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New Jan 6 Footage Shows DC Negress 'Cop' Bashing Unconscious Trump Supporter

Started by G.L.R., Sun 01 May 2022

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New Jan. 6 Footage Shows DC Police Officer Bashing Unconscious Trump Supporter Who Died At Capitol

April 29th 2022

Footage obtained and compiled by The Epoch Times shows a Capitol Police officer beating a female January 6 protester, despite the woman being unconscious at the time and quite possibly already dead.

The previously unseen footage follows the final moments of Rosanne Boyland, one of the four people who died at the capitol that day. Boyland fell down and was crushed as police used tear gas and pepper spray while pushing back on a crowd attempting to penetrate an arched entryway into the Capitol building.She was later attended by other protesters who begged police for help, telling them, "She's gonna die! She's gonna die!" Amid the chaos one officer is seen using a baton to strike Boyland's body three times, once in the ribs and twice in the head, as she laid out helplessly in dire need of emergency medical care. Boyland was also seen being struck a fourth time by Officer Lila Morris before the baton flies out of the officer's hand. Weapons expert and security consultant Stanley Kephart told the Epoch Times the strikes could constitute felony assault.

"I think that the first thing that occurred is an assault under the color of authority by Morris," Kephart said. "That is a crime, an arrestable offense."

The Epoch Times reports Boyland's family has been attempting to dispute the DC medical examiner's ruling that she died from an Adderall overdose.

The footage also follows Boyland as she was dragged into a Capitol tunnel by officers who attempted various resuscitation efforts.

'Officer' Lila Morris was filmed beating Rosanne Boyland repeatedly with a stick while she lay on the ground motionless

Boyland's father told the Times he was shocked by the brutality seen in the new footage. "We are not 100 percent [certain of] when she actually passed,... and probably before Lila Morris got hold of that stick," said Rosanne's father, Bret Boyland. "No matter whether Rosanne was alive or not, we were shocked and appalled at the officer's attack."

Another innocent victim murdered by negro cops

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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