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US High School Teacher: ‘180 Days’ to Turn Students ‘into Revolutionaries’

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Wed 01 Sep 2021

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This certainly is not news to me. Ever since the hippies took over as school teachers in the early 1970's, they've been pushing the same Leftard agenda. If you resisted that agenda - even as a 5 or 6 year old - you were thrown out of the class and left in the hallway,  Yes, I was THAT BAD BOY in 1975 forced out into the hallway that wandered off, while the rest of you kids were too afraid to speak up and instead sang those hippy protest tunes. I was THAT RACIST HIGH SCHOOL DROPOUT who in 1985 dismissed the school hero, Martin Luther King as just some dead nigger.

Tell me, what has changed?

Watch– Teacher: '180 Days' to Turn Students 'into Revolutionaries'

Dr Susan Berry | Breitbart (USA) | 31 August 2021

A video released Tuesday by Project Veritas (PV), led by James O'Keefe, appears to show a California public high school Advanced Placement Government teacher bragging that he is using Antifa propaganda to indoctrinate his students.

"I have 180 days to turn them into revolutionaries," Gabriel Gipe, who teaches at Inderkum High School in Sacramento, California, is heard saying in the video, as other voices are heard speaking loudly in the background.

Asked by the PV undercover journalist how he does that, the video shows the teacher saying, "Scare the f**k out of them."

"The Sacramento organization that is under the banner of Antifa is very loosely organized, right?" the teacher is heard explaining to the interviewer in the video. "So, like, when there's right-wing rallies and stuff then, we like, we'll create an opposition to that. Yeah."

The video shows Gipe telling the PV journalist, who is posing as a left-wing sympathizer, that Sacramento "is incredibly diverse, but we're surrounded by a bunch of right-wing rednecks."

"The other really big organization in our area, if you're looking to get involved, is NorCal Resist," the teacher seems to recommend to the interviewer. "NorCal Resist does direct outreach for undocumented folks. They help them with material support as well as legal aid and support with the help of National Lawyers Guild. So, they [Antifa] work in tandem with each other."

The video then shows Gipe stating his goal is to get students "out in the community."

"I want to get them familiar with organizations that are doing work, what type of work they're doing, how they can be involved, where their passion is and what they can contribute," he appears to explain, adding there is "so much more" to do than "just sharing a tweet or posting on Instagram."

Nevertheless, Gipe also seems to say he encourages his students to use social media to propagandize.

"Like, these are all great tools on how to get – you know, it's like, I've met so many people in my life who, when they met me, thought I was off the wall, right?" the teacher is heard saying in the video. "And, now, they're all Marxists, right? You know, and I'm just like, your political identification changed."

The video then shows Gipe explaining how students grow more left-wing as they progress through school:

Quote from: The RedAnd, so, I have a huge political spectrum in my room, on the wall. So, they [students] take an ideology quiz in their unit four and I put their face – they have to give me a picture of themselves – and I put it on the wall, where they are. Every year, they [students] get further and further left. And I've made them pay attention to where my tac marks are. Because, I'm like, "These ideologies are considered extremes, right? Extreme times breed extreme ideologies, right?"

"There is a reason why Generation Z, these kids, are becoming further and further left," he is heard saying.

The discussion continues as the PV journalist asks how his 17-year-old son might become involved with these groups.

"Where would he go to connect with some of these organizations?" the journalist is heard asking.

"I post a calendar every week," Gipe appears to say.

The video then shows the teacher explaining how students can earn extra credit for participating in the opposition to the "right-wing rallies."

"Like and so, that encourages them to do it," he is heard saying. "And I've had students show up for protests, community events, tabling, food distribution. All sorts of things."

Gipe then gives the appearance of elaborating that "when they [students] go [to Antifa events], they take pictures, write up a reflection, that's their extra credit."

The video then shows the wall of Gipe's classroom, on which viewers can see an Antifa flag and a poster of Mao Zedong, the former chairman of the Chinese Communist Party.

"I'm probably as far left as you can go," the teacher is heard saying.

In an apparent discussion of the "Chinese cultural revolution" during the 1960s, Gipe seems to say it "ultimately failed."

He is heard in the video referring to the many "excesses" associated with that revolution.

"People were definitely, like, you know, shot in the streets, that probably shouldn't have been," he seems to acknowledge.

The video then shows Gipe telling the PV journalist he and his wife are "political organizers" and that he himself has been organizing since he was 13 years old, "in a ton of different organizations and I've been on the front lines."

He is heard explaining it is easy to indoctrinate older high school students because their parents are less involved in their lives.

"Yeah, because a lot of senior parents, at this point, have backed off. Right?" he seems to note. "So, they're just kinda like, 'Well, you can fend for yourself.'"

Gipe gives the impression that some parents of younger students, and some students themselves, have complained about what they see in his classroom:

Quote from: The RedLike, I have an Antifa flag on my wall. And a student complained about that, and he said it made him feel uncomfortable. Well, this [Antifa flag] is made to make fascists feel uncomfortable. So, if you feel uncomfortable, I don't really know what to tell you.

The video shows Gipe explaining that, in order for socialism to truly take root in the United States, there must be cultural and economic shifts.

"We need to be able to attack both fronts," he is heard saying, and elaborating:

Quote from: The RedWe need to create parallel structures of power because we cannot rely on the state. So, we need to distribute food, necessities. We need to create those mutual aid programs that we can look back at groups like the  Panthers, and learn from their successes as well as their mistakes. As well as consistently focusing on education and a change of cultural propaganda.

"We have to convince people that this [socialism] is what we actually need," he apparently states.

As Breitbart News has reported, education researcher Stanley Kurtz has warned about the proposed "action civics" curricula that ultimately teach America's students how to community organize for leftist causes with a woke education program based on Critical Race Theory.

Kurtz, the author of the Partisanship Out of Civics Act, a model for legislation that seeks to ban action civics at the state level, explained to Breitbart News the new "education threat" is "a one-two punch that combines (((Alinskyite))) community organizing with woke education based on Critical Race Theory."

He observed that, in this new "action civics" framework, "teachers organize their students for demonstrations and lobbying on behalf of leftist causes."

"Action civics also lets students volunteer with leftist community organizations and participate in their advocacy for course credit," Kurtz noted. "If you layer 'culturally responsive' woke education on top of that, teachers are forced to indoctrinate students with ideas like 'systemic racism,' 'white privilege,' and 'gender fluidity.'"

In July, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) vetoed a misleading bill that would have allowed state sponsorship and funding of "action civics" in schools.

The bill passed the Florida legislature unanimously with the backing of prominent sponsors and would have required the Florida commissioner of education to "develop criteria for a civic literacy practicum that meets certain goals" and authorize "time spent on specified civic engagement activities to count toward requirements for certain scholarships and academic awards," the bill's description stated.

In his veto message, DeSantis said, "The proposed bill seeks to further so-called 'action civics' but does so in a way that risks promoting the preferred orthodoxy of two particular institutions."

"For these reasons, I withhold my approval of SB 146 and do hereby veto the same," the governor said.

Among "action civics" bills at the federal level is the Civics Secures Democracy Act, introduced by Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), and backed by Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) and Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK).

Historians launch 'History Reclaimed' to combat 'simply fake' narratives

Favourite Quotes
Kosher-Con Sky News Australia Presenter:
- "Doesn't that feel like 1930's Europe, though?"

Emeritus Professor Cambridge University:
- "It reminds me of 1960's and 70's" .... There was a time when Marxist influence was very strong."

BTW, I wrote the introduction to this topic a half an hour before I found this video. According to popular Marxist diatribe and Google/YouTube practice, this is a case of me seeking out Validation of Thought/Opinion. Apparently I am wrong to watch the above video and feel validated - a video that was recommend by YouTube. What I'm supposed to do is now spend the next 18 hours viewing opinions opposed to my own. When my opinion alters to that of the accepted Politically Correct type, then - and only then, will my opinions become valid.


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Which Came First - And from Where?

A Clockwork Orange, Star Trek ...
It all began with the George Orwell classic - 1984
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Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Angry Parents Have the Reds on the Run ...

Furious Parents Attend California School Board Meeting Where Radical Antifa Teacher is Set to be Fired After Project Veritas Exposé (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila | The Gateway Pundit (USA) | 1 September 2021

24 hours after the Project Veritas exposé, the school district announced they are taking the legally required steps to fire the teacher.

Parents screamed at school board members for allowing their children to be intimidated and indoctrinated by Gipe.

One man cussed out the school board asking them how they couldn't have known about Gabriel Gipe's extremism given that he plastered his classroom walls with his views.

24 hours after the Project Veritas exposé, the school district announced they are taking the legally required steps to fire the teacher.

Parents screamed at school board members for allowing their children to be intimidated and indoctrinated by Gipe.

One man cussed out the school board asking them how they couldn't have known about Gabriel Gipe's extremism given that he plastered his classroom walls with his views.
Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

Crypto Coin Details in Forum Profile

Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

Crypto Coin Details in Forum Profile

Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.

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