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I Formally Resign My Position as Pontifex Maximus of the Church of Creativity

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Tue 01 Dec 2015

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Be it known: As of the end of this year's Festum Album, I, Reverend Cailen Cambeul of the Church of Creativity South Australia resign my position as Pontifex Maximus of the Creativity Alliance.

I have held the position of PM for seven years now, and before that, I did the same job without the title of PM for six years before that. And to be honest, in all likelihood, I expect I'll have to continue in the job for some time still until someone both competent and willing steps forth to take on the all-important position of the Pontifex Maximus of the Church of Creativity. Therefore, for however long it is required of me, I will continue my administrative duties at the head of the Church without fail and I accept the title of Church Administrator.

There are some of you who are in the know that have already made it clear that Church Administrator is not a worthy title for the head of the Church and that I should accept another traditional title sometimes given to leaders in our Church, such as Imperator. If that's what you want, it's fine with me; although I am perfectly happy with the simple, job description of Church Administrator - which itself is of Latin, if not imperial origin.

And again, I am perfectly happy with Reverend Cambeul - whether or not I am addressed as Pontifex Maximus Emeritus (PME) is up to you.

Authority - Church Administrator vs Pontifex Maximus

As PM, I answered to the Guardians of the Faith Committee. Every decision I made other than general administrative duties had to be justified to the GFC. A majority vote of the GFC can overturn a decision by the PM. As Church Administrator, I do not answer to the GFC. It is my task to make those unilateral decisions that benefit the Church. The PM must always put on a (figurative) smile, listen to and tolerate the most asinine advice from all sides, and always respond in a way that is positive and boosts morale, keeping a happy balance amongst Church Members come what may. It's the job of a politician. As Church Administrator I don't give a damn for playing politics. If you are incompetent or show disrespect for Church Leaders or I perceive there to be any lack of Loyalty for the Church, I will fire you from your position in the Church with barely a moment's notice, if that's what I feel is best for the Church. On the other hand, I will reward excellence when I see it; let the better man win.

If you think that is the talk of a dictator, then you are right. By ancient Roman definition, the dictator was a chief magistrate with absolute power, appointed in an emergency. As long as the Church does not have a Pontifex Maximus, it is an emergency. I will continue consider the Guardians of the Faith Committee to be ... somewhat lacking in their efforts as the Leaders of the Church. When the GFC are able to nominate a competent candidate as PM, I will gladly step down and assist with returning absolute control of the Church to the GFC and assist with the appointment of the new PM. Until I the day I retire as Church Administrator, I will retain the right to veto any and all decisions made by the GFC.

For anyone who thinks that I am being decidedly unfriendly, I remind you that I am not here to be your friend. I am here to do a job - and so are you. Anyone who does not like that should pull their thumb out of their arse and begin arrangements for the appointment of a new PM or get the hell out. Creators are doers; not whining bitches.


Do not send me any donations. For tax purposes, any money sent to me will be considered a personal gift. The cost for purchase of membership packages, flags and such ... remains unchanged. I pay for the manufacture and delivery of items and am entitled to be financially reimbursed. If you really want to make a donation, purchase something from Creativity Storefront I get one or two dollars per item sold there and it costs me $10 per month to keep it running. I would greatly appreciate your purchase/donation.

Church Recruitment

Nothing changes. Six months mandatory Church Prospective status for all newcomers. Twelve months if their personal history shows previous conflict with the Church.

That's it for now. If I have anything to add I will update this post. So I'll leave you with a warning: No matter the position or title I currently hold, from this moment forth, I will be working under the new rules. I am not Ben Klassen seeking a successor and I am not dying. It is you, the Church Member, that needs to succeed me.

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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