Creator Forum - Racial Loyalty News Online

Racial Loyalty News => Creativity in the (((MSM / News))) => Topic started by: Rev.Cambeul on Sat 05 Mar 2016

Title: 2016-03-03 Russia: World Religions
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Sat 05 Mar 2016
This one is from Russia, which has its own media following much the same agenda as the US/Western MSM - although from the other side of the fence. As always, these useless bastards get it wrong ...

Bacon, Spaghetti Monster and Football: World's Most Exotic Religions

Sputnik News ( | 3 March 2016 (

Since the dawn of mankind religious worship of all forms has been an intrinsic part of human culture, from primitive forms of animism to institutionalized religious beliefs.


Creativity Religion

Creativity is a religious movement that was founded as the Church of the Creator in the state of Illinois by Ben Klassen in 1973. Klassen designed the church to offer an all-encompassing worldview based on veneration of the white race.

The Church preaches the creative superiority of the white race and although they use the word church in their name, it is an atheistic doctrine that denies any non-material phenomena.

Creativity has Sixteen Commandments that deal primarily with adherents' conduct and the Five Fundamental Beliefs of Creativity that sum up the basic doctrines of the movement. Creators are encouraged to narrate those five fundamentals daily.

After Klassen's death in 1993, the church practically ceased to exist. It was however, revived in three years thanks to the efforts of Matthew F. Hale, the supreme bishop of the church. However, he was jailed for murder in 2003.

Klassen ideas share two separate organizations, '*' and 'Creativity Alliance' (Church of Creativity). Both have four-rite sacraments: weddings, children's treatment, neophytes and funerals.

The American legal and human rights organization Southern Poverty Law Center considers this a neo-Nazi movement.
Title: Re: 2016-03-03 Russia: World Religions
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Thu 05 May 2016 (

Le ministère néo-zélandais de l'Intérieur vient d'autoriser la célébration de mariages dans l'Eglise du monstre de spaghettis volant, reconnaissant ainsi le mouvement religieux "pastafari" fondé aux Etats-Unis. A cette occasion, nous vous invitons à découvrir six nouveaux cultes bizarres.

Quoique Moïse ait mis en garde contre la fabrication d'idoles, les peuples continuent à s'obstiner farouchement, d'autant plus de nos jours. Certains vénèrent la bouffe, d'autres adorent les personnalités publiques. Les uns le font avec sérieux, tandis que les autres y voient un moyen de lancer un défi au conformisme et à la foi aveugle. En voici des preuves.

Une créativité modérée

La mission de l'Eglise de la Créativité, ayant son siège dans l'Illinois, est de créer un monde "plus blanc et plus brillant". Son fondateur et inspirateur idéologique Ben Klassen a commencé à "prêcher" en 1973. En dépit du mot "église", il s'agit d'une pensée athéiste déniant tous les phénomènes non-matériels.

Après le décès de Klassen, en 1993, l'église a pratiquement cessé d'exister, pour renaître trois ans plus tard grâce aux efforts de Matthew F. Hale, son archevêque. Mais, dix ans plus tard ce dernier a été jeté derrière les barreaux pour... meurtre.

Police say controversial leaflet from the 'Church of Creativity' claiming 'white race is... ( (
— Sheffield Humanists (@SHShumanists ( 27 mars 2015

​Deux organisations à part entière partagent les idées de Klassen: le ... et l'Alliance créative. Les adeptes observent quatre rites: noces, conversions d'enfants, de néophytes et obsèques.
