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Now Tennessee Passes Bill Requiring Watermarks On Absentee Ballots

Started by G.L.R., Fri 30 Apr 2021

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Tennessee Legislature Passes Bill Requiring Watermarks on Absentee Ballots

April 30, 2021

An example of a watermarked paper used in postage stamps.  They did this for penny, nickel and dime stamps, but not for ballots you went out of your way to cast!

Tennessee's Legislature approved a bill that requires the addition of a watermark on all absentee ballots in a nearly unanimous vote. Senate Bill 1314 passed the Senate in a 27-0 vote on Monday, and the  House adopted the state Senate version of the bill on Tuesday in a 92-1  vote.  Gov. Bill Lee, a Republican, is expected to sign the measure.  "I think this bill is to ensure that absentee ballots that go out  have an additional security measure," Republican state Rep. Bruce Griffey said. "Democrats are for secure elections," Democratic state Rep. Antonio Parkinson added in praising the bill, according to local media. "Don't get it twisted." "All Tennesseans desire secure elections," noted Republican state  Rep. Jerome Moon."

A prior version of the bill required that election officials and commissions could not use private funds for carrying out an election. The amended version that passed in the Legislature was only about adding watermarks.  The bill's passage is the latest effort among state legislatures to  shore up election integrity measures. This week, the Florida House and  Senate placed restrictions on mail-in balloting and drop-boxes. "It's easier now than it's ever been. You have vote by mail. You got  early [voting]. You got the drop box and you got in-person [voting]. And  20 to 30 years ago, you did not have this many opportunities," Florida  Republican state Sen. Travis Hutson said... "I believe that every legal vote should count. I believe one  fraudulent vote is one too many.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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