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Phillip Marlowe (Incog Man) Is Back: "Jigs Totally Insane" Here's Why...

Started by G.L.R., Thu 26 Sep 2024

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Phillip Marlowe@INCOGMAN

JIGS ARE TOTALLY INSANE. Everybody knows it. Just this past weekend, a Jig in LA went haywire aboard city bus, took the driver and 5 passengers hostage at gunpoint and forced the driver to keep on driving. One passenger was hit by a car escaping the bus. Another passenger was shot multiple times to death. A similar story happened in APElanta this past June, with a passenger shot dead, too. Crazy Negro bus events happen all the time. A Jig once followed an elderly White woman off a bus and bloodily stabbed her to death on the sidewalk just because she looked at him the wrong way.

You can't have any kind of safe mass transportation as long as crazy, violent Jigs can use it. You see all the trouble NYC has with the subway system? Over this same weekend a shirtless Jig jumped the turnstyles and when cops tried to arrest him whipped out a knife. Electric tasers had no effect on him (he probably was jacked up on meth). Finally, cops had to shoot his ass when he came at them. Unfortunately, the black cop got a bit too wild with his shooting and hit another passenger in the head. Since that passenger was a sacred Jig too, everybody got upset and they ran the story on Nightly News as another example of bad cops treating the poor widdle ever-so-innocent homies so terribly. It'll cost NYC taxpayers millions.  FREE ROAMING JIGS ARE WRECKING-BALLS IN WHITE CIVILIZATIONS.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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