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Negro Defense Secretary Says He'll Bomb Syria Whenever He Wants

Started by G.L.R., Tue 09 Mar 2021

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Thug Life: New Black Defense Secretary Says He'll Bomb Syria Whenever He Wants

Andrew Anglin
March 8, 2021 
US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin won't say who  was behind a recent rocket attack on an American airbase in Iraq, but  his eyes are on Iran, and he says the US will strike again "at a time  and place of our own choosing." At least 10 missiles rained down on the Ain al-Asad airbase  in the Iraqi province of Anbar on Wednesday ... The attack came after President Joe  Biden ordered an airstrike on Iranian-backed militia targets in Syria –  which was similarly said to be a response to a previous rocket attack on  US targets in Iraq. Iran's level of control over the Shiite militias apparently  responsible for the attacks is unclear ... Austin told ABC News  in an interview released on Sunday. "You can expect that we will always hold people accountable for their  acts," Austin said, adding that should the US respond with force, it  will do so "at a time and place of our own choosing." Iran"... adding that the Islamic Republic should "choose to do the  right things."

The people bombing the bases are almost certainly controlled by the  CIA and not Iran. Iran really has no specific reason to send useless  Chinese firecrackers at US bases. The US contractor who died in Iraq died not of an explosion, but of a  heart attack. Probably, the sound of the alarm and trying to rush to  safety is what caused it. I've talked to a lot of people who have worked  at these bases, and if these firecrackers go off, they basically do a  fire drill. Tehran has accused the US of strengthening terrorism in  the region by attacking the Shiite militias, who are opposed to Sunni  extremist groups like Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS). "The attack on  anti-terrorist resistance forces is the beginning of a new round of  organized terrorism," Ali Shamkhani, secretary of Iran's Supreme  National Security Council, said late last month, adding that Iran  would "confront the US plan to revive terrorism in the region." Since taking office, Biden has shown no intention of pulling  US troops out of Iraq, despite promising a withdrawal more than a decade  ago as vice president. While former president Donald Trump oversaw the  transfer of a number of US bases to Iraqi authorities... some 2,500 still remain, with the Iraqi  parliament opposed to their presence.
People keep saying "why are the troops there," but the reason is obvious: they are there to get hit by rockets, which then justifies bombing the country. The United States has already set up an intricate puppet government  that they totally control using their democracy scam. There is no reason  these troops would be there, other than as an "in" to escalate  tensions. While he did manage to cut funding for ISIS, Donald Trump proved  completely incapable of getting the troops out. He kept telling the  Pentagon to pull them out and they just said "no." Joe Biden was vaguely sold as Obama II, and people should have  understood the implications. Obama was widely considered, by everyone on  the far left, to be a worse war president than George W. Bush...   Read more ...

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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