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Two NEGRO 'Cops' Murdered Two WHITE Females On Jan 6 Capital Protest

Started by G.L.R., Mon 14 Feb 2022

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MUST SEE WAR ROOM: Jan. 6 Victim Philip Anderson Joins Steve Bannon to Tell His Story on How He Nearly Died Next to Rosanne Boyland at the Hands of Capitol Police (VIDEO)
February 12, 2022
Negroes continue their murderous ways as these two did on January 6th

Activist Philip Anderson spoke with The Gateway Pundit about the Jan. 6 protests at the US Capitol and how the Capitol police murdered Rosanne Boyland and nearly took his life too. This was an amazing eyewitness report that has been ignored by the fake news media because it does not fit their narrative. A black Trump supporter was gassed with clouds of pepper spray, pushed down, and then nearly trampled to death as police officers continued to push Trump supporters on top of a pile of people outside the US Capitol. Anderson described how Rosanne Boyland was the first woman killed by Capitol police that day. Ashli Babbitt was the second woman killed by Capitol Hill police.

This photo shows Philip Anderson nearly unconscious being dragged away by Trump supporters after being crushed under a pile on Jan. 6. Rosanne Boylan was next to him when she died. Philip Anderson fell and was being smothered as police officers continued to push Trump supporters on top of him. Philip told The Gateway Pundit how he was holding Rosanne's hand when she died. A second eye-witness also contacted The Gateway Pundit following our interview with Philip and confirmed his account. And Jake Lang, a January 6 prisoner currently held with trial or rights inside the Washington DC prison, also confirmed this report. Jake Lang rescued Philip Anderson that day. He is pictured dragging Philip Anderson to safety away from the police.

Capitol Police investigators ruled the beating of unconscious Trump supporter Rosanne Boyland by Capitol Police officers until she died was "objectively reasonable." Lt. Mike Byrd was exonerated after he shot Trump supporter Ashli Babbit in cold blood inside the US Capitol that day. Investigators did not even interview Byrd before he was exonerated! Officer Lila Morris was filmed beating Rosanne Boyland repeatedly with a stick while she lay on the ground motionless. Morris was later cheered by the media. On Saturday Philip Anderson joined Steve Bannon on the War Room. Steve held Philip over for two segments. Steve Bannon asked Philip to Washington DC to testify before the authorities.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


The statistics don't lie. And they show the same picture regardless of the source.  This needs to be REPEATED over and over to our daily guests.

Rosanne Boyland murdered by Capitol Police Lila Morris

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


It's open season on Whitey.  Negro murderer Michael Byrd promoted to captain.

On January 6, 2021, US veteran and Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt was shot in cold blood by Capitol Police Lt. Mike Byrd inside the US Capitol... Lt. Mike Byrd was Ashli Babbit's killer. Lt. Byrd killed Ashli Babbitt in cold blood on Jan. 6 inside the US Capitol.  Another woman and Trump supporter, Rosanne Boyland, was killed by Capitol Police outside the US Capitol. Her body was then dragged through the US Capitol.  Ashli Babbitt was gunned down in cold blood inside the US Capitol. She was 98 pounds and posed no threat and had no weapons. Mike Byrd also had a habit of leaving his loaded gun in US Capitol restrooms. In August 2021, Lt. Mike Byrd was exonerated for killing Ashli Babbitt in cold blood. He gave no warning, he ran from the scene of the crime... Judicial Watch released documents that revealed the US Air Force spent tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars to House Mike Byrd in a "distinguished visitor suite" after he murdered Ashli Babbitt in cold blood. Today RollCall reported that Lt. Mike Byrd was promoted to Captain.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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