really wanted to meet him, I knew what he looked like, and saw him in a square and I spoke to him in person and we were both freaked out!

Is this a coincidence or is it the universe trying to communicate with us?
Yes to many this is all up in the sky stuff..

The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


Br. Ian Von Turpie,

The more that you talk, the more I come to appreciate Klassen's bluntness and straightforwardness.  Klassen often said that the first thing we need to do is straighten out the White man's thinking, and to do that, we must go back to square one by basing our White man's religion on the laws of nature, history, logic and common sense.  That's Creativity. 

But if you still insist on looking for your "pie-in-the-sky-when-you-die," why look to Bruce Lee and other non-Whites when there are far better White men like Carl Gustav Jung, Don Miguel Serrano, and others, who spent their lives trying to discover the White man's race-soul.

Here is an article by Ron McVan, who was a one time Hastas Primus for the Church of the Creator:

Stephen Masten has breached his Ministerial Oath.
Therefore, he has been expelled from Creativity in Bad Standing.
All support & protection within prison has been lifted.


O.K , so Bruce Lee isn't white, but he was a freak with extrodinary skills.
Anyway because some one isn't white it doesn't mean they are dumb and unknowledgeable or have certain  interesting skills.

Who do you think is the better person? If you'd compare Bruce lee and the white Mum out of "honey boo boo child"?

In the same way If I feel like Indian food or Chinese food ,I will consume it. Yes! Not our recipie but so what? The same way a Chinese guy can eat the English meat and 3 veg and Yorkshire pudding meal or the Italian Spaghetti dishes if he chooses to.

There are a lot of things we can learn from non whites, things we don't understand. For example :- the aincient building techniques of :- The Bolivians, The Egyptians, Easter Islanders , The Mayans and the Cambodians, what their beliefs were and how they used no machines and limited tools to create such architecture.

We can't ignore non whites and the knowledge they have either. If you ever want to learn how to be cunning and ruthless .. just try do business with a subcontinental.

We have love and respect for each other generally as white people.. But some of these non whites are that ruthless they will rip the carpet out from under you at any opportunity. With multiculturalism and these  people occupying our spaces.. you have to think and act on their level just to get on top.

I am white and proud and I would like to do things to help the white race..and help other whites and rip ZOG's blindfold off they put on their faces but you can't sell to me the whole " when you die you go into a box in the ground.. GAME OVER" kind of thing.

The world we live in to far too complex to think nothing made the grand  system.

The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


Interesting you bring up a link to Carl Gustav Jung. I have spoken in my former posts about patterns of life and seemingly unconnected events were indeed connected. He noted that everyday human experience is filled with meaningful coincidences and synchronity.

Jung's study of synchronisticevents lead him to examine occult practices, from astrology to the I-ching and tarot.He deduced that the mysteries revealed by these practices were not mysteries at all but events common to us on our paths of life.

Jung called our common  recurrent characters and common situations "archetypes".

He believed the aincient fortune telling methods revealed these archetypes to us symbolically.

He noted that  although modern science is "based on the principal of casuality".

Occult methods look to a "picture of the moment ".Jung concluded that Tarot cards were descended from archetypes of transformation".

Tarot cards are a way for us to connect with the archetypical wisdom of the human collective unconscious. The tarot deck it'self is a a portrait of the human condition, it's potential and possibilities.

What do dreams have to with the tarot?The metaphors in the dreams and in the Tarot have a lot in common.

Jung believed that all humans have and share common archetypes, but most of us get intouch with them through the subconscious. Tarot and dreams are a way of tapping into the "other you that is you.. THE SUBCONSCIOUS YOU".
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


I think that "spirituality" is a nebulous concept at best. Ben Klassen basically said it was a state of being confused and enamoured with something the individual hadn't the foggiest clue about what it was. I remember when I was a Christian I felt very "spiritual" at seeing sunbeams over the sea and the old Christian abbeys of England and old Christian sites in scotland such as Iona. Or seeing sunsets and feeling over brimmed with love for God. I have felt that I was guided and that the natural display had been put on especially for me by the Lord. I have also felt very spiritual at pagan sites, at stone circles and megaliths at sunset and sunrise..or being on mountain tops. I have in fact felt transcended and closer to god. But it was a self deception.
It was when I was young and knew less. The reality is that I was just happy and felt good to be alive witnessing natures beautiful natural phenomena. I felt without burden because god would sort out my life..ergo I felt very happy. I was in fact delusional as much as any pot smoking hippy...that there were supernatural beings guiding me.
Again the reality was just that i was happy to be fit, healthy and alive. If that is all spirituality is then anyone can achieve it anytime with anything from drugs to Islam to Creativity. Its not such a great nor unusual thing and you don't need a body of lies such as Abrahamic religion or anything else to feel it.
Formerly with the Premier Church of Creativity under Ben Klassen, PM.

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