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Ohio: Illegal Haitians Allowed to Drive Without Licences

Started by G.L.R., Wed 18 Sep 2024

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Influx of wild-driving Haitian migrants turning streets of Springfield, Ohio, into combat zone: 'Eight to 10 accidents a day here
Sept 12, 2024
Kathy Heaton experienced this firsthand on Dec. 1 — a day after her 71st birthday — when a Haitian migrant ran her down while she was collecting her garbage cans. And the driver got off scot-free.

Dissident Patriot@Disspat

So Haitians are crashing cars all over Springfield, which sucks, but this begs the question - how are these alleged 'refugees' buying late model cars? Most of them apparently don't have a driver's license or insurance, and yet they all seem to be able to purchase a vehicle

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


Watched another video on this town with 30,000 illegal Haitians.  The host of the utube video talked to local Whites, who stated that they were driving $100,000 cars (yes, watched other videos of car lots selling these vehicles. Inflation?).  As the utube host talked to the Whites, they pointed out the Haitian down the street who then drove by in his expensive car. 

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


What looks to be a new problem to many Americans appears to be a problem we have long lived with in Australia. Here's some examples ...

Given Money: It looks like the same setup as Australia. Any creature deemed to be a refugee is given a government grant paid for by the taxpayer. After taking the payments off their wives and kids, the first thing the nogs do is to go out and buy a fancier car than I'll ever own.

Bad Driving:  The bastards can't drive here either. Gooks are bad drivers, Pakis worse, but Africoons are a death threat on wheels. Where I was living previously just over ten years ago, I watched a bitumen ape get into its car, chuck it in reverse and drive through a neighbour's wooden fence into an inground pool. The pool owners had to get a crane to remove the car. I also have to report that it was a sad ending; the nig-nog did not drown.

Eating The Ducks:  A common problem in Australia are the recent arrival Gooks - from China, Vietnam .... Every now and again they kill and eat the tame ducks in the local parks. MSM hides it, but every now and again a story manages to leak out. So this is a common problem everywhere in the formerly all-White Nations. Primitive so-called people just cannot adapt to modern life. And as a result, we have fewer ponds with ducks.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


These invaders the UN demanded we all take, do get money but what gets up my nose is they get the "silver service" with everything because there are subsidies given to certain businesses and educational facilities to accommodate them - them, not us.

Bloody Sorros and the UN make sure the miscegenators and disrupters and thieves are looked after first!

There is one school in Adelaide's north, a private school that is totally Niggered out! They couldn't generally afford to give the school the funds for a proper education, but the system made sure it worked for them and gave them OUR public housing, and a free ride.

They breed large families and get access to larger public houses. If they stick them in your Public Housing zone, you have to suck it up and deal with their disruptions! Which can be as simple as their refusal to put garbage bins out. Instead, they pile up garbage bags anywhere off their property and leave them for the rats and foxes to rip apart and rot. Garbage men do not pick up garbage bags; they only pick up garbage bins. The Nogs don't understand, don't care and won't be told. And so the area turns into a stinking garbage dump overnight because a large family of Nig-Nogs has moved into your zone.
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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Aleister Adams

And the Democraps are giving this filth the world at our expense. America will have to take a stand soon.

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